
Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

In the process of growing up, children will more or less do a lot of wrong things, and parents will also take corresponding educational measures for their children's mistakes.

But when the child "steals money", parents may feel that the situation is very serious and the education will be more severe.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money


"Yesterday I found out that the child stole money", just picked up the phone, the cousin suddenly came to say this.

The niece is a first-grade elementary school student, last night when she was turning over her cousin's wallet, she was discovered by her cousin, naturally it was an education, in the process of education, the cousin was very angry, saying that the child was a "thief", "did not show up", and even was punished for standing for an hour.

The niece is also very afraid of the parents' reprimand, crying very badly, the cousin only gave up, but this matter is a big blow to the cousin, how can a small child have the bad habit of "stealing money"?

In life, many parents have complained about their children's experience of "stealing money", and even think that if they don't find out early, they don't know how much money they will lose.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

In this regard, some parents have beaten and scolded, but children still change their ways to steal money, why is there such a behavior?

Children "stealing money" is not an essential problem

In fact, stealing things is a very normal phenomenon in the process of children growing up.

Psychological research has shown that for children from early childhood (0-3 years old) to school age (3-6 years old), it is difficult to distinguish between "ownership" of things, or simply can not control their desires correctly, so many children will make the mistake of "stealing".

But it does not mean that the child's character is not good, and parents do not have to be excessively angry and anxious, or even excessive scolding, which will cause a lot of harm to the child's soul.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

Why do children generally "steal money"?

1) The child's psychological characteristics

Experts believe that children tend to be self-centered, want to get what they want right away, and lack basic impulse control.

Nor does it have a clear concept of right and wrong and moral constraints, so under the desire for money, it will "steal money" and make mistakes.

2) The needs are not met

After the child reaches the age of 6, he already has the idea of shopping in his heart, and he will very much want to have what he likes.

Children at this age, after all, there is not much money at their disposal, so many times, driven by desire, there will be "stealing money" deviation behavior.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

3) Lack of communication with parents

If parents control their children more strictly in terms of money, then the children will directly possess what they desire, rather than taking the initiative to ask for it from their parents.

This is because children are unwilling to communicate with their parents and dare not take the initiative to put forward their own requirements with their parents, so they will "abuse it" on their own initiative.

Parents should correctly view their children's "stealing money" behavior, stealing money now does not mean that they will become "habitual thieves" in the future.

Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

1. Give your child a fixed amount of pocket money

For children, parents should give their children a certain amount of pocket money, so that when they have the desire to buy, they can use their own pocket money to buy.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

Early children have a basic sense of money, which can not only let children avoid the situation of "stealing money", but also help to develop a good habit of "financial management".

Of course, the share of money should be based on the family environment and the age of the child, can not give too much, can not give too little, basically and peers can be the same, so that when the companion finds some more ostentatious things, the child will not be forced to "steal money".

2. Give enough love and attention

Children stealing money is likely to be due to a long-term lack of parental love, and then want to get the attention of their parents, so they will continue to "steal money".

Therefore, parents should communicate with their children frequently, understand their children's ideas and needs, see if there is "school bullying", or use money to buy friendship, and give enough guidance and relationships, rather than just scolding and punishing.

Why do children "steal money" when they are young? Parents do these things, and the family will not have less money

Family education and child mental health

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