
A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

Interpretation of emotional topics, taking you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional relief, but you have to know how to let yourself go!

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

Text | The wind stops at night

Original · Plagiarism must be investigated

There is nothing in the world that should and should not be, only cause and effect.

I once saw a line like this in a play:

If you can't be patient, you say that you can't be impatient, what is the big environment? Why are you not good in the environment wherever you go, are you the one who destroys the environment?

At first glance, I laughed until my stomach hurt, and then I saw my wet eyes!

Real life is like this, you "didn't do it", don't complain about the world!

In the world, whether you see right or wrong, feel sorrow and joy, existence is reasonable! After all, there is a cause and effect!

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

People live a lifetime, and they can't escape "cause and effect"!

A hundred years of life is really "cause and effect" with it!

What kind of person you are, what kind of people you will attract and what kind of things you encounter, which is the most real cause and effect in real life.

Many people think that the cause and effect of life is some kind of reincarnation in superstition. Not really!

The so-called cause and effect is the real life of planting melons to get melons and beans to get beans!

It can be said that from birth to death, all the circumstances of a person are cause and effect, and if you don't believe it, you can see:

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

One: Your health

In real life, everyone is saying the phrase "love yourself well". However, the matter of loving yourself well, but few people really do it.

Some people think that as long as you please yourself and care about your own gains and losses, you are loving yourself.

In fact, to love oneself well is to be able to meet the conditions of a gentleman's love of money and the necessary factors of a good attitude without violating morality, conscience and fixed rules, and to remember to eat and sleep on time no matter what happens.

If you don't do anything against your conscience, if you don't make money that violates your conscience, you won't be upset. Only those who are at ease can use a good mentality to face all situations. People with a good mindset can not consume themselves on people or things that are not worthwhile.

In this way, a person's mental health and physical health are both.

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

What is the most important thing in this life? Must be healthy!

Among them, health is the general term for mental health and physical health.

A person is unhealthy, has the whole world, and is not happy.

Psychological health is a problem with the mentality. The unhealthy body is caused by the self-consumption of too much energy.

A lifetime is not long, and maintaining health is the most important thing to survive in the world. The most ignorant act of a person is to try to seek love from the outside world in the days when they do not know how to love themselves.

How can someone who doesn't know how to keep yourself healthy really know what you need?

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

Two: Your "three emotions" relationship

In this life, people are inseparable from family, friendship and love. No one can live alone without these three relationships.

However, some people are good at managing relationships and get extremely happy satisfaction from them, and some people ignore the details of business in this relationship, so that no matter which kind of emotion is mentioned, they are deeply stinged.

In this moment when people's hearts and human nature are clouded, the relationship between people is mostly a real "value" exchange. Although, the establishment and continuation of every relationship is related to value. However, not every relationship is beyond the scope of "true feelings".

Some people treat family affection less calculating and more tolerant, treat friendship less calculated and more tolerant, and treat lovers less harshly and more transposed.

Some people, quite the opposite!

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

In this society of rampant desires, too many people use selfishness to stab family, friendship and love one by one. How can you get satisfaction from it?

It is not who is doomed to meet people who are worth cherishing themselves, but when they are in a relationship, they are too much about their feelings and gains and losses!

No relationship can really achieve sadness and joy! Even people who have shared experiences with you will show different perceptions because of different inner pressures.

Many times, it is not that others are too unkind, but that we ourselves are too harsh on the relationship.

A person's greatest ignorance is to take the person who should be cherished the most out of his life and become a real wretch.

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

Three: Your achievements

Once, I was a professional manager of a company, and when I was in a meeting with my subordinates, I said this sentence:

Don't tell me any conditions until you're giving! You need me to see your worth before I can reuse you!

At that time, some of the subordinates present nodded, and some of them were full of displeasure! As a result, it can be imagined that those who are full of displeasure really have not made any achievements. Instead, the person who nodded his head really became my right-hand man.

I'm not saying this to instill chicken soup in people and say, "Don't think about your own rewards." I'm telling everybody:

When you haven't seen the value yet, all the rewards you talk about are empty words! Remember, businesses are never charities!

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

Some people are just stupid, and they take the platform as their ability!

Yes, when the company employs people, it will be selected layer by layer, but the selected people do not necessarily survive in the enterprise for a long time! You don't bring benefits to the enterprise, you just have a body of ability, and you are just a waste of firewood!

When you are in the workplace, don't take the platform as a skill! Enterprises use you, you are talent, do not use you, you are waste wood.

In this real society, your actual efforts may not necessarily match your expectations, because they may be higher or less, but if you don't pay and don't insist, you won't get anything!

Reality is harsh and competition is everywhere! When you are bullish and have not been replaced, it can only mean that the person who replaces you is still "on the road".

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)

In a hundred years of life, how you behave, you will be what kind of person! How you treat others, others will treat you!

Smart people will continue to pave the way for themselves in a hundred years of life, and ignorant people will only care about the immediate gains and losses, joys and sorrows, and the road for the rest of their lives is getting narrower and narrower.

It is not easy for people to live! Don't be your own obstacle!

Keep your health, maintain the three emotions of the world, improve yourself well, and achieve yourself, this life is really no regrets!

Whatever you lose, it will always be recompensed somewhere.

In the world, there is no if, only cause and effect! As long as you are willing to plant good causes, you will reap good results!

From now on, may every step of your life's path be the best manifestation of cause and effect for the rest of your life!

A hundred years of life is "cause and effect"! (Depth)


Love is man's purgatory in the world. Love or friendship, the right time meets the right person to cultivate the right results!

Topic Discussion: Do You Believe in Reincarnation or Do You Believe in Cause and Effect? Say what you want to say but can't, welcome to leave a message to interact.

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