
Li Yanlong, law enforcement officer of The Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau: What I miss most during the Mid-Autumn Festival is the "taste of home"

author:Poster Yantai

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Li Yanlong, law enforcement officer of The Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau: What I miss most during the Mid-Autumn Festival is the "taste of home"

Li Yanlong, a law enforcement officer at the Muping Workstation of the Yantai Coast Guard Bureau in Shandong Province

Public Network Poster News Reporter Yu Weijie Luan Yuwen Yantai reports

The moon is the hometown of Ming, and the person is the hometown of the relatives. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, people are most eager to be reunited with their families, but there is always a group of people who stick to their posts and cannot go home, and Li Yanlong, a law enforcement officer at the Muping Workstation of the Yantai Coast Guard Bureau in Shandong Province, is one of them.

In June 2019, Li Yanlong graduated from university and came to the Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau to enforce the law, train, receive police, patrol... The busy work of the day makes him have no time to miss home, but when the night is quiet, the thoughts will come to the night. Whenever this time comes, Li Yanlong will look at the photos and videos he took with his parents and recall the bits and pieces of the past.

"I must be homesick, I haven't been back for a year and a half." Li Yanlong's hometown is Benxi, Liaoning, across the sea from Yantai, and can not go home to reunite not because of distance, but responsibility.

Li Yanlong, law enforcement officer of The Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau: What I miss most during the Mid-Autumn Festival is the "taste of home"

Li Yanlong (center) patrols with colleagues

"We have a Yangma Island tourist resort in our jurisdiction, every holiday, the passenger flow increased significantly, in order to ensure the safety of the masses, we must always stick to the post, in the masses need to be the first time to appear." Li Yanlong told reporters that during the holidays, farmers will return to their hometowns or travel out to let lawbreakers have the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity, in order to ensure the safety of the masses' property, during the festival, the Muping workstation will strengthen the frequency of patrols to prevent problems before they occur.

He has been in the Coast Guard for more than three years, and Li Yanlong's Mid-Autumn Festival has always been spent at work. In his opinion, although there is no rest on holidays, it is more meaningful to patrol with colleagues and jointly guard the people in the jurisdiction.

There is a saying that "I don't want to go home when I am full", which is confirmed by Li Yanlong. "Before the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, my parents sent me hazelnuts, a specialty from my hometown, full of the taste of home." Li Yanlong said that when he is homesick, he will especially miss the meals made by his mother, so his parents will send special foods from his hometown every once in a while. Tasting the food with the "taste of home", Li Yanlong thought that he must not live up to his parents' expectations of him and be a competent law enforcer.

Li Yanlong, law enforcement officer of The Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau: What I miss most during the Mid-Autumn Festival is the "taste of home"

Li Yanlong at work

There are certain dangers in the work of the coast guard, when encountering bad weather such as strong winds and heavy rain, they need to patrol the jurisdiction to see if there are ships going to sea; during the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the coast guard strictly prevents the import of epidemic diseases at sea and builds the first line of defense at sea. In order not to worry his parents, Li Yanlong has been reporting good news to his parents. "During a patrol, we encountered illegal fishing boats, and the other party refused to stop the boat for inspection, when the sea was windy and rough, we implemented jump gang boarding inspection in this situation." Speaking of this, Li Yanlong still has palpitations in his heart.

"It's not that I don't want to go home, but what I shoulder on my shoulders is responsibility, and it's the peace and happiness of the masses." Li Yanlong said that as a coast guard, he is competent, but as a son, he owes his parents too many reunions. "The biggest wish of the Mid-Autumn Festival is to hope that parents are healthy and that everything is fine at home." Li Yanlong said.

A family is not round, and when a family is round, the heart is also at ease. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Muping Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard Bureau will be fully staffed and on duty to ensure the safety and stability of the jurisdiction and guard the safe and peaceful festival of the masses.

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