
Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

author:Blue Moon Gossip Brother

In the relationship, whether the man or the woman, as long as there is deception, it will definitely hurt the other party's heart. Even big beauties may be deceived, and it is difficult to get out in a short period of time. From the 10th of this month, the piano goddess Li Yuanling found and exposed the ex-boyfriend H cheating back plate split leg female girlfriend, as well as the neptune behavior that has a relationship with a number of ladies, causing an uproar on the Internet, Li Yuanling still did not give up, and then broke the ex for three consecutive days, making many people sigh, from the birth to the lover, from the lover to the enemy, it is also quite helpless.

Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman
Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

Li Yuanling's content of this revelation is also particularly fierce, she recalled and revealed how the ex chased himself to the hand from the beginning of the two people's interaction, saying that the ex H was very careful and considerate of the girl, and was also good at giving the woman a feeling of deep affection, which was only because she did not have the sense of prevention and fell into the sweet trap of the other party.

Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

People familiar with Li Yuanling know that Li Yuanling was born in a rich family, lived in a villa before meeting her ex-boyfriend, and there were several sports cars under her name, and she was beautiful and had a good figure, and she was a proper white rich beauty. And the man is just an IT, a very ordinary person. Li Yuanling also said that her requirements for the other half are not high, as long as she is good to herself.

Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

Li Yuanling also exposed that her ex-boyfriend H had split his legs in middle school, and had also been in and out of the bar many times to "hunt", in addition to the girlfriends of several acquaintance brothers, and warned everyone not to introduce their girlfriends to him after knowing H. It can be said that Li Yuanling, who is full of remorse, has now completely recognized the true face of her ex-boyfriend H.

Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

In fact, in everyone's opinion, the reason why Li Yuanling is so obsessed with exposing the scumbag behavior of her ex-boyfriend is only because she feels that she has been deceived and hurt by the other party, which also makes the audience can't help but sigh. In the relationship, girls are always the weak side, as long as they meet scumbags, then 100% will lose very thoroughly.

Li Yuanling re-exposed the former fierce material! Saying that the man is not picky eaters, he will not let go of any beautiful woman

Of course, it is fortunate that the man's face was recognized before the marriage, which is thankful. For the audience, such a beautiful and excellent girl has also encountered this situation, and it is really incomprehensible, some netizens said bluntly, the average person finds such a girlfriend, and can wake up laughing at night. Summing up the lessons, it can only be said that Li Yuanling herself does not know people. I also hope that Li Yuanling can forget this unhappy emotional experience as soon as possible, polish her eyes while looking for the next one, and find the shoe that suits her.

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