
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

At present, the new version of the warrior system can also be roughly divided into three directions, two of which are our old buddies, one pirate war, one defense war, and the third is also a more obvious entertainment game in the new version - "treasure digging war".

Let's start with the latest treasure digging battle.

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

With the "Fire of Sim Aisali" as the core, it can be said that it is a 28+2 system. With the existing and new quality cards of various warriors, rounding is the Evolution Big Brother Battle, which is the "entertainment" routine set by the version! Because the card pool is shallow, the player with a good face is crazy and giant, and it is possible to become another "Fool's Law", and even because it is a follower card, it is more stable than the Fool's Law should come.

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

Of course, after looking at the new version of the card, it will be obvious that the designer did not give the warrior a high-quality card, and it is precisely because of the lack of cards and the means to retrieve this card in a directional manner, so the randomness is very high, and the intensity of the treasure digging battle is difficult to reach our ideal appearance.

It is really uncomfortable to touch a dozen in the middle of the period, but the strong period should be in the 10-cost start of various high-quality shops, especially in the case of a lot of high-quality entourage cards, and the scene suppression is also very strong. The leader of the regiment, the giant retinue, and the driving of the ship, also because the card pool is shallow, so there is indeed a saying of the power of a war.

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

Pirate warfare is still the main system, professional new pirates and neutral new pirates have a lot of reinforcements, the core series of fury attacks, overseers, blood sails. Injuries and retrieval methods. The small axe is estimated to be unable to play, and the new 332 trident is significantly more powerful. (Why doesn't the little axe of heaven pull back~)

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

With the mission system as the big framework, adding a new version of the new pirate components, the familiar pain of the card slashing and solving, the entire pirate system can also be regarded as having arms and legs. It belongs to the medium-term strong rhythm type card group, which cannot be said to be a fast attack, especially the suppression force of the giant ship is very sufficient, and to a certain extent, it can be regarded as giving the warrior more possibilities for the late reversal. (Because of the lack of cards in the pirate system, it is easy to become a one-on-one innings in the later stages, and now the right-handed god draws a boat and still has a chance!) )

This card itself is also a beast attribute, so it can be applied to medium slow speed and even other space warrior structures, after all, the provision of resources and the mocking wall are already good enough. Maybe Pirate Wars doesn't have to come with it, but this card is really strong.

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

I personally think that the new version of the defense will be more stable than the pirate war (note not high, but stable). The cards associated with the new card are all very familiar feelings. 989 Small Deathwing, even able to scare the face. Flame casting and dismantling weapons over cards, is not very familiar! Defending the city's armor and taunts, as well as the taunts and raids of the black-scaled barbarians. Passing cards, unblocking, stacking armor, battlefield, this is really defensive.

Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?
Hearthstone: New version, anti-war, pirate war or treasure digging war?

The key thing is that the shield grid shield fierce and slash are back to the standard! If Barov alone exchanged these three cards, then I think this transaction is earned. Coupled with the desperate fight, the most classic means of disarming the battlefield are in place. Although it is a veteran anti-war component, it is still the core golden oil.

The new version is definitely a case of environmental shuffling, and the now known technology virtues and curses are pure new experiences. The overall speed reduction situation will also give the defense a good space to play. Look forward to a hand. After all, this is also one of the classic emotional decks, for warrior players, it is the classic chant of priest 58 mu.

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