
Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

Girlfriend Xiaoqing is a pregnant mother who is four months pregnant, and recently there is an incident that has bothered her quite much, this is because in terms of appearance, it is basically impossible to see that she is pregnant.

When other pregnant mommy was four months pregnant, the stomach was already obvious, but the girlfriend's belly even when I accompanied her to queue up for the obstetric examination, the doctor did not see that the girlfriend was pregnant, and after the obstetric examination, after the results came out, the doctor believed that the girlfriend was four months pregnant!

What's going on?

Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

Why do some people look like they are not pregnant, but their stomachs are slightly raised, and they are particularly worried about whether the fetus is stunted?

Why other pregnant mothers are only pregnant for more than three months, compared to their own pregnancy of more than five months, are more obvious, and all the pregnancy test results show normal, but relatives and friends have said that it may be that the fetus is not developing well, originally did not care too much, listening to it are worried.

Is the pregnancy not obvious and related to the actual development of the fetus? Although it is indeed related to the development status of the fetus, it is also related to the weight and body size of the pregnant mother, the amount of sheep, and the number of twins. Let's take a look.

Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

1. Pregnant mommy has low fat content

Pregnant mothers who can't see the stomach, whether they are petite or large, there is almost no exception, the content of fat in the weight before pregnancy is very small, not only the stomach can not see the outside, the limbs are also particularly small and thin.

After pregnancy, even if the amount of food increased slightly every day, because there was not much fat in the accumulation, it would not be very obvious during pregnancy.

Therefore, when pregnant, you do not want to become a "belly", during pregnancy, you should reasonably control your diet, weight, eat less fried food, soup foods will only eat solid, do not drink soup, and greatly reduce the intake of sugar.

Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

2, amniotic fluid is too little

Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord are both appendages to the fetus, and during normal pregnancy, the production of amniotic fluid is in dynamic balance with breathing.

However, if the amount of amniotic water exceeds two thousand milliliters during pregnancy, it means that the amount of amniotic fluid is excessive, and at this time, the pregnant mother's belly will be larger and more obvious, and even some pregnant mothers will be bulging because of the excess amniotic fluid.

3. Singleton, twin

Pregnant mommys with twins or multiple pregnancies are much larger than pregnant moms with the same pregnancy cycle, and the pregnant mommy with a larger fetus will look bigger; conversely, the baby is smaller, and the belly of the pregnant mommy will look smaller.

Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

But regardless of whether it is pregnant or not, pregnant mothers should not worry too much, and there should also be balanced nutritional supplementation during different pregnancy periods.

In a different pregnancy period, how to supplement nutrition?

1. Between the first and third months of pregnancy

At this stage of the fetal baby, the vast majority of its nutrition comes from the placenta itself, so pregnant mothers at this stage, it is bound to be balanced diet, regular and quantitative, without additional excessive intake. At this stage, more protein and folic acid can be supplemented.

2. Between the fourth month and the sixth month of pregnancy

At this stage, the fetus is in a rapid growth stage, the organs are slowly developing, and the weight is slowly increasing.

Therefore, at this stage of the pregnant mother can slightly increase the intake of diet, is to let the fetus eat more, at this time can be more calcium, fiber, can effectively improve the problem of constipation.

Why do some pregnant women "show their pregnancy" and some do not show up? 3 reasons are related to fetal development

3. From the seventh month of pregnancy to birth

This stage is also the key to the development and maturity of the child's organs, and the weight of the fetal baby at this stage is rising in a straight line, so the pregnant mother at this stage needs to always pay attention to the balanced diet, but also to do a good job of weight management.

At this stage, it is recommended to supplement protein, iron and egg phosphorus, which can effectively avoid a large amount of iron loss caused by pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

Don't worry too much about pregnant mommy, whether the pregnancy is obviously inconspicuous, as long as the pregnancy test results are normal, don't worry too much.

When pregnant, pregnant mothers should also have regular obstetric examinations, and pay more attention to the situation of the fetus at different stages.

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