
How do parents develop their children's concentration?

The child always runs around in the kindergarten class, and the task assigned by the teacher is half done; After five minutes of class, I began to pay attention to the window; Do homework grinding and rubbing, writing and writing to start playing by yourself, doing things often halfway. These situations are a sign of inattention. The child's brain is not well developed, and the development of the nervous system and brain microfunctions is unbalanced, which will lead to the child's inattention.

Here are some great ways for experts to help parents develop their children's concentration .

Check the disease: sinusitis affects concentration

Inattention, headaches, and memory loss, sometimes these symptoms may not be the child's reluctance to learn, but the appearance of sinusitis, resulting in some discomfort in the head and face.

Sinusitis is a common condition, mainly inflammation in the sinuses. If rhinitis recurs, bacterial viruses, etc. can penetrate into the sinus cavity through the mucosa of the nasal cavity, and inflammation appears in the sinus cavity, resulting in a thick nasal discharge. In addition, there will be headaches, more sleepy, sometimes affecting memory, especially students, in class, lack of concentration, like to sleep or headaches. At this time, do not blindly blame the child, but check the reason.

Sinus CT: If mucosal hypertrophy or some fluid accumulation is found in the sinuses, there is pus, etc., if the symptoms are not serious, it can be treated with some drugs. Such as anti-allergic nasal sprays, oral mucus excretion agents, you can also use some traditional Chinese medicine, through the trick to relieve pain.

Prevention of sinusitis: mainly to reduce colds. As long as there is no cold, sinusitis is generally not attacked, and even if there is chronic sinusitis, the number of repeated attacks is less. If you do not catch a cold frequently, sinusitis may heal spontaneously.

(Henan Provincial People's Hospital.)

Chief Physician of Department of Otolaryngology - Lin Wang)

Save yourself: Children are not focused on parents

Nagging when educating children: children who are always nagged by their parents have relatively poor attention; Many times parents are preaching, and although the child looks at you, his eyes are sluggish, and his attention and mind are no longer here.

Excessive attention and pampering of children: When children do homework, mothers say from time to time, "Come out and rest for a while"; The child wants to do something, but the mother says, "Let the mother come." Parents think that they are expressing love for their children, but in fact, they are disturbing their children, making it difficult for children to concentrate.

Often criticize and deny children: the class has deserted again? How come you forgot what you just said yesterday? How many times has this been wrong? How come there is no progress? Such criticism and denial can easily hit a child's self-confidence, make him fall into the inferiority complex of "I can't do anything well", and also make him unable to concentrate on doing things while doing things for fear of being criticized for making mistakes.

How do parents develop their children's concentration?

To improve their child's concentration, parents can cultivate their children's interests and hobbies. Children often suddenly have a strong interest in a certain sport, then parents should encourage him to try, if the child likes, they should let it stick to it, invisibly cultivate the child's concentration.

(The First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province.)

Attending Physician of Clinical Psychology Department - Li Dandan)

Learn a skill: It's not hard to improve your concentration

Don't do multiple tasks at the same time: Memorizing English words while doing math homework seems to be doing two things simultaneously, but when the child quickly switches between different tasks, a part of the attention remains on the previous task, resulting in no way to complete both things well. Therefore, parents should help their children plan well and focus on the completion of one thing at a time.

Simplify the surrounding environment: Remove other things in the child's environment that are not related to the task, which will greater avoid the interference of unrelated stimuli and help the child focus on the current task. For example, tidying up the desk when studying, moving things that are not related to the task away from the desk, temporarily removing toys and comic books from the learning environment, and removing electronic devices when there is no need to use electronic devices are all reasonable and effective methods.

Arrange appropriate rest: Children of different ages can concentrate for different times, and parents should arrange learning and rest time according to the child's age characteristics and the child's own characteristics. It is possible to schedule a long break after several short breaks. Pay attention to during short breaks, do not let the child do distracting and disturbing things, you can drink water, eat something, stand up and move to let the brain take a short rest; During long breaks, you can switch to simpler tasks or have your child play for a while.

How do parents develop their children's concentration?

(Department of Psychiatry, Beijing Children's Hospital.)

Psychological Counselor - Cui Linyu)

Play games: Mindfulness exercises are fun

Cross out the table numbers: Draw 5×5 squares on a blank piece of paper, randomly put the numbers 1-25 into the grid, let the child cross out the numbers in the correct order, and record the time. You can also put in English letters, depending on the child's situation, you can adjust the difficulty, change the square to 4× 4 or 6×6 or more. You can also compete with your kids to see who's faster.

Connect the dots into a picture: Connect several points with a sequence number together to form a complete picture, according to the child's situation, you can adjust the difficulty, such as starting to let the child connect the numbers, or some simple graphics, and then you can increase the difficulty with some stick figures. There are many similar materials on the Internet that parents can print out to train their children.

Card guessing: Parents randomly prepare 5 cards (numbers are not repeated), put them flat on the table in turn, let the child observe first, let the child turn around, the parents arbitrarily exchange the position of two of them, let the child find, which two changed the position.

Pick beans: put mung beans and red beans in the same basin, and prepare an empty basin for children to use their hands or chopsticks to separate the beans of the two colors, and you can also adjust the difficulty of the game, and then count how many beans there are after separating the beans.

(Beijing Children's Hospital Women's and Children's Center - Birch)

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