
The operating room is full of money, full of leaders, but pushed the problem to a nurse?

On January 21, the operating room of Dongguan Kanghua Hospital held an annual party dinner, during which a banner caused a hot discussion on the Internet.

The banner read: "Tiger tigers are proud of the New Year, and the operating room is full of money." ”

It's quite rhyming to read, but it causes a lot of people to feel uncomfortable. Not only are there different opinions, but they even rise to the height of morality.

The operating room is full of money, full of leaders, but pushed the problem to a nurse?

In this incident, dopamine believes that there are two points that need to be clarified.

First, can you hang this banner?

People are private hospitals, they do it is to make money in business, do not make money, or do not make money, what private hospital?

Even if it is a public hospital, because it is not fully funded, the hospital needs to bear its own profit and loss, and it also needs to be partly for profit.

And the banner was not hung on the road, but inside the restaurant, within a small area of insiders.

If it is hung on the square, if it is shown to the masses, it is naturally not OK. In fact, if someone hadn't taken a photo at the scene and circulated it, not many people would have seen it.

People's private hospitals are doing money-making business, as long as they ensure the quality of service while making money.

Some people say that angels in white are not suitable for their duty to save lives and help the injured? How can it be all money in the eyes?

In fact, to talk about morality without considering reality is to play hooliganism.

Hospital operations require costs, medical staff need to eat and drink Lasa, which one does not cost money?

If the hospital can't make money, then everyone can let the state increase investment in the hospital.

But some people don't think so, they always think that the hospital is opened by the doctors and nurses themselves, and their own money is earned by the doctors and nurses.

In fact, the salary bonuses received by front-line medical workers are not directly proportional to their own labor efforts. Note that I'm talking about frontline medical workers.

If the doctor's income is a little higher, the nurse's income is sometimes not as good as picking vegetables and brushing dishes in the restaurant.

Don't always be morally kidnapped, don't pick up soft persimmons to pinch.

However, some people always have a glass heart, always put themselves in a high position, and always criticize the medical staff.

I remember there was a news that a doctor drank a glucose injection between surgeries. Some people jumped out and asked, who pays for this bottle of glucose injection?

These people were eager to see a dime for their own medical treatment, and the hospital gave him two pounds of native eggs. I also hate that doctors and nurses do not take a penny of salary bonus when they go to work, and it is best to bring money to work by themselves.

Some people, especially some journalists, when they see news like this, like a dog seeing, are afraid that they won't be able to squeeze in and not be able to eat a bite.

While they have issued these soul questions, they have never asked, since the outbreak of the epidemic, how many medical staff have really received anti-epidemic subsidies? How many medical staff are overworked all year round? How many medical staff have not returned home for several years in a row for the Spring Festival reunion?

Of course, this is true, but such a blatant hanging of money-centered banners is naturally out of date and contrary to mainstream values.

The operating room is full of money, full of leaders, but pushed the problem to a nurse?

Second, is it the spontaneous behavior of a nurse?

The notification given by the hospital is the spontaneous behavior of a nurse.

Dopamine individuals are skeptical of this explanation.

The hospital holds an event, the department holds an annual meeting, is a nurse crazy herself? Pay for it yourself, and make a banner without the consent of the head nurse and section chief?

At the very least, I wouldn't do something so noble as paying for it out of my own pocket.

Even if it is a spontaneous act of a nurse, when this banner is hung, there are so many people on the scene, no leader finds it inappropriate?

The leaders are busy drinking and bragging about the mountains, but they are not aware of the problem of the banners?

Do you have to wait until you are on the Internet to explain that it is the spontaneous behavior of a nurse?

This is likewise pinching soft persimmons.

The funny thing is that there are so many people on the scene, many of whom have leaders, and in the end they all put the blame on a nurse.

Therefore, sometimes, the emperor's new clothes are still necessary.


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