
A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3

author:Starlight Dreams

CCTV Variety broadcast the next phase of the "Walk of Fame" Spring Stage On April 3, continuing the previous phase of the "Walk of Fame" March Spring Stage Tournament last week. This spring stage competition is very interesting and interesting, focusing on the performance of the players and the information and stories of the players in all aspects, showing the other self of the players.

A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3

1st, the stage draw has a game feel. The "Walk of Fame" spring stage is divided into two stages, which is also the regular season championship challenge. 7 regular season champions, 10 challengers, competing for the top 6 spots in the spring stage. First, 10 challengers will draw lots to determine their serial number, and then according to the sequence number of two or two duels, the winner draws a weekly champion and then matches, determines a top 6 place, what kind of opponent is drawn, whose luck is good, depends on the draw. The first performance in this issue is the Little Prince and Grandma of Challenger No. 7, and the Spring Rain of Challenger No. 8. After two rounds of voting by the on-site audience jury and the star pusher, the little prince and grandma won the opportunity to challenge the regular season champion by lottery, which made people feel that the show was fun and had a sense of play, and it could also remind the audience of their own lottery experience.

A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3


Second, the dream house has a lot of functions. After watching this phase of the competition, I feel that the "Walk of Fame" has a lot of functions in this dream house. In the regular season, the players need to perform here, win enough votes to advance, open the door and rush out of the Dream House, directly on the "Walk of Fame", and at this stage, the players are performing on the "Walk of Fame", winning enough votes to compete for the top 6 seats, enter the Dream House, and sit on the top 6 throne. It's interesting, the regular season is coming out of the Dream House, and the stage game is going to the Dream House. This phase of the stage competition, the beginning of the continuation of the previous period of Huo Fangfang and Xie Lina showdown, Xie Lina won one of the top 6 thrones of the Dream House.

A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3

The little prince and grandma

Third, there are some things that can be learned from the players. When the audience watches the show, they also look at the excellent qualities and precious spirit of the contestants. In this issue of "Walk of Fame", the little prince and grandmother perform the acrobatic "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky". The audience felt that Grandma was old and a bit dangerous to perform acrobatics, but still couldn't help but watch, especially attracting the audience, in the self-statement on the stage, Grandma said that learning acrobatics, when to start learning is not too late. Contestant Chunyu, performing the dance "South of Caiyun", although eliminated, exhibited a unique self-confidence; Wang Kaiqi, singing very well, improvised the guzheng on the spot, telling the stubborn dream-chasing process; Gu Junpeng sent himself an original song. From these contestants, the program delivered some valuable spiritual food to the audience, which is also needed by society and the times.

A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3

Gu Junpeng

Fourth, the emotional story and personality of the contestants are easy to move the audience and be remembered by the audience. Zhao Yunlong, the contestant of this issue, is a brick factory worker from Jilin Songyuan to work and repay debts, has a special love for bricks, is called brick brother by the audience, he said on the stage, for the brick factory to invest everything, owed a lot of debt, he did is a concrete home block, extra light, fireproof insulation and heat insulation, 15 years to build a factory, think this home block is very promising, obsessed, put many years of old money into it, not enough, and borrow money everywhere in relatives and friends' homes, people see him are afraid of him borrowing money, A few years have not seen any effect in the past, but a lot of debt, in order to repay the debt with the daughter to do live broadcast, because the northeast is too cold in winter, this live broadcast needs to be outdoors, it will go to Guangxi Beihai. It is to meet this dilemma, this brick cause he does not want to give up, he said that this brick is in life, he feels that it is a matter of benefiting the country and the people, but also a promising career, the local demand for this home brick, the demand is relatively large, but because of the investment brick factory, the equipment is aging, need to be updated, the need for capital turnover, did not consider that there can be such a large investment. Far from home, what he was most worried about was his mother, who had never left his mother, and should not have left at all, but now there was no way, when the video of Zhao Yunlong's two sisters and his mother cheering on the big screen appeared, he burst into tears. At the scene, his daughter and son also came to the stage, and the moving story made people tear up. This northeast man, who carries everything himself, is so adversity, but can be so persistent, this dream of making bricks, although it has experienced setbacks, but the more setbacks it is, the more it can persist, this tenacity contains the Chinese national character of never giving up, but also contains a broad state of mind in the face of life's frustration. Zhao Yunlong's experience is very touching, and at the same time, it also makes us remember Brother Brick. The song he sang was "We the People", he sang very well, and the song also expressed his sincere feelings. But what challenged him was the Love You group, which was a husband and wife, one singing and one dancing, and the stage self-statement also fully expressed the beautiful love of life. After two rounds of voting by the on-site audience jury and the star pushers, Zhao Yunlong stopped at the stage stage. It is a great pity that this people player who has experience and dreams, has persistence, but never gives up, is eliminated and leaves, but his persistence in his dream has deeply touched the audience. Let us bless him: dry his tears and smile at life! Contestant Wen Ji, let the audience feel more intimate, her laughter, from the heart, and laughed very exaggerated, people who have heard her laughter, will remember her; these three groups of contestants in this program, in terms of emotional story and personality are more prominent, easy for the audience to remember.

A brief review of the Spring Season Stage Of the Walk of Fame on April 3

Zhao Yunlong

Fifth, from the contestants to the stage performance mistakes, pass on the power of the spirit. Li Ni, the contestant in this issue, performed the dance "Social Fire", a bit like the Shaanxi Dayang Song, fell in the performance, this wrestling affected her performance effect, in the final elimination, she could not help emotional fluctuations, to cry out, and has been explaining that she wrestled, it can be seen that at this time her heart is very unconvinced, and some frustration. Host Xiaoni borrowed the story of Yusheng Yusheng who fell down when he challenged figure skating 4A at the Beijing Winter Olympics, but his spirit is still remembered. Li Ni's emotions were quickly calmed, and she said goodbye to the stage stage in her usual state.

This issue of "Walk of Fame" has a more sense of form, feels better, and the stage program is also colorful. Of course, the selection of good players is the king of the show, is responsible for the audience, and the introduction of better players can harvest more audiences!