
Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two

Calcium is indispensable in the human body, if the lack of calcium, it will be easy to appear waist pain, back pain, leg cramps, hand numbness and other symptoms. There are also people with loose teeth, which are manifestations of calcium deficiency.

Now, people's awareness of calcium supplementation is also more and more intense, many pregnant women from the pregnancy period to drink milk early, this is because after pregnancy to provide enough calcium for the fetus, plus the first trimester pregnancy reaction is more intense, affecting the normal diet, so the early calcium reserve is particularly important!

Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two

However, for calcium supplementation, it is always heard that too much calcium supplementation can easily cause placental calcification, which is not conducive to fetal development and childbirth. Is this true?

Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two

For this statement, many expectant mothers have expressed concern. After all, the placenta is a nutritional transit station between the mother and the fetus, and if the placenta is severely calcified, it is likely to cause intrauterine distress of the fetus, stagnation of growth and development, and serious fetal death.

So, is placental calcification really caused by too much calcium supplementation?

First of all, let's understand what placental calcification is:

Placental calcification, is due to the late stage of maternal placental focal infarction caused, the more strong light spots under the color ultrasound, color ultrasound detection according to the size of the calcified spots of the placenta will be calcified degree of three levels, that is, I, II, III. Grade I is mild and Grade III is severe, i.e. the placenta has the weakest function of transporting nutrients.

Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two
Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two
Does calcium supplementation make the placenta calcified? Doctor: There is nothing to do with the two

According to the research report, after 33 weeks of pregnancy, more than 50% of pregnant women begin to have different degrees of placental calcification, which is caused by white infarction of the placenta and narrowing of the villous space, and placental calcification may cause reduced placental blood flow and decreased function. This is an unavoidable phenomenon in all third trimesters of pregnancy and is not related to calcium supplementation.

Under normal circumstances, after the term of pregnancy, color ultrasound examination will find placental grade I-II calcification, which is an indirect sign of fetal term. Only when grade III calcification is accompanied by too little amniotic fluid does it indicate severe placental dysfunction and fetal danger, at which time pregnancy needs to be terminated in time.

It can be concluded that placental calcification and calcium supplementation have no half-cent relationship, and calcium supplementation does not calcify the placenta. No! No! No!

Prevention of placental calcification:

1. Stay away from tobacco;

2, eat more antioxidant foods: sweet potatoes, corn, asparagus, cauliflower, eggplant, sugar beets, cabbage, oats, potatoes, Chinese cabbage, etc.;

3. Moderate exercise.

Knowing the real cause of placental calcification, expectant mothers can rest assured and boldly supplement calcium.

According to theoretical recommendations, the amount of calcium that should be taken up daily in the first trimester is 800 mg, 1000 mg in the second trimester and 1200 mg in the third trimester. Under normal circumstances, the amount of calcium ingested from food is about 300-400 mg per day, in addition to which pregnant mothers also need to supplement 500-800 mg of calcium per day.

The general route of calcium supplementation can start from the following three aspects:

Drink 250ml of milk every morning and evening, which can supplement about 500mg of calcium;

Eat more calcium-rich foods, such as bone broth, fish, shrimp, etc.;

Calcium supplementation, preferably absorbable calcium, such as calcium carbonate.

In particular, if there is a cramp phenomenon, it means that the calcium deficiency is very serious, and calcium supplementation should be carried out immediately.

Finally, pregnant mothers should supplement calcium when they should supplement calcium, do not let themselves and the baby in their stomachs be hurt because of these rumors, otherwise the baby is likely to be in a bad state because of insufficient calcium!

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