
New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

Since the end of last year, oil prices have ushered in "seven consecutive rises", I believe that many car owners will have a vague feeling of heartache when shouting "full" at gas stations. In this case, the lower cost of use of new energy vehicles has attracted the attention of many car buyers. However, in recent times, various domestic new energy vehicles have also ushered in a round of "price increases".

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

As a car buyer, the reporter visited a number of new energy vehicle sales outlets on Changsha Road, and new energy vehicles such as GAC and Xiaopeng, which were priced at 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, all saw price increases. Taking GAC Aean Y as an example, the current starting price is 129,600 yuan, while the previous minimum price was 119,600 yuan, an increase of 10,000 yuan.

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

GAC Aean Automobile sales staff: The price of batteries has risen, and the price of internal core materials and chips has risen, which has led to an increase in the price of the car. If the car is sold at the original price, it may not make money.

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

In addition to the increase in battery costs, the decline in new energy subsidies is another factor in the rise in vehicle prices. In 2022, compared with 2019, the endurance threshold for subsidized models was increased from 250 km to 300 km, and the maximum subsidy was reduced from 25,000 yuan per vehicle to 12,600 yuan, and some manufacturers also formulated a vehicle price adjustment plan.

WM Auto Salesman: The state has no subsidies, and now this car has not yet increased its money, and it is ready to increase its money.

According to incomplete statistics, this year, nearly 20 new energy vehicle companies have announced the adjustment of the price of new energy vehicles, the highest increase is tesla Model Y high-performance version, the price increased by 30,000 yuan, most models of the increase in 3000-5000 yuan. Experts said that the price of lithium carbonate, an important raw material such as lithium batteries, rose more than 5 times in one year, coupled with the impact of the epidemic, the supply of automotive chips was tight, and a variety of factors promoted the "rise" of new energy vehicles, but with the iteration of technology and the improvement of the epidemic, the price will also fall back to a reasonable range in the future.

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

Professor Liu Zongfeng, School of Transportation, Shandong University of Science and Technology: From the import of ore to the acquisition and exploitation of foreign resources, trade wars and local wars, natural disasters, there are cross-influences.

Despite the obvious price increase, the enthusiasm of car buyers for new energy vehicles is still high. Mr. Fang, a citizen, was recently shopping for his second car at home, and seeing that the oil price had recently been raised one after another, he felt that electric vehicles were more suitable.

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

Mr. Fang: My car is more than fifty yuan a day, and this car is enough for ten yuan a day. Mainly affordable, save money, three or four hundred yuan a month is enough.

SAIC-GM-Wuling sales staff said that in recent years, new energy vehicles accounted for 30% of store sales. Affected by the production link, their new energy models have also recently increased by 4,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan, and manufacturers have flexibly adopted various ways to prepare materials to alleviate the pressure on rising costs.

New energy vehicles "rise" a lot of noise Some rose to 10,000 yuan

Zhang Zhimin, manager of SAIC-GM-Wuling 4S store: By improving the localization rate of suppliers, purchasing raw material bulk materials, direct procurement of chips, improving production processes and other methods, we have done our best to reduce the pressure brought about by the rise in costs.

(Reporter: Li Jiaxin)

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