
Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!

author:Watermelon rambling

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Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!
Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!

To put it bluntly, people who don't like to learn, even if they occasionally get rich, will become a scammer's ATM because they don't like to learn and have a low level of cognition.

To put it simply, it is a system of elimination

It's the same with designing textbooks to be anti-human

It is to be domesticated

Just because you're not eliminated doesn't mean you can live a better life

But the consequences of being eliminated are really, really bad.

Therefore, the real elite should consider whether they can make their own people live well, even if they are unable to study for various reasons. Even if you give everything you have, you should fight for this kind of cause.

For the sixth point, it cannot be so absolute. Metaphysics and religion have their own logical systems. What has no logic can only be called superstition. The biggest difference between metaphysics and science is that metaphysics starts from subjective experience and constructs a purely metaphysical conceptual system in an attempt to encompass the world, but due to non-empirical nature, it often falls into absolute blind superstition or self-deconstruction of nothingness. Science, on the other hand, takes the "objective world" as the core and empirical evidence as the main means, so it grows with human understanding of the objective world. There is logic to both.

It is difficult to stick to high-end hobbies that are too real, and over time people will lack independent judgment, follow the crowd, and their thinking will become more extremely empty and irritable

Society treats the poor cruelly, but the possibility of studying hard and not being poor is a little higher than that of not studying well.

Poor people study hard and come out to find a stable job, which is the upper limit, and they are only a little richer than they are.

And the rich, even if he doesn't study hard, although he may lose his family property, the good guarantees he left for himself before bankruptcy are at least enough for him to spend the rest of his life in peace.

Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!
Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!

It's a bit arbitrary, maybe the answer is to take the official career, this must be studied, but you just make money by mixing agriculture and business, in fact, you don't have to read very well... However, I agree with the part of the respondent who said that finding a partner, the knowledge structure and cultural level help you screen the other half, and talk to uneducated people, even if they are peers, they are really the same as chickens and ducks

The child's underlying behavior template is determined by the earliest parenting, and education can only teach the child knowledge, and knowledge cannot directly produce wisdom.

Knowledge should be precipitated through the interaction of the environment, and the first-hand experience precipitated can be fed back into the mind, so that it can be fed back to behavior, and wisdom can guide behavior.

Therefore, it will be said that the three-year-old looks old, and it is said that it is a late bloomer.

Relying only on preaching, it is useless to say that the sky is broken, and it will not be taught.

Most agreed. In fact, it is fate, someone wins the first half by virtue of beauty, and it is easy to win without wisdom. Some people don't have beauty, they have practiced wisdom in society for half their lives, and they won the second half. The former rely on others to give, the latter on their own plunder. It's fair.

Why is everyone telling me to study hard? Netizen: The truth is cruel, heart-piercing!

Since ancient times, there has been yin and yang anyway

There are too many mysteries

There are some things that you can't learn in a lifetime

Some knowledge will never be learned in a lifetime

I always feel that learning is a never-ending thing


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