
Poetically inhabiting the earth - Huaxia "There are always unexpected touches in ordinary life"

Poetically inhabiting the earth - Huaxia "There are always unexpected touches in ordinary life"


On January 6, 2022, Jiangshan Literature Network [Liu'an Touched] published an article "Ten Talks on the Collected Works of Yu chuan" compiled by Shi Zhongyuan, which has a brief introduction to Huaxia (real name Liu Liguo), the chief editor of Guangming Daily, which will not be repeated here.

This article "poetically inhabits the earth" is divided into four parts: first, the article in the "Ancient Literature Guanzhi" tells me, "What is a good prose"; second, like the Tang people; third, write words like the Song people; and fourth, read like Huaxia. Shi Zhongyuan has published an article on Jiangshan Literature Network (2021-12-08 09:29:31) entitled "If there is a poetry book hidden in the heart, the years are never defeated and beautiful - talking about children reciting classics", which can be seen as the "sister article" of this article, which is interesting and complementary.

I. The article in "Ancient Literature and Guanzhi" tells me, "What is a good prose like?"

After reading Mr. Huaxia's collection of essays, "There are always unexpected touches in ordinary life" (hereinafter referred to as "this book"), I seem to see the boundless blue sky, the gentle white clouds, the majestic mountains, the green water - "poetic perching" tempts me to read this book. The articles that are depressed and profound, like a piccolo tune, playing beautiful music, making people sigh and make people reverie. The ancient words in the book, the delicate words of "mother-in-law and mother", the scattered and unbroken artistic conception, full of lively vitality - this book is good prose! "What a good prose is like," Huaxia said:

In the past few years, every morning I have read two articles in the "Ancient Literature and GuanZhi". There are a total of 222 articles in the "Ancient Literature and Guanzhi", which were read quickly. Then, start all over again and read it again. I can't remember how many times I've read it over and many of the passages I've memorized, but I'm still happy. This has become a must-do homework every morning before I go to work, a habit, a kind of enjoyment.


The article in "Ancient Literature" tells me that good prose should do:

There is something to be said for it. If you look at the "Cao Jie Controversy", the length of three or two hundred words tells a famous war in history, the Battle of the Long Spoon in Qilu in the Spring and Autumn Period. There are characters, there are dialogues, there are details; there are beginnings, there are climaxes, there are endings. The characters come alive, the dialogue is wonderful and vivid, the details are accurate and vivid, and the reasoning is thorough and incisive.

Makes sense. If you look at Wang Anshi's "Reading the Biography of Meng Tianjun", there are only nine crosses, but it speaks of four meanings...

It makes sense. Zhuge Liang's "Table of Teachers" contains both the concern of the elders for the younger generations, and the loyalty of the subordinates to the monarch, and the fiery feelings that make people cry. There are also Han Yu's "Sacrifice of the Twelve Lang Texts" and Li Mi's "Chen Qing Table", why is it touching, because their words are flowing with true feelings and kindness.

It's beautiful to say. There are two sentences in Liu Yuxi's "Buried Room Inscription", called "Moss marks are green on the upper steps, and the grass color is green in the curtain", and the words "up" and "into" inside them make these two sentences come alive, move, and become beautiful at once? There are also the texts of Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, and Wang Anshi, which one is not beautiful? Their articles have both the beauty of form and the beauty of connotation; the beauty of both phonology and thought, and it is no wonder that they will be passed on for hundreds of years.

Interesting to say. How to read articles that taste the same as chewing wax and taste the same chewing wax? The Guwen Guanzhi contains 34 articles in the Zuo Zhuan, accounting for the largest length of the total Guwen Guanzhi. Why is there so much revenue? Because the articles in "Left Biography" are interesting. Writing history is in vivid language, which not only brings history to life, but also achieves one beautiful article after another.

Well said. The "degree" here has two meanings, one is temperature and the other is moderation. Chinese characters have a temperature, when it should be cold, when it should be hot, how to master this fire, this involves the words of the previously mentioned sentient. With feelings, there is also temperature...

"Splashing ink is really interesting, and the choice of rhymes and words is sent to God" (Ding Zhicai's "New Year Feeling"). This book has 218 thousand words and 39 essays, and its words are material, reasonable, affectionate, and beautiful. This book is some of the best of Huaxia's prose works, including "That Year I Went Outside", this essay was originally published in China Youth Daily, and was soon selected by readers, Youth Digest, Prose Selection and other newspapers and periodicals; There is also "Three People and One Pair of Eyes", which was originally published in the magazine "Essays" and later included in the "Selected Readings for Middle School Students"; There is also "How I Joined the Red Soldiers" and "A Big Cry Twenty-Five Years Ago", published in Tianya magazine and later included in the book "Essays of the World". There is also "How I Express My Love" published in "Meiwen" magazine, which is loved by readers and collected works.

"Man, poetically inhabiting the earth", Heidegger's words express my feelings about reading this book: like the Tang people, like the Song people to write words, like the Chinese to recite.

Second, chant poetry like the Tang people

Zhou Cuiyun, the author's wife (commonly known as his wife), wrote the preface to "Huaxia in My Eyes and His Works". The preface says: The biggest feature of Huaxia's prose, I think there are two, one is grounded, and the other is sincere feelings. Good is good in grounding and sincere feelings.

The value of life lies in being true and free. Huaxia said that he was glad that he grew up under the nurturing of the Chinese language, could truly appreciate the charm of the Chinese language, and could enter one period of turbulent history through Chinese characters, and was closely connected with those heroes. He was also often proud that he was a descendant of Yan Huang, saying that my ancestors were really heroes and arrogant. In such reading, he often has a sense of happiness and pride.

Reading can read happiness and pride, a new realm. Yes, whenever I recite the Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty, I feel the same way as Huaxia. "The moon rises in the heavenly mountains, between the vast sea of clouds." The long wind is tens of thousands of miles, blowing the jade gate off. "(Li Bai, "Guan Shanyue") The poet's visual and life experience comes from the vast land." The long river sunset is round, and the desert is lonely", which gives me vast space and unlimited time.

The Tang people realized the self of life in nature, and the openness of the Tang Dynasty and the lively freedom of life are unforgettable. "Five-flowered horses, thousands of golden furs, hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine." (Li Bai,"Will Drink"), I feel free. "The Five Peaks do not hesitate to seek immortals." The poet is talking to the mountains, rivers and lakes, the sun and the moon, walking with the heavens and the earth, and competing with the sun and the moon!

The collection of Essays in Huaxia is like Tang poems, the whole life has the feeling of being magnified, exuding the atmosphere of earth, fireworks, and books, and the writing is interesting, poetic, and has a love for life. The author often draws on trivial daily life, but can turn the ordinary into magic, and in the calm and unhurried narration, it shows the big strokes, big feelings, and everyone's style. I read Xu Changcai's book "Falling in Love with the Life of Tang Dynasty Poetry" and had the same feelings. Walking into the Tang Dynasty, I walked into the broadband network of the Great Dynasty: surprised by Li Shangyin's talent, lamented Du Fu's worries about the country and the people, and Bai Juyi shared a sad and compassionate nature, touched the clothes sewn by Mengjiao's mother, and also wanted to see the beauty of Yang Guifei with his own eyes...

In the preface to this book, it is said: I often talk to Huaxia about the two sentences in the TV series "Soldier Assault", one is "People must do meaningful things when they live, and meaningful things are to live well", and the other is "do not abandon, do not give up". "I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see the comers after me." The sense of desolation in history, with conceit, pride, and loneliness, was the price of the Tang Dynasty poets' pursuit of the path of freedom. While reading Chinese prose, I experienced the perseverance of "not abandoning, not giving up".

I feel this kind of perseverance with my literary friend Mr. Golden Mountain. Jin Shan, a member of the China Yuelian Society and the editor of the Jiangshan Literature Network (Qiuyue Juyun Society), has in the "Forty Rhymes of Mountain Residence DrunkenNess": "A plate of green vegetables under the village wine, half a bowl of poetry fairy roll red dust", "Endure loneliness is really good, sit and watch the clouds and mist in front of the mountain", "Cold landscape and water far dry strokes, textured style rhyme is Fengming", "Self-amusement and self-pleasure are good, why fight for false fame and fly profits", "I use my handwriting to write my text, I use my mouth to sing my heart"...

5,000 years of exposition, shaping the contemporary sages. Step on the "land of faith" and look at the blue sky. Mr. Jinshan, Mr. Huaxia, Mr. Yuanshan... There are also Mr. Qiao Yu, Zhou Yi and other gentlemen I know, who "use my handwriting to write my text, and I use my mouth to sing my heart." China Millennium Monument. The prologue has: strong winds, big tides. Flood totem dragon, fire nirvana phoenix. The holy flame of civilization, the unending one through the ages, the only one who is incomparable; coexists with the heavens and the earth, and the light with the sun and the moon...

Third, the Song people wrote words like that

Sit peacefully against time, and drink wine with the sun and moon religiously. Liu Chuan, the author's son, and his daughter-in-law Guo Qi co-authored "Spit on Huaxia" - "Dream of the Red Chamber" is good? Good. Why good? Because it is written as "mother-in-law mother". Is Anna Karenina good? Good. Why? Because of "mother-in-law mother". Is "The Old Man and the Sea" good? Good. Because it is "mother-in-law mother". Is "The Dancing Girl of Izu" good? Good. Good thing about "mother-in-law mother". Is Huaxia's prose good? Good. Good thing about "mother-in-law mother". After reading "mother-in-law and mother-in-law", you can understand the goodness of a work. After writing "mother-in-law and mother-in-law", you can write good works and big works. ”

Life is a porridge and a meal, a bed, a good book. Accompany your family, take your children around; call old friends, gossip and homely, just like the people of the Song Dynasty, learn to relax and enjoy life. Zhou Zuoren said: "Half a day of leisure can withstand ten years of dust dreams." "How much red dust is going on, it's better to have a little leisure." A heart of leisure, everywhere the scenery.

Life can be hurried, but the mentality should be relaxed. "The Secret of the Small Window" writes: Young people should be busy, busy to take the float; the elderly should be idle, idle is happy for more than a year. Let me appreciate Huaxia's leisure and entertainment in this book: after drinking two more glasses of wine, my son Liu Chuan recited a poem, Zhang Ruoxuan's "Spring River Flower Moon Night". I said that our family of three often held poetry readings at home, turned off the TV, and the three of us took turns on the stage, each reciting a poem, and one night was very happy. ...... The second brother saw that his colleague could recite such a long paragraph of text, so he asked me to recite another long poem by Bai Juyi, "Pipa Line", and asked to "include the preface before the long poem". I said yes, I stood up and recited this long poem, because I did not drink, my brain was awake, there were some hesitations in the middle, my son was next to remind me, I picked it up, and finally successfully recited it. It is also full of emotion. Two hours passed like this, unconsciously. Someone suggested, "Let's get here today," and everyone responded, so the meal was finished. ”

Family: If there is love, it is the harbor; without love, it is the cage. Books: Mastery is knowledge; waste is waste paper. The whole Huaxia family loves life like the Song people. Chen Yinke said: "The culture of the Chinese nation, which has evolved over thousands of years, was created in the world of Zhao and Song Dynasties. "When I was compiling this article, my Chongqing Wenyou Yi Xuanzi sent me "Ten Elegant Things in the World" from WeChat at Sangziju: Planting Flowers and Planting Bamboo; Youxi Fishing; Leisurely strolling; Drunken Linjiang; Tea tasting; Late Spring Garden; Winding paths; QiMu Guanhe; Hearth Night Talk; Bathing and changing clothes. Isn't this the Song Dynasty people playing chess, feasting and drinking, stepping on spring flowers, planting bamboo with rain, and brewing tea from springs... Life? The Song people lived a thousand years ago into the ideal form in my heart. Thanks to the author of this book, Huaxia, thanks to Yi Xuanzi, let me get the infiltration of ancient culture, let me read the glory of life, read out the realm of being a human being. He who has light in his heart does not mess with his heart or dwell on things. Every day, live yourself as a light, because you don't know who will come out of the darkness through your light...

Now some people have turned their lives upside down, and their free time has almost no hobbies except bad gambling, alcoholism, and watching things made by TV contractors, as the Heart Sutra says, "upside down dreams", upside down right and wrong, horror, heart palpitations... There are also some people who work day and night, work hard all their lives, do not have time to study culture, and do not know what civilization is. The only little spare time, led by the nose by the ads that come to the face, like the grass on the wall, the wind blows on both sides, leaning on people's noses, going with the flow, is the "harvest of leeks", in the confusion of this life, sad! There are also a number of unfilial descendants who have forgotten their ancestors, and have evolved into villains of "fanaticism and hatred"... The ancients said that "if you listen at the same time, you will be bright, and if you believe partially, you will be dark", in today's information technology, you should no longer close your eyes and listen, and hold on to the defects, otherwise, compared with the ancients a thousand years ago, wouldn't you be ashamed of yourself?

It is often said that the Chinese nation is rejuvenated, how can it be considered rejuvenation? Where is the revival going? The life of the Tang, Han, and Song dynasties is worth learning from and discarding today's people. Learn ancient Chinese, appreciate the artistic conception of the works, and enjoy the beauty. In this book, the Huaxia family recites poems in their daily lives, and the poetry and paintings are dissolved in life, which sets an example for me. Recite the scriptures, talk to our ancestors, learn about our past, reclaim our own history, and avoid slipping from the "land of faith" to the "money-oriented society.". Read the classics, understand what is the great tradition of human civilization, re-find the source of ancient civilization, embrace modern civilization with an open and inclusive mind, and have the confidence to move towards the future with meaning.

Write an epic poem to think of the soldiers, and wave a comic to rebuke the demons. The pillars of the Great Wall are like weaving Yao, and the thunder sword stops the dry goe. Tang Dynasty, what a fascinating era it was: orange, orange, yellow and glorious, ten miles of Chang'an drum music. A thousand mountains danced and the guests from all over the world congratulated dongfang. The Song Dynasty, it was a picturesque era. If there is unhappiness in life, it is only because su dongpo has not been read; if you want to find happiness in the world, you must read su dongpo.

"Man, Poetically Inhabited" is a poem by the German 19th-century Romantic poet Hölderlin, which was later elaborated by Heidegger's philosophy to "poetically inhabit the earth" and became people's yearning. To this end, I have extracted the "spirit of snow bath" recited by Mr. Huaxia to entertain the reader-

4. Recitation like Huaxia (Snow Bath Spirit)

When I was younger than I am now, I was once very obsessed with poetry. I not only often recite those classic Tang poems and Song poems aloud, but also transcribe them in one hard-skinned book after another. While reciting, I was very engaged; While copying, I was engrossed. In this way, in the process of reading and copying, I feel that my heart is particularly clean.

At that time, my memory was good, and I could recite many poems. In the dead of night, when I recite, I feel closely connected with the poets who have long been ancient. It felt like they were sitting right in front of me, it felt like they were me, I was them. My heart, in purity, is shrouded in a faint sadness.

I especially like Song Ci, that kind of lively sense of language, let me feel a thousand times and swing back to the intestines. I like Li Yu, although I have not experienced his experience, and I will never have his experience, but when I read him, there is always a sense of immersion. His sorrow overwhelmed me, making me feel sad and beautiful at the same time. I also like Li Qingzhao, like Liu Yong, like Su Shi, like Xin Qiyi.

I especially like Su Shi's "Jiang Chengzi", "Ten years of life and death are two vague, do not think, unforgettable." Thousands of miles of lonely graves, nowhere to say desolate. Even if they do not know each other, they are full of dust and sideburns. It was a poem in his memory of his dead wife. When I first came into contact with it, not only was I not married, but I didn't even have a definite girlfriend, but why did it move me so much that I burst into tears? I think what struck me was the words and the truth.

In addition to ancient poetry, I also like modern poetry. Ai Qing's "Dayan River, My Nanny", as well as Dai Wangshu's "Rain Lane" and Xu Zhimo's "Farewell to KangQiao" are all works that I often recite.

At the time when obscure poetry was most hotly debated, I was studying at school. The poems of Beidao, Shuting, Jiang he, Munch, and Gu Cheng completely conquered me at once. I copied a lot, even copied down the whole book. I pressed the hard-skinned book of these poems under my pillow, and when I couldn't sleep, I silently recited a few poems. As a result, emotions are ignited by poetry, and I can't sleep.

Liang Xiaobin is a poet I like very much, and his "Snow White Wall" and "China, My Key Is Lost" let me know what a good poem looks like. And his "Precocious Child" and "Girl Snare Drum Team" have deeply moved me.

Gu Cheng's poems once made me fall in love with them. However, since he killed his wife and hanged himself, I rarely touched his things again. Later, I rarely read anyone's poems or poems. I can't find the mood and mood to read poetry. I was so busy and exhausted in my life that I felt like my heart was dusty. Not only was my invisible heart covered with dust, but even the face and body I could see always felt dusty, even if I had just come out of the bath, I had this feeling of impurity.

The feeling of the whole purity that poetry brought to me seemed to be found again.

I had been teaching in the countryside for several years, and sometimes after lecturing to the children, I looked at the watch and there were still a few minutes before the end of the class, and I said, I will recite a poem to you. The students applauded my surprise and was accompanied by a chorus of applause. I recited Liang Xiaobin's "Snow White Wall", "Mom, I saw the snow white wall. In the morning, I went out on the street to buy crayons and saw a worker who, with great effort, was painting the long wall. I recited it with emotion, and I found that many children had tears in their eyes. Even the most mischievous student was unusually quiet at this time, as if entering another better world. When the bell rang at the end of class that day, all the children did not seem to hear it, and they were all immersed in the mood of poetry.

In the future, as long as I finish the lecture in advance, the children will have a pleading tone and ask me to recite poems to them again. When listening, their eyes are so pure, and the expression on their faces, pure, reveals a divine light.

When I was in love with my wife, she also enjoyed listening to me recite poems to her. She came to my office at night, and in the light I lowered my voice and recited my favorite poems for her with emotion. She listened like crazy. I liked the way she was drunk, but she said, I like the way you read me poetry. Sometimes under the stars in the wild, she said, read me another poem. I asked, whose? She said, you like it. I thought about it and recited a poem, and when I finished reading it, she also changed like a person, became some admiration and attachment to me, and became more and more cute.

At that time, I had no house, no savings, and I could not see any splendid future, I had almost nothing material, and I was always worried that this lovely girl would not make up her mind to marry me. But she said that although you have nothing, you have a world when you read poetry. Just for this sentence, she is also worth cherishing for my life.

By the time we are really married, the chaotic life has long since swept away the poetry in our hearts. Sometimes, when I look at the leaves falling in the autumn wind, I think that the poetry in our hearts, like the leaves on the trees, has been ruthlessly blown away by one strong wind after another, and finally there is not even a piece left. In this materialistic era, poets have almost become synonymous with "neurosis", how many people still have a special love for poetry?

In the past few years, our lives have gradually settled down, the days have gotten better day by day, and the dry mood has slowly calmed down. One night, my wife suddenly said, remember when you recited poetry to me before you got married? How nice it was then. I was touched by her words and said, I will recite a few more poems to you this evening. She said, okay.

I found the hard-skinned books I had copied in the past, and then Rummaged through them one by one for the ones that were suitable for recitation. My son, who was in elementary school to the sixth grade, was very excited when he learned what we were going to do, saying that he was also going to recite it and was busy flipping through his Chinese textbooks. I chose two poems, one is Shu Ting's "To the Oak Tree" and the other is Yang Ran's "Father, We Send You Away".

As I read it, I felt my body, a little pure from the inside out. A little tear flashed in his wife's eyes. My son secretly recorded the sound while I was reciting. He himself rushed to read two ancient poems in their textbooks, one Li Bai and one Du Fu. Then we started listening to the recording, which sounded strange and grotesque, and this time we all laughed. The wife also came to the spirit and had to recite two poems by herself. It wasn't until very late, when our family's poetry reading party ended. My wife was satisfied, and I experienced a long-lost pleasure.

Later, such a family poetry recital was held once in a few days. The pure and comfortable feeling it brings us is something that no TV show can do.

This year's Spring Festival, the five of our brothers all returned to their hometowns on the outskirts of Beijing, and everyone was usually running for their own livelihoods, and there were few opportunities to gather. The five brothers, who were doing different professions, finally got together, and naturally had a lot to say. This afternoon, the five of us brothers gathered together again, chatting and talking about poetry. This is really a distant topic. When we were young, we were all obsessed with poetry, and the second and fourth even became poets, writing a lot and publishing a lot. Both men showed their talents in this area, and later one entered politics and the other did a good job.

This topic slowly evoked many good memories of us. First, the fifth elder stood up and recited a poem by Li Bai's "Shu Dao Difficulty" with great emotion. We had been his brother for more than thirty years, and I didn't expect him to have such a hand. He read it well. Our kids were still playing with them, and when they saw that we had changed the chat to a poetry reading, they got excited. The eldest of several children is in his sophomore year of high school, and the youngest is still in kindergarten. Their emotions were mobilized by the adults, and they also competed to "take the stage" to perform.

The fourth elder, who used to love Shelley and Byron very much, stood up and recited a shelley, a byron. The second elder recited a long poem he published in his early years. The boss never put down the shelf, condescending to admire, with an intoxicated look on his face. The wives did not expect that we would change the chat to a poetry reading, and at first they thought it was a little ridiculous, but soon they were infected by our emotions, sitting quietly and demurely, looking at us out of their minds.

Such a scene is touching and makes me deeply feel the beauty of life. When it was my turn to "appear", I recited Haizi's "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" -

From tomorrow onwards, be a happy person

Feed the horses, chop wood, and travel the world

From tomorrow, care for grain and vegetables

I have a house facing the sea, and the spring blossoms... When I recited it like this, the world suddenly became gentle and affectionate in my eyes.

Note: Huaxia's book "There Are Always Unexpected Emotions in Ordinary Life" (a collection of essays) comes from Qiao Yu's "The Collected Works of Yu Chuan", Beijing Publishing House, January 2022 edition.

On April 14, 2022, Shi Zhongyuan compiled it in Youth Lake, Dongcheng, Beijing

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