
What do I need to pay attention to when I have a low placenta during pregnancy?

Girlfriend Xiao Wang called me today and said, "Today I did A ultrasound, the doctor said that the placenta is low, let me pay attention to rest", the girlfriend is very worried, thinking "Is this an impact on the baby's health?" "Xiaobian wants to discuss with all the mothers today, what is placental low? What are the dangers of placenta low?

What is placental low?

The definition of the low placenta: the placenta is low in position but does not cover the inner cervical opening, and the lower edge of the placenta is <2 cm from the inner cervical opening. Detect the low placenta, pregnant mothers do not have to panic too much, once the prenatal diagnosis is clear, most of them can be through the formulation of a detailed prenatal diagnosis and treatment plan and the implementation of the norms, so as to achieve a good outcome of turning the crisis into safety and smooth delivery.

Manifestations of placental low placement

1. Common mild symptoms of placental low placement are bloating of the lower abdomen and sometimes abdominal pain. 2. The most obvious symptom is the painless repeated vaginal bleeding without cause in the third trimester of pregnancy, which can be accompanied by fatigue and lack of energy when bleeding is prolonged, and in severe cases, there may be pallor, weak pulse, acceleration, blood pressure drop and other shock phenomena.

What do I need to pay attention to when I have a low placenta during pregnancy?

After 28 weeks' gestation, persistent placental introspection will turn into placenta previa, increasing the chance of caesarean section and intraoperative haemorrhage during pregnancy, leading to serious consequences.

Cause of placental introspection

Advanced maternal age (> 35 years), menstruating and polypregnant women, smoking or drug-using women are at high risk and are associated with the following factors:

Endometrial lesions or injuries: multiple curettages, deliveries, caesarean sections, uterine surgery, etc., so that the placenta blood supply is insufficient, in order to take in enough nutrients, the placenta area increases, resulting in low placental position.

Placental abnormalities: In multiple pregnancies, the placenta is too large to extend into the lower segment of the uterus, forming a low placenta.

3. Fertilized egg development retardation: when reaching the uterine cavity, it has not yet developed to the stage of being able to implant, but still continues to descend and implants into the lower part of the uterus, and grows and develops here, so the placenta position is low.

4. Bad living habits, such as smoking and drug use, high stress and test tubes, affect the blood supply of the placenta, in order to obtain nutrition and oxygen, the placenta area increases, resulting in low placenta.

Daily precautions for low placenta in pregnant women

No squats

When pregnant mothers have a low placenta, it is necessary to carry out moderate self-care, but to eliminate all strenuous exercises, such as running, jumping, etc., and some actions are absolutely inappropriate, such as squatting.

Pregnant mommy originally because of the abdomen bulge, the lower limbs are under a lot of pressure, and the placenta low pregnant mommy, squatting, will make the uterine opening enlarged, the position of the lower placenta will also be stretched, causing peeling, bleeding. Therefore, for pregnant mothers with low placenta, the action of squatting should never be done.

2. Do not share rooms

During pregnancy, the conjugal life should be carried out in moderation, and pregnant mothers with placenta low placement should pay more attention to avoid causing bleeding and causing miscarriage, premature birth and other conditions.

3. Closely observe the condition

If there is heavy bleeding, repeated bleeding, or when you are about to give birth, it is necessary to consider terminating the pregnancy according to the situation, and it is recommended to do a close observation and follow the guidance of the doctor.

4. Psychological relaxation

The psychological cues of pregnant mothers have a great impact on physical health, so once it is found that there is a low placenta, you must not be too nervous and maintain a relaxed and pleasant state.

5. Timely selection of caesarean section to terminate pregnancy

After 35 weeks of gestation, the frequency of uterine physiological contractions increases, and the bleeding rate of placenta is significantly increased, which is a great danger to both the fetus and the pregnant woman. Therefore, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to start testing whether the fetal lung development has matured, and if it is mature, caesarean section is chosen to terminate the pregnancy.

What do I need to pay attention to when I have a low placenta during pregnancy?

Pregnant mothers with placental low placement should absolutely follow the doctor's recommendations for obstetric examination, that is, when they are about to give birth, they need to choose the mode of delivery according to the physical condition and the doctor's advice, if the doctor does not recommend a normal birth, they should cooperate with the use of caesarean section to minimize the harm to themselves and the fetus.

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