
Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

Text/BeiShu Source: Beishu Youyue (beishu2016)

Someone on the Internet always asks: "How to judge whether a man loves me or not?" ”

In fact, love and non-love can be felt from getting along.

Loving someone cannot be hidden, and not loving a person is even more impossible to hide.

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

If a man has the following three manifestations, it means that he does not love you at all.


The attitude towards you is hot and cold

There is such a man, sweet and sweet when he is with you, disappears as soon as he turns around, and rarely takes the initiative to contact you. You call him, and he always says he's busy.

And when you no longer have illusions about him, he will suddenly appear in front of you and make a bunch of excuses for his previous behavior.

If this happens, it will happen again and again.

Well, this man doesn't love you at all, just treats you as a "spare tire".

There must be someone else besides you.

To him, you are like a piece of clothing that you don't like and don't want to throw away.

Only when he doesn't have a change of clothes will he think of putting them on, and then he will put them on the shelf.

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

There is a saying that goes: "People who care about you have a thousand reasons to pity you; people who don't care about you have all kinds of excuses for snubbing you." ”

If a man's attitude towards you is hot and cold, it means that he doesn't care about you at all.

To him, you are just a dispensable being.

When you have it, you don't cherish it, and you don't cherish it when you lose it.

This kind of man is merciful everywhere, but never special.

Encountered, must not be soft-hearted, the sooner you get rid of it, the more responsible for yourself.


Stingy with you for time and money

For a person, the most important thing is nothing more than life, time and money.

The most intuitive way to measure whether a person loves you or not is to look at the time and money he spends on you.

There is a saying: "The most luxurious person in the world is the one who is willing to spend time with you." Everyone's time is valuable, and to give it to you is equivalent to giving your own world to you. ”


If a person is always "not available" to you, but has time to party with friends and play games, then he is not empty, but you are not so important in his heart.

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

As Zhang Ailing said:

"If a person is not available, it is because he does not want to be free; if a person cannot walk away, it is because he does not want to walk away; if a person has too many excuses for you, it is because he does not want to care about you at all." 」

In the same way, if a man's financial conditions are acceptable, but when he is with you, he is always spending money, then in his heart, money is more important than you.

You are so miserly when you are in love, can you still expect him to be generous to you after marriage?

In his opinion, it is a waste to go out for a meal and buy a bouquet of flowers for the holidays.

Tu Lei said:

"Money is not the only test of true love, but it can measure the depth of affection between each other."

People who love you are willing to give you everything they have, how can they care about money.

At the end of the day, such a man loves himself more than he loves you.

Or rather, you're not fully into his heart.


Indifferent to your joys and sorrows

There is a kind of person who is described as "moody and angry." ”

On the outside, this may be a mature, cultured sign.

However, if in front of the people closest to you, you still have a look of indifference, it is indifference.

Your joys and sorrows have nothing to do with him, he only focuses on his own life.

A man who loves you and sees you happy will be happier than you are. Seeing you sad, he will be sad and pity.

Even if two people quarrel, even if it is your fault, he can not apologize, but he will never ignore you.

If you are crying and weeping here, and the other party does not pay attention to it at all, and does not delay eating, drinking and having fun, then he does not put you in his heart.

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

Even if you're sick, all you get is, "Drink more hot water." And will not be careful and considerate to take care of you.

With this kind of man, over time, you will feel that you are not important, not worthy of being loved, and thus lose self-confidence.

I've seen a very reasonable passage that says:

"Those who are happy for your sadness are enemies; those who are happy for your happiness are friends; those who are sad for you are those who should be put into their hearts."

Every woman should be put into the heart of her lover. If not, you're looking for the wrong person.


Watch a man love you or not, don't listen to what he says, but look at what he does.

The person who loves you will never let you suffer from gain and loss, he will give you the security you want.

People who love you, never care about their own efforts, are willing to give you everything they have.

People who love you will never ignore your feelings, and they are even more reluctant to let you suffer a little wrong.

Some people say that women have three chances to change their fate in their lives. The first time was given by the parents, the second time was given by himself, and the third time was given by the husband.

The partner determines the happiness of a woman in the second half of her life, and must be carefully chosen.

If you encounter the wrong person, letting go as soon as possible and stopping the loss in time is the wisest choice.

Men have these kinds of manifestations that indicate that he doesn't love you at all

For the rest of our lives, may each of us meet the right person and harvest sweet love, long years, true love, and happiness.

- END -

*Image source: petal net, sugar net

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