
Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

Introduction: As a super team work that is being screened, Amin's performance is still quite good. However, in this week's story, Amin is likely to let go of himself, and he has the feeling of the Birdman Team and Kamen Rider 555, and the familiar love triangle may be on the scene again. However, in the latest text trailer, two things are also mentioned, the first thing is that Momoi Taro's state has begun to be wrong, and the other thing is that the identity of the colorless intermediary is about to be exposed.

Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

Momoi Taro has always been an invincible presence in Tyutaro's current story, and the current enemy can basically be brushed by himself. And in many pk is also proved this, the most impressive scene should be that he said that he and the chicken brother are like, the chicken brother said that I will not do anything, Momoi Taro will be anything, so that you can also say that two people are like, Amin, you are really a bit excessive.

Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

It is precisely because of Momoi Taro's invincibility, plus his setting does not lie. This has led many fans to speculate that Momoi Taro may not be a human, but a relatively advanced existence in the brain, even above the current three cadres, after all, in the play they also mention that there is a senate above the cadres, which should be similar to the setting in the Tooth Wolf, or the four sages in the Kamen Rider Sacred Blade, so that it can explain why Momoi is so strong. Of course, mentioning That Momoi's state is wrong here indicates that the main story is coming, after all, so far the Tyutaro team does not have a real main line, and Momoi Taro, like Kazuki, wants to learn from his peers what he does not have.

Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

The Colorless Suke is the protagonist of the Full Opener Team, but the Colorless Suke who appears here is completely different from the previous Five Colored Suke,If it weren't for the parallel world of himself, then it would most likely be Kami who had fought with the Suke before. Coupled with the fact that this world itself has the attributes of the game world, Kami, as the game manager, seems to be the fairest and just existence, before he also used points to help Brother Chicken gain wealth and success, but such abuse of points seems to bring himself bad luck, and he also assists Taro in fighting and recovering gears.

Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

In the story of the tenth episode, our colorless intermediary also reveals his identity. Because the ghost head who works in the shop haruka discovered that the suke people can also transform into this matter, so the suke people simply showdown directly, saying that they are the managers of this world, but also further introduced the importance of points and the props that can be exchanged, it seems that the five-person combination of turnips is about to appear, which may be the slowest time for the super team to get the combination of turnips in recent years.

Storm Taro Team: Momoi's state is abnormal, and the colorless suke reveals the identity of the administrator!

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