
If you go to the epidemic area to support, you will have the opportunity to join the staff, but what will the medical care in the rear hospital look at?


In the current situation, the medical care left behind is really not much easier than going to the front line.

Source: Medical Pulse

Author: Alyosha

This article is written by the editor of Medical Pulse, please do not reprint it without authorization.

Recently, there has been a rebound in many parts of the country, of which the situation in Shanghai is particularly severe.

Up to now, the National Health Commission has dispatched more than 40,000 medical personnel from 16 provinces across the country and 2.38 million tubes of nucleic acid testing per day to support Shanghai, and work with Shanghai medical staff to carry out medical treatment and nucleic acid testing.

In times of crisis, we should work together to tide over the difficulties together. In order not to live up to the efforts of these medical personnel, corresponding incentive policies have been introduced in various places.

On April 5, 2022, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jilin Province issued the "Several Policies and Measures for Fully Supporting the Fight against the New Crown Epidemic in the Field of Human Resources and Social Security in Jilin Province", which put forward clear policies and measures on "encouraging and caring for frontline medical workers and related personnel", mainly focusing on improving treatment incentives, implementing work injury protection, and evaluating excellence.

In addition, Jilin Province has also released a relatively "heavy" reward, that is, to open up a green channel for public institution recruitment for frontline medical care against the epidemic.

According to the content of the document, non-staff personnel who have made outstanding contributions to public institutions directly participating in the frontline of this round of epidemic prevention and control can directly handle the employment procedures after reporting to the human resources and social security department according to the actual employment needs of the unit, under the premise of empty posts and vacancies, in accordance with relevant national regulations and relevant requirements.

The policy caused a lot of controversy in the medical circle. As we all know, in recent years, the trend of "downsizing" of hospitals is obvious, and in more developed areas, doctors who have graduated with doctors may not be able to stabilize the establishment. Therefore, many practitioners are worried that in this case, will the "establishment" as a reward be unfair?

After determining the topic of the article, I contacted Lao Liu, a Shandong doctor who had experience in fighting the epidemic, and exchanged views on whether it was fair to compile. Lao Liu said that the fight against the epidemic is a grand cause, which needs to be analyzed on a specific basis, and whether the reward is reasonable should be combined with the current situation.

During the epidemic in Wuhan, people were still relatively unfamiliar with the new crown virus, and protective measures were not in place. Front-line care at that stage needs to bear far greater risks and psychological burdens than today, so it is reasonable to give "heavy rewards" (such as preparation) and will not be criticized.

Two years later, with the accumulation of experience, prevention and control measures have also been continuously improved, and the virus has undergone many mutations, transitioning from the "Delta era" to the "Omikeron era", although the transmissibility has increased, but the toxicity has also been significantly weakened.

Today's frontline medical care is still hard, but in terms of danger and psychological burden, it is far lower than the medical care during the Epidemic in Wuhan. Therefore, the rewards given, especially those of "immateriality", should be cautious.

Speaking of which, I am reminded of the controversial "medical children in the college entrance examination bonus points" incident in the early days of the epidemic.

In February 2020, Hubei officially issued the "Several Measures on Further Caring for and Motivating Frontline Medical Personnel in the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic", showing that the children of frontline medical personnel who participate in the middle school examination this year will increase by ten points on the basis of the total score of admission; those who participate in the college entrance examination this year can give priority to choosing a major; and some high-quality higher vocational schools can also specially recruit the children of front-line medical personnel to enroll.

The policy has sparked a heated debate about whether the exploits of parents can be inherited by the next generation.

At that time, there were many oppositions in the field of public opinion, and everyone thought that how to reward medical care itself was not excessive, salary increases, promotions, and even for those who made outstanding contributions to send cars and houses. However, education is special, to ensure that children can be on the same starting line, the middle school entrance examination, the college entrance examination is still relatively fair, should not be the special contribution of the child's parents to add points.

Where the establishment and the middle and high school entrance examinations are similar, it is easy to lead to contradictions about "fairness".

In the process of exchange, Lao Liu said that the policy itself is more symbolic than the practical significance, and the document clearly stipulates two prerequisites, that is, under the premise of "empty posts", the green channel for front-line medical care with "outstanding contributions" is opened.

It is not easy to meet these two at the same time, first of all, there are not many cases of "empty posts", and secondly, it is difficult to define what is "outstanding contribution". Without reliable regulation, this policy does have the potential to breed "backdoor" space. Instead of drawing such a "big cake", it is better to directly give more material rewards and take a few more days off. This is the fairest and most reasonable.

Finally, Lao Liu told me: "In the current situation, the medical care left in the rear is really not much easier than going to the front line." ”

Whenever an epidemic occurs in the city, the department will transfer some medical care to the frontline work. In addition, because the master's degree of training is a student status, it is likely that they will be sealed in the campus and unable to work in the hospital. In this case, Corey is severely understaffed, and the left-behind can easily fall into an overloaded state.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the praise and praise of frontline medical care from all walks of life has never stopped. After being reminded by Lao Liu, I realized that the medical care group left behind in the hospital has been neglected for too long, and where we can't see, they are always silently dedicating themselves to protecting the health of patients.

China has made great achievements in fighting the epidemic, and there are too many stories worth remembering in this process. We must not forget the figure of those sacrifices, hope that all the efforts will not be disappointed, and hope that all the hard work can be seen.

Editor-in-charge| Alyosha Yiyi

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