
On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

WeChat public account: ecv360

Author: Xiong Yue

China's heavy-duty truck market is like a game of unpredictable Go, in which the crowd fights with each other, thrilling, and if you are not careful, you will lose every game. Ma Rong of the Eastern Han Dynasty once said in "Weiqi Fu", "A cursory look at the Weiqi Xi method is used in the use of soldiers, and the three-foot game is a battle field." The soldiers gathered in the formation were equal to the two enemies, and the clumsy ones were useless and the weak ones died first. "Although the sales decline of China's heavy-duty trucks has not eased at present, the annual million-level marketing volume and valuable economic benefits still attract the full competition of various power companies." Their overall conception and way of playing chess are related to the overall situation of success or failure.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

In this game of chess, Weichai's power is full of clever moves, not only holding the first hand in succession, but also destroying the city and pulling out the wall at a breathtaking speed. The latest disclosure of Weichai Power's 2021 annual corporate performance report shows that in the past year, Weichai Power achieved operating income of 203.55 billion yuan, an increase of 3.2% year-on-year. In the full year, 1.02 million engines were sold, an increase of 3% year-on-year. Among them, heavy-duty truck engines sold 429,000 units, and the market share increased by 2.8 percentage points year-on-year to 30.7%, and the sales volume of China VI engines ranked first in the industry.

More importantly, the sales of heavy trucks jointly between his Subsidiary China National Heavy Duty Truck and Shaanxi National Heavy Duty Truck 's "two brothers" have become the world's first. The export volume of the two heavy-duty truck enterprises also accounts for 60% to 70% of the total export volume of heavy-duty trucks in the mainland.

Biao Bing's record has undoubtedly become a clear footnote to Weichai Power's strong hard power in China's heavy truck market, in fact, it is not easy to stand on the industry height of "seeking defeat alone", under the current mainland market economy as the mainstay, supplemented by macro-control competition mechanism, this opportunity is equal for all enterprises. Being able to be proud after a fierce fight is undoubtedly the inevitable result of Weichai Power's own efforts.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

Go stretches across nineteen roads, forming 361 intersections, with 181 sunspots and 180 whites for fighting. Whoever plays against the game to win needs to have a clear understanding of the whole picture and a wonderful arrangement of the pieces in hand. On the heavy truck chessboard with a million volumes, the four major territories of traction, cargo loading, self-unloading and specialization are divided on the large surface, and the division on the thin surface is even more expensive and uncountable. If any power company wants to win, it needs to be careful on the big side, and it cannot be taken lightly on the small side. Weichai Power's hard work on the heavy-duty card chessboard is deeply reflected in the offensive strategy of consolidating advantages and comprehensively combining strengths and complementing weaknesses in large and thin territories.

For example, in the tractor market, Weichai Power has successively fallen into the Gemini formation of WP13+WP13H, and the horsepower segment covers the current mainstream 480 to 600 horsepower. In order to take the lead and continue the advantage of the high-horsepower market, this year, Weichai Power will also drop another 13 liters of 600+ horsepower new seeds, pointing to the composite transportation and trunk logistics market.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

In the truck market, Weichai Power has launched three swords at the same time, with a team composed of WP4.6N, WP6H and WP7H three new and old power armies to attack together, forming a closed trend in the 220 to 320 horsepower segment market, providing diversified choices for different users in the market segments such as Green pass and express delivery.

In the dump truck market, Weichai Power is also fierce, with the three tiger and wolf divisions of WP8, WP9H and WP10H as the main force, taking turns to launch attacks in the 300 to 400 horsepower market, and strongly winning the main dump truck golden territory such as lightweight and urban construction muck trucks.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

In the special vehicle market, Weichai Power insists on key breakthroughs and double-wing operations, respectively, with WP8 Galinde hydraulic intelligent mixer powertrain, and WP7H Galinde hydraulic single-engine washing sweeper power has always become the support, focusing on sniping the industry's weaknesses, thus successfully winning the domestic blockbuster infrastructure and sanitation and other special market positions.

If you want to win the chess world and fight invincible hands all over the world, you must be willing to work hard to specialize in chess. On the chessboard of heavy trucks, Weichai Power's expertise in product technology is obvious to all. According to the corporate performance report, in 2021 alone, Weichai Power's R&D investment exceeded 8.5 billion yuan, an increase of 3.3% year-on-year, and the proportion of funds accounted for 4.2% of revenue, and the continuous increase continued in this year. In addition, in order to have more exquisite product technology to support enterprises to enhance market influence and expand their territory, Weichai Power imitates the military merit incentive policy of the ancient Shang Martingale Transformation Law, vigorously implements the system of unveiling the list and holding the commander, and rewards R&D heroes with heavy funds.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

Under the heavy reward there will be brave men. This allows Weichai Power to continue to seize the commanding heights of the market, thus continuously expanding its leading edge. For example, in the heavy-duty truck traditional fuel vehicle market, Weichai Power has continuously researched and commercialized the thermal efficiency of the engine body, pushing it to a new global height. This is evidenced by the world's first diesel engine with a thermal efficiency of 51.09% released at the beginning of this year. Its emergence, compared with the existing mainstream products in the market (average 46% thermal efficiency diesel engine), can achieve a 10% reduction in fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, which can save 16 million tons of fuel for the mainland every year and create economic benefits of about 140 billion yuan. This is the typical epitome of Weichai Power's absolute leadership in the domestic heavy-duty truck chessboard and even the global heavy-duty truck industry.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

The situation of Go is changing with each passing day, and if the player does not have the ability to foresee one step and calculate more, he is easily targeted by the opponent. Although in the past 60 years, the focus of competition on the domestic heavy-duty truck chessboard is the traditional energy market, but with the increasingly fierce competition in the global traditional energy market and the mandatory impact of the mainland's dual-carbon policy, new energy is emerging and gradually encroaching on the market that originally belonged to traditional energy. According to the data, in 2021, the cumulative sales of China's new energy heavy trucks exceeded 10,000, with a year-on-year increase of nearly 300%, and the high-speed growth trend did not decrease after the beginning of this year.

This kind of change was already expected by Weichai Power, who was well versed in the vertical and horizontal changes of chess. The reporter learned that for the emerging new energy market, Weichai Power secretly ambushed the pen many years ago. For example, in the field of hydrogen fuel cells, Weichai Power completed the system layout 5 years ago, not only has the only national fuel cell technology innovation center in the country, but also has a complete industrial chain layout, and also has a matrix layout of key components such as fuel cell engines and air compressors.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

In addition, Weichai Power also has one of the world's largest fuel cell production bases with a product life of up to 30,000 hours. At present, Weichai Power has the R&D and production capacity of new energy powertrains and core components, forming an industrial ecosystem from key components to complete vehicles.

The way of Go requires, in addition to a powerful attack, but also an impeccable defense. While firing full artillery to attack the market, Weichai Power is also trying to strengthen its defensive system. This is highlighted by his emphasis on aftermarket services. According to the plan, Weichai Power's aftermarket services should achieve high value-added in four directions: technology, business model, new technology tools and industrial chain.

To this end, Weichai Power has made a variety of efforts, not only the aftermarket service business is scientifically summarized, to subordinate to the group's first-level professional companies unified operation, but also extensively combined with big data means, at the end of last year released Zhiduoxing 4.0 and other high-intelligence service platforms, these positive service moves, weichai power in the heavy truck market won a high support rate.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

The sky is like a round cover, the land is like a chess game, and the world is divided into black and white, competing for honor and disgrace. Since more than one year, the Chinese heavy truck game is full of mysteries and endless charms, and has attracted all kinds of heroes to try their hands, however, some of them have returned home, and some have achieved fame. There is no doubt that the outstanding Weichai Power is the leader of the latter. He not only has a strong position in the heavy-duty card chess industry, but also ranks first in the list of heavy-duty power masters, and his strong influence and penetration also radiate the domestic and foreign markets. Today, Weichai Power, which is becoming more and more powerful, is standing on the cornerstone of the past glory, moving towards new goals and hegemony, and making all-out efforts to brave the division.

On the heavy-duty card chess game, how strong Weichai's hard power is| Truck Friends Network

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