
After a breakup, a woman who is entangled with her ex will be hurt

In the relationship, the person who finally lets go is the most painful, and if you can't recognize the fact of breaking up, it is easy to have illusions.

Many women can't accept the fact that men don't love themselves after being broken up, try to redeem themselves, and want to continue the frontier.

After the breakup, do some seemingly touching and affectionate things to make the man change his mind.

I thought I could move the other person, but in fact I just touched myself.

Xiaoxin and her boyfriend have been in love for more than two years, and when she knew that she was pregnant and wanted to surprise him, he proposed to break up, saying that he was not in love. In order to keep him, Xiao Xin told him about the pregnancy, but her boyfriend transferred two thousand yuan to her, let her dispose of it, and then moved out of the rented house.

She didn't want to break up, went to her ex-boyfriend's place to work to block him, he avoided seeing him, she bought a phone and shoes to send to his company, he refused.

Entangled for more than a month, she found that her ex-boyfriend had a new love, realized that it was impossible to save it before going to the hospital, was scolded by the doctor, said that she would induce labor later, the harm to the body was very large, she realized how stupid she was.

In fact, after a breakup, a woman who is entangled with her ex will be hurt.

First of all, men who don't love you, women's pestering will only make themselves "lose the price".

The fact that a man is going to break up and has a new love shows that he has long been out of love and has long planned to leave.

When he proposed to break up, he weighed it in his mind and gave up on you, and there was no room for recovery in the relationship.

It's just that many women can't accept the fact that men don't love, and feel that men are tempted by other women to make mistakes, he is a ghost for a while, and he still loves himself in his heart...

To make excuses is to let yourself be able to pestering him, to redeem yourself, to deceive yourself, to think that you are infatuated, but you don't know that it is a joke in the eyes of men who don't love you.

He doesn't love anymore, your pestering will make him feel bored, feel that your behavior is causing trouble to his life, he will only hate you more, think that leaving you is the most correct choice for him, and even glad to leave you early.

In a person who does not love you, your entanglement is not love, but self-contempt. He will only think that you are pitiful, can't see that he doesn't love you, and is still deceiving himself.

When he looks down on you, he only has disgust for you, making each other look like enemies, which is a very cheap and undignified act, and women still do nothing.

Secondly, pestering people who don't love themselves will only knock themselves out of a body injury.

After being broken up, many women like to take out their past experiences and chew them repeatedly, but ignore that the relationship between them has long changed, try to save it, try to please him, put their self-esteem underground for him to trample on, and once again give him the right to hurt himself.

However, a man who does not love you, without you will not stay because of your love, he will be afraid that you will wrap up in him and refuse to let go, run faster than anyone, and just want to get rid of you.

Understand that you can't keep the person you want to leave, not because you're not good enough or you're doing something wrong, but because he's not in love.

While breaking up is a painful thing to do, the end of a relationship can be done as long as one person leaves.

When you try to find out his love for you to get him back, you are constantly hurting yourself, after all, how much courage it takes to have the determination to redeem.

The person who does not love you will be like a rock in front of you, no matter how much you do, he will not see or be indifferent, and the person who suffers will only be yourself.

Until you knock yourself out of a body injury, unable to choose to give up for the next, but you have saved enough disappointment and are physically and mentally exhausted.

Want to get out of this relationship. It depends on your ability to repair.

In the end, women who are entangled with their exs are stupid in the eyes of men.

There are many women who can't put down their ex, and once the ex comes back to pluck a few words, they feel that the ex loves themselves.

In fact, it's just the ex who is lonely and wants to pass the boring time, you are the person he has ever known best, know that you can't let go of him, he wants to try his charm in your heart fades.

If you get tangled up with him, he will only be proud, think that his charm is not diminished, and use your behavior as a talking point to show off in front of his friends, so that you can become a tool for him to prove himself.

He doesn't love you, he just thinks you're a stupid woman who can be called and let him go.

Moreover, your entangled behavior with him makes him look down on you even more, and he feels that he is not a good woman, which is the paradox of human nature, he enjoys your entanglement, and on the other hand, he dislikes you for not being a good woman.

This kind of entanglement of refusing to return the favor is the most hurtful, giving hope to the woman who is still in love, but making the woman unable to grasp anything.

Women are not willing to give up the fantasy to entangle their ex-boyfriend who does not love them, that is, sink in a bad relationship, and pretending to sleep will only make men think you are stupid, and even regret knowing you.

The famous host Cai Kangyong said: "There is no way to persuade people who have lost love not to be sad, after a decent love, sadness is the minimum respect for both parties." ”

Breaking up shows that the relationship between each other is over, and no matter how deeply you love your ex, accept the fact that the other person has stopped loving and left.

Then simply and neatly end this relationship, do not remember the past, and forget about the rivers and lakes.

Tang Xiaofu in "Siege" did not cry and weep after breaking up with Fang Hong, and did not immerse herself in the sadness of losing love, but used actions to end this relationship.

She packed up all the letters that Fang Hongwei had written to her, asked others to return the letters to Fang Hongwei for her, and asked others to ask Fang Hongwei to return the letters she had written to him.

Cutting off the past is a manifestation of loving oneself, and it is also a manifestation of the end, which is the most complete account of this relationship.

Not to entangle is to let go of yourself, but also to let go of the ex!


Today's topic: After a breakup, will you pestering your ex? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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