
The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

author:Xiao Moe*

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions in life, it can make people support each other, and it can also allow people to face difficulties and share hardships.

In the entertainment industry, there is a love story of a husband and wife, which is touching and admirable. They are CCTV gold medal host Wang Mengmeng and Dragon TV host Cheng Lei.

Wang Mengmeng was the most beautiful host of CCTV, and at the age of 24, she married Cheng Lei, who was 18 years older than herself, and the two fell in love with each other and worked hard together.

However, soon after the marriage, Cheng Lei was diagnosed with severe chronic hepatitis and needed long-term treatment and recuperation. In the face of her husband's illness, Wang Mengmeng did not abandon him, but resolutely resigned from her job at the TV station to concentrate on returning to the family and taking care of her husband's body and life. With her actions, she interprets what true love and marriage are.

The acquaintance of Wang Mengmeng and Cheng Lei all depends on Dragon TV's "matchmaking". As early as 2007, after graduating from Fudan University, Wang Mengmeng entered CCTV for an internship, and with her talent and hard work, she soon got the opportunity to host the program independently.

She has hosted many columns such as "Entertainment Star World", and also served as the award ceremony lady of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and was named "the most beautiful host of CCTV".

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

In the same year, she participated in the host talent show held by Dragon TV, and achieved excellent results, and finally became the contracted host of Dragon TV. On Dragon TV, she met Cheng Lei, who was also the host, and the two got along and tied the knot on the TV station's "lead".

Cheng Lei is an excellent host of Dragon TV, and has hosted many programs such as "Intellectual Surfing", "Meet on Saturday", "Dance Forest Conference", etc., with solid hosting skills, plain hosting style and humorous hosting language, he became famous for a while, and became a "good son-in-law" benchmark for Shanghai aunts.

He also hosted the "China's Got Talent" launched by SMG, which made him popular again. He felt very much at the first sight of Wang Mengmeng, but he felt that she was just a vase and had no strength.

Later, through his contact with her, he found that she was very motivated, not only had a solid hosting foundation, but also was very modest and studious, often learning from her predecessors and making rapid progress.

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

He gradually changed his opinion of her and developed a crush on her. The two sparked love at work, but they did a good job of keeping their love secret, and they did not announce it to the public until Cheng Lei was named "Famous Broadcast Host", and the good news was announced to the public.

The age difference between the two is 18 years, but their relationship is sweet and stable. On September 25, 2013, Wang Mengmeng and Cheng Lei received their certificates in a low-key manner and held a romantic wedding in Shanghai on October 11 of that year.

At their wedding, many celebrity friends came to congratulate, including Guo Degang, Chen He, Li Jing, Li Yong, etc. Their wedding is also known as the "wedding of the officiating world".

Their married life is also very happy, and the two support each other and work hard together. Wang Mengmeng has hosted many large-scale programs such as "Oriental Billboard" and "Dragon TV Spring Festival Gala", and Cheng Lei also continues to host programs such as "China's Got Talent".

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

However, the good times did not last long, and soon after marriage, Cheng Lei's health problems appeared. He often felt unwell, had no energy, and developed symptoms of jaundice.

Wang Mengmeng was worried about her husband's health, and forced him to take time out of his busy work to go to the physical examination center for a physical examination. This investigation found out that her husband Cheng Lei had suffered from severe chronic hepatitis and needed long-term treatment and recuperation.

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Wang Mengmeng and Cheng Lei, and their lives and careers have been hit by a huge blow.

In the face of her husband's illness, Wang Mengmeng did not abandon him, but resolutely resigned from her job at the TV station to concentrate on returning to the family and taking care of her husband's body and life. With her actions, she interprets what true love and marriage are.

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

Wang Mengmeng gave up her career for her husband, which is rare in the entertainment industry. She disregards the opinions and opinions of the outside world, and just wants to give her husband the best care and companionship.

She carefully arranged her husband's diet, daily life, medication and follow-up examinations, so that he could suffer as little as possible. She also often creates some surprises and warmth for her husband, so that he can feel the warmth and happiness of the family. "He's just a little boy, and when I see him smiling, I get happy," she said. ”

Her dedication has also been appreciated and loved by her husband. Cheng Lei said: "She is a good woman, and I am lucky to have her by my side. Their relationship has also been strengthened and deepened because of this ordeal.

Under Wang Mengmeng's careful care, Cheng Lei's body gradually improved. All the indicators of his body have stabilized, and Cheng Lei's body is no longer so weak and can take on more work.

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

He did not retire to his home comfortably, but returned to the TV station and began to work his career. Wang Mengmeng's meticulous cooking of the family, keeping his life in order, gave him a solid backing. Cheng Lei also worked hard to move forward with more peace of mind and continue their love story.

The love story of Wang Mengmeng and Cheng Lei is a touching, true and beautiful story. It makes us feel the warmth and strength of love, the responsibility and support of marriage, the challenges and hope of life.

The beautiful host Wang Mengmeng: married at the age of 24 and married a 42-year-old peer, and now she will never abandon her sick husband

It also makes us reflect on whether our love, marriage and life have the same quality and value. It also allows us to summarize some wisdom and enlightenment about love, marriage and life, so that we can better understand and grasp our own happiness and future.

The love story of Wang Mengmeng and Cheng Lei is a story worthy of our learning and reference, and it is also a story worthy of our praise and blessings.

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