
What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!

author:Watermelon rambling

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What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!
What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!

Kindness is fraternity, it is to give and tolerate, it is to consume energy, people who can do fraternity, need to consume a lot of energy, then he must have more of his own energy to support him, this high energy, high consumption state, is the embodiment of strong vitality.

There are too many hypocrisies, but they all think they are true and good.

The strong man is the best, he is strong enough, so he can always be good, which is very difficult.

The process of bearing, that is, the process of carrying, is the most difficult. If you are really good at heart and do not have enough strength to protect yourself, you will be hurt and hurt in the real society, and then enter the stage of self-responsibility and struggle, which is the necessary stage for the spontaneous strong, but if you can't resist at this time, then these people will be unfortunately destroyed by the evil of the world.

What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!
What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!

However, as he evolves stronger, he will be more and more demanding of his mate. It is likely to be in an embarrassing state for a long time: for those who like them, they will feel that they are superficial and look down on them; But the kind of person you like may not be met at all

Every time you reinvent yourself, there will be a long period of depression, but after that, you will get a new life. Just like the phoenix nirvana, reborn from the fire

Standing aside and looking at himself, he has become himself at this time, and he will not change, and then he can choose what he wants in various concepts and thoughts.

I would like to call it the "Eye of the Gods", which is visible only to oneself

Hahaha, blow shallowly

What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!

This is not a strong person at all, that is, he has a good brain. The so-called strong person is first of all strong in the heart, you have never seen a group of people who have never forgotten and worked hard, or whose qualifications are mediocre, diligent and tenacious to create a world. These are called strong people.

It should be talented, have a strong memory talent, and can exert the maximum effect in a short period of time, if you don't plan to work hard in this area, this way of learning is the most efficient.

It's called high IQ, and intelligence. A strong person first has a strong mindset, a tenacious heart and a strong ambition, showing strong vitality. On the contrary, this kind of person is a little clever and can do a good job, but he is afraid of the heavy, lazy and disorderly, and I dare not give her the project that I really want to burden from the leader's point of view, and I dare not cooperate from the perspective of cooperation. It is not denied that being smart does make life easier and more convenient. But if you can't afford it and can't cooperate, there's a limit to what you can do, no matter how smart you are.

What is the potential of a strong person? Netizen: It's not willpower! It's this it!

Is it possible, the reason why she thinks it's a trivial thing is because she's smart, these things are really easy for her, it's a trivial thing, just like when she was in school, she felt that the things taught by the teacher were very simple, and some people felt that it was difficult to understand, this kind of thing can't be taught, and there is no reference value\

The efficiency is so high, and you can easily take the first place in the grade every time, not only is the mentality and psychology strong, but those things are too simple in her eyes, and you think you are giving meaning in the pursuit of perfection, in fact, people are skilled in forming a set of unconscious thinking, and they can easily complete a lot of substantive choices: for example, which ones are meaningless and don't care, and which ones need to spend more energy...... To put it bluntly, it is a high IQ, so high that it does not show traces.

Personally, I think this backward analysis is too 'consequential', and it's all about grade rankings. All your learning styles remain the same, and if every time you take the first test and she takes the tenth test, then all the strengths you analyze now will become her shortcomings from you. No matter what you do in the first place, you can find her cleverness, and in the tenth place, you think there is something unclever.

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