
Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

The Tyrannosauru team has added a lot of settings in the latest story, which also further implies that Momoi Taro is not a normal human. The brain people group also made public their assumption that they are more advanced beings than humans, and they are living beings without human feelings, which can also explain why the brain people clean up the human beings who have become ghosts so uncompromising.

Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

According to Momo's words, the enemy of the Tyrannosauru clan is the Brain Man. The world inhabited by brain people is the higher world, which is maintained by human fluctuations. But because human beings have desires, after becoming ghosts, they will cause fluctuations to become abnormal, so that brain people will choose to clean up human beings who become ghosts. Strictly speaking, this is a kind of extreme justice, and Taro's side can restore the human beings who have incarnated as ghosts to a normal state, and from the previous story, the brain people are not hostile to ordinary humans.

Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

Then there's the importance of points, and the members of the Tyrannosauru clan all earn points through battles. However, the way to get points is not the only one, which is why the ghost sister's points are the most. Colorless people in this world are game administrators, as long as there are enough points to achieve all kinds of wishes, but if you make a wish at will, it may bring misfortune. In last week's story, the chicken brother caused his wife to get sick because of the random wish, similar to the feeling of equal exchange.

Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

And the brain man's side is not only these three members, above them there is also the Senate. I don't know if the so-called Senate will appear in the back, or whether it will be similar to the four sages in the Kamen Rider's Sacred Blade. From the dialogue between the three of them, it can be seen that Sononi is most interested in human love, she does not understand what love is, so she is eager to learn the true meaning of love from humans, and she also opened a door in a human being, from the later story we can know that the so-called door is to incarnate into a ghost, when the desire accumulates to a certain limit, she will incarnate into a ghost. Sonosa, on the other hand, wants to learn Smyru, and Sonoi is the most perfect of the three, simply believing that human beings are imperfect beings, and desire will eventually devour them.

Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

After the end of this story, Momotaro also recognized Brother Chicken. On the side of the intermediary, we saw the points of four people, at present, the ghost sister is the most, and the chicken brother is the least. It is puzzling that there are not many dog brothers, most likely because the dog brother uses the score on his girlfriend, which has led to his own bad luck. Finally, I have to complain about a point, that is, we are all the same in the style of the tonic, the chicken brother said that I would not do anything, Momoi Taro said that I would do anything, and then the toshi ghost said that you are all the same, really worthy of you, Min ghost!

Storm Taro Team: There is also the Senate above the brain people, and the ghost sister's points are currently the most!

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