
The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

author:Cover News
The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The scene of the finals

Cover News Reporter Li Yuxin Photo Report

How do the terracotta figurines displayed in the museum display case become interesting ornaments that can be played with in the hand? The portrait bricks that freeze the production and life scenes of the Han Dynasty, why can its patterns appear on the decompression Rubik's Cube? In midsummer June, when you come to the Sichuan University Museum on the bank of the Jinjiang River, you can see a cultural and creative product full of whimsical ideas in a cultural and creative competition.

On June 30, the final roadshow of the "Creative Museum" Cultural and Creative Competition and the exhibition of outstanding works of the competition were officially opened at the Museum of Sichuan University. According to reports, the competition will be launched in March 2024, inviting cultural and creative enthusiasts from all over the world to create cultural and creative products based on the collection resources of the Sichuan University Museum and the customs and folk customs of the southwest world. Since its launch, this competition has attracted the participation of 37 universities at home and abroad, and a total of more than 1,000 works have been collected.

A board game that transforms a number of treasures from the collection of the Sichuan University Museum into interesting cards, a cultural and creative gift box that artistically reproduces the panes of traditional buildings in Chengdu, and a jewelry pendant based on the bronze head of Sanxingdui's classic cultural relics...... After a rigorous preliminary and re-evaluation, a total of 24 outstanding works stood out. At the finals, the main creative team of these works arrived and launched a fierce creative competition.

The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The finalists took the stage to showcase

Card board games, naked-eye 3D, hot pot base ......

What kind of interesting cultural creativity can ancient cultural relics be designed into?

Or simple and elegant, or modern fashion, or exquisite and smart, or far-reaching...... At a time when "cultural and museum fever" has become the norm, museum cultural and creative products are quite popular. According to the "2023 Sichuan Provincial Museum Development Report" released on the "5.18 International Museum Day", in the past year, the cultural and creative income of Sichuan Provincial Museums was nearly 237 million yuan, an increase of more than 150% compared with 2022.

In the land of Sichuan, the profound and long-standing cultural heritage has depicted a wonderful historical picture and nurtured an endless source of creativity for cultural practitioners. Among them, the Sichuan University Museum, which originated in 1914, has a collection of millions of animal and plant specimens, more than 80,000 pieces and 32 categories of historical relics. The rich and diverse collection of cultural relics also provides infinite possibilities for cultural and creative designers.

"We chose the very interesting terracotta figurines in the Sichuan University Museum as the inspiration and starting point for the design. It also integrates the representative buildings of Sichuan University, as well as the Sichuan dialect, which is a very regional element, and designs a series of cartoon characters, and produces a number of cultural ......and creative works such as pillows, assembly stands, pen holders, keychains, etc. Many novel and interesting product forms attracted the audience to marvel again and again.

The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The finalists took the stage to showcase

It is worth mentioning that this competition has set up a scheme design track suitable for universities, a product track suitable for cultural companies, and an incubation track suitable for intangible cultural heritage skills and traditional production enterprises. The cultural and creative works brought by the on-site participants are not limited to the traditional form of physical cultural and creative products, but also new media artworks, digital cultural and creative design, naked-eye 3D works and other novel cultural and creative display methods.

The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The "Incredible" card of the Sichuan University Museum, which won the gold medal. According to the official account of the Sichuan University Museum

After fierce competition, the "Incredible" card of Sichuan University Museum won the gold medal in the cultural and creative scheme design track of the competition. According to its creative team, the product will be the Tang Dynasty Longxing Temple Bodhisattva statue, the Qing Dynasty Jingdezhen kiln blue and white chess and other treasures in the Sichuan University Museum, designed into interesting card patterns, and through board games, a popular social way for young people, so that players can learn historical and cultural knowledge in the game.

The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The "Ming and Qing Dynasty Official Uniform Complement Map" hot pot book won the gold award. According to the official account of the Sichuan University Museum

In addition, the "Ming and Qing Dynasty Official Uniform Complement Picture" hot pot book won the gold medal in the track of cultural and creative physical products. The creative team was inspired by the official uniforms of the civil officials of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and printed the complements with different patterns such as birds and beasts on the book, attached blessings with different meanings, and then loaded with hot pot bases, which not only reflected the traditional culture of the birds, but also had a unique Sichuan flavor.

The cultural relics in the collection have been turned into cards and hot pot books, and you can enjoy a creative feast in this cultural and creative competition

The "Ming and Qing Dynasty Official Uniform Complement Map" hot pot book won the gold award

Gather more than 100 pieces (sets) of excellent works

The exhibition of outstanding works of the "Creative Museum" was officially opened

"I think a good cultural and creative industry must have three elements: the first is culture, the second is aesthetics, and the third is the market." At the finals, as one of the judges of the competition, Wang Hongwei, a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor of the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, talked about his understanding of cultural creativity. In his opinion, the "Creative Museum" cultural and creative competition is based on the collection resources of the Sichuan University Museum and the customs and folk customs of the southwest world, which should highlight the profound heritage and culture behind this century-old museum. "I think, what is the core DNA of the cultural creativity of the Sichuan University Museum? This is something that the contestants need to grasp. ”

Surf the rivers and lakes with embroidery needles, and carry out IP licensing cooperation with more than 20 brands such as Shu Uemura, Starbucks, and Universal Pictures, so that intangible cultural heritage works can shine on the international stage...... When it comes to out-of-the-circle cultural and creative products from Sichuan, we have to mention Yang Huazhen, the representative inheritor of Tibetan Qiang weaving and embroidery, a national intangible cultural heritage. Also as one of the judges of the competition, Yang Huazhen also talked about her understanding of excellent literary and creative works.

"We want to bring to life artifacts that come from hundreds to thousands of years ago and represent different eras in history. And the cultural creativity we do now also needs to represent the current era. Therefore, in terms of design, it is necessary not only to have cultural heritage, but also to show the cultural characteristics of the region, and more importantly, to have strong practicality. At the scene, Yang Huazhen also talked about the reality of cultural and creative products, and she said that a product should take into account the market so that the product can be sold. Now everyone has high requirements for cultural creativity, so we must continue to work hard. ”

On the same day, the "Creative Museum" Cultural and Creative Competition came to an end, but at the same time, the "Creative Museum" excellent works exhibition was officially opened. The organizers will re-create more than 100 pieces (sets) of outstanding works of the competition and hold a three-month exhibition in the public space of the Sichuan University Museum. Through the exhibition, the brain-opening works of the participating designers will guide the audience of the museum to look at the museum collection from a new perspective, and it is also hoped that resources from all walks of life will be inspired by the viewing and realize the link of resources, so as to realize the incubation from the program to the product.

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