
In the old days, Yang Liuben's family only solved the snow flying in the sky

author:Beijing News Network

Willow flying silk, can be called a "annoying" scenery in spring, fluttering like flying snow, but also disturbing the pungent nose. This fei fei, which teaches people to love and hate, has long been flying in ancient poems for thousands of years in the name of "Yang Hua", and has written endless sorrows.

In the old days, Yang Liuben's family only solved the snow flying in the sky
Southern Song Dynasty "Weeping Willow Flying Floc"

Yu Xin 's "Spring Endowment" in the clouds: "The New Year birds sound a thousand kinds of chirping, february poplar flowers flying all over the road." "Since ancient times, Yang Hua has flown in the world of ancient poetry; the gentle thoughts of the poets have also been sprinkled in the long river of the poetry world, and the wisps are endless." The spring breeze does not forbid the Yang flowers, and the misty people throw at the faces of the people", and it is the idleness that comes to the face; "the flying feathers dance lightly, and the light clothes are lightly dressed up", and it is the light and light that is also the misty and sad thoughts.

In the old days, Yang Liuben's family only solved the snow flying in the sky
Fu Baoshi,"Spring Wind And Willows"


In the old days, the Willow Family

Yang Hua, interpreted as "willow silk" in the "Ciyuan". "Sayings" said: "There is no other willow." "Jade Chapter Kibe" Yun: "Yang, Yang Liuye." Erya Shimu Yun: "Yang, Pu Liuye." In the Book of Poetry, Xiaoya Tsevi, it is said: "Yang Liu Yiyi." The "Biography of Mao" notes: "Yang Liu, Pu Liu also." Emperor Liang Yuandi's "Folding Willows" poem Yun: "Wushan Wuxia is long, and weeping willows are weeping Yang." "Weeping poplars are weeping willows. It can be seen that in ancient poetry, "yang" and "willow" refer to willow trees, and "willows" are juxtaposed, not only referring to poplar trees and willow trees, but only refers to willow trees, generally referring to weeping willows. Therefore, "Yang Hua" is "Willow Silk".

The Sui Dynasty anonymous "Farewell" poem is a clear proof: "Yang Liu Qingqing hangs on the ground, and Yang Hua stirs up the sky." Wicker folded and flew away, borrowing to ask pedestrians whether they would return? The "willow" and "willow" in this poem refer to the willow tree, and the "poplar flower" and "flower" all refer to the willow silk. The Song Dynasty Zhang Zhifu has the words "Water Dragon Yin Yong Yang Hua", the word cloud: "Yan busy warbler lazy fang remnant, the willow flowers on the main embankment fluttering." The title is "Wing Yang Hua", and the main text reads "Willow Flower Falling", and it is obvious that the Yang Flower is the Willow Flower.

Willow wool, that is, the seed of the willow tree, the seed is attached to the white fur, flying with the wind like fluttering, so it is called "willow silk". The willow tree has a spike-like soft inflorescence, after flowering, the entire inflorescence falls off, the fruit in the female inflorescence splits into two petals, and the seeds with white fur float out with the wind, and there is a picture of "willow floc rising because of the wind". The willows drift with the wind and fly in the sky, just as the worries are endless, the scissors are continuous, and the reasoning is still chaotic; and the drifting with the wind is also like the wandering child, lonely and lonely, the four seas are home, and the end of the world is a guest. For thousands of years, Liu Shu's fluttering feelings have turned into idleness and wandering, and scattered in the silent poems of poets.


Idleness is like a poplar flower

When it comes to Yang Hua, perhaps the most well-known sentence is the sentence that Li Bai made when he bid farewell to Wang Changling, "Yang Hua fell to the end of the rules and regulations."

Wen Wang Changling left to move the dragon biao yao has this mail

(Tang) Li Bai

Yang Hua fell to the bottom of the rules and cried, smelling the dragon marking the Five Streams.

I send my heart and the bright moon, and follow the king until the night LangXi.

The first sentence of the poem begins with Yang Hua and Zi Zhi, writing scenery and point seasons, Yang Hua falling, Zi Gui mourning, rendering a desolate and sad atmosphere. In the late spring of March, the willows fell with the wind, and a cry of cuckoos came from the ears. The first sentence borrows the scenery lyrically, and the second sentence directly tells the story, pointing out the origin of the sorrow. It turned out to be the unfortunate news that a friend who was far away as a dragon biao lieutenant was passing through Wuxi. In Kondo Motoshi's "Li Taibai Shiol", Pan Jiatang commented on these two sentences: "When the words are exhausted, they can already be sad; the situation is extremely far away, and the more they can be sad." These two sentences do not say "sorrow" and are full of sorrow, the poet in the scenery alone to take the flying and falling, drifting and uncertain Yang flowers and crying sorrow, calling the "better to go" sub-rules, the sense of drifting zero, the hatred of parting, the thoughts of people, all melted in this boundless twilight scenery. Spring is easy to pass away, friends are easy to disperse, the scene is sad, a depression is miserable; the leftward migration is far away, difficult and dangerous, worry can be learned, and it adds to the concern and sympathy.

Therefore, three or four sentences of clouds: "I send my sorrow and the bright moon, and follow the jun until the night LangXi." "The poet sends affection to the scene, writes his thoughts through the bright moon, and expresses his sympathy, thoughts and concern for his friends. Xie Zhuang's "Moon Endowment" said: "Thousands of miles apart, there is a bright moon." Zhang Ruoxuan's "Spring River Flower Moon Night" cloud: "At this time, we don't hear each other, and I am willing to shine on the king month by month." "Although people are separated from the two places, with the sustenance of the bright moon, it is the end of the world at this time."

Zhu Zhijing's "Supplementing Tang Poems to Pick Money" commented on this poem: "When the scenery is seen, the scenery is used to generate emotions, and the last sentence is more true." Ye Xiang's "Tang Poetry Direct Interpretation" Yun: "Syllables are clear and mournful." Zhou Jue's "Tang Poetry Selection Pulse Will Pass commentary" contains Zhou Jing's saying: "It is a distant love word, and the soul is small." "This clear mourning and insignificance, this sorrow and sorrow, not only comes from the bright moon and zigui, but also from Yang Hua." The four words of Yang Hua's fall" set the tone of the poem's desolation and sorrow at the beginning. Parting and sorrow, thoughts and worries, all melt in the misty rain of this late spring and March. Therefore, He Zhuziyun: "How much idleness do you have?" A river of tobacco, full of wind in the city, plums yellow when the rain. "Idleness is a bunch of poplar flowers."


The prisoners were worried about killing the people who crossed the river

When the Yang flowers fly, they are flying, aimlessly, just like the rootless duckweed, which can always cause the wanderer to mourn. One of The Song Ren Shi Yan's "Absolute Sentences" is even more straightforward, frankly saying that "I am more fluttering than Yang Hua".


(Song) Shi Yan

When you come, you will make a light yellow, and go to the day to fly balls all over the roadside.

I am more fluttering than Yang Hua, who is just busy in spring.

It's a drifting song. As sung in "The Water Song": "I am a person who has drifted away, and my life has been hard." "Shi Yan, a poet of the Song Dynasty and a native of Wuhu, who lived a life far away from his homeland and traveled to his career. This poem writes both Yang Hua and myself, Yang Hua is like me, I am like Yang Hua, but I am more wandering than Yang Hua, and this song of drifting zero is always endless.

"Light yellow" is a pale yellow, depicting the color of willow trees in early spring. When I came, I saw the willow branches swaying in the spring breeze, and the wisps were light yellow; on the day of departure, the poplar flowers had scattered and scattered, gathered into small balls, and scattered on the side of the road. The willows are dyed with new colors to the side of the road full of poplar flowers, but in a short period of time, only in the spring moment, it can be seen that the poet's coming and going is very short. The poet may be confined to the guest, even in the guest, can only make a short stay, and then he will set off and travel to other places.

Therefore, the last two sentences are directly expressive to the chest, and I cry and sigh sadly: "I am more fluttering than Yang Hua, and Yang Hua is just busy in spring." Spatially, the poet compares his tossing and turning career with Yang Hua's wandering, the same as the fallen man at the end of the world; in time, the poet goes one level further, saying "I am more fluttering than Yang Hua, Yang Hua is just busy in spring", a "more" word, providing a rich space for poetic interpretation. Yang hua is busy in spring, I am running and wandering all year round; when I want to go, Yang Hua is actually "busy every spring", and the flowers are similar every year, and so am I, and I am wandering every year. Yang Hua is a spring, and I am a lifetime.

Zheng Gu's "Farewell to Friends in Huaishang" poem Yun: "Yang Liuchun, the head of the Yangtze River, Yang Hua is worried about killing the people who cross the river." "Yang Hua may not only be friends who cross the river to leave, but all the people in the world who are full of sorrow and farewell."


Only to solve the problem of flying snow in the sky

When the poplar flowers fly, it is the late spring season. Twilight Spring is easy to be sad, but Han Yu's "Late Spring" has a different path, writing the Yang Hua of Late Spring with vigor and vitality.

Late spring

(Tang) Han Yu

The grass tree knows that spring will soon return, and all kinds of red and purple dou Fangfei.

Yang Huayu pods have no talent, but they can only solve the snow flying in the sky.

This poem also depicts the scene of late spring, but it is contrary to the sadness of ordinary poets in late spring and late spring, and shows the style of late spring grass and trees. The whole poem uses anthropomorphism to anthropomorphize ordinary grass and trees, and people say that grass and trees are ruthless, but in the poem, they can "know" and "understand", and they can also "fight", and they are rich in talent, and they are more talented and have more high and low, and there is no distinction between high and low. The whole poem is imaginative, the angle is novel, and it is refreshing.

The poem begins with flowers and trees learning that spring will soon return, so they show their faces, thousands of purples and thousands of reds, competing for glory, hoping to keep the spring. "Zhi" means that he is good at observing, good at understanding spring, and cherishes the good spring light, hoping to dedicate the most beautiful round dance song to spring before the end of spring. "Hundreds of ways" says that its number is numerous, "red and purple" writes its brightness, "dou" writes its liveliness and vitality, vigor and strength, and "Fangfei" is like its rambling and fragrant. In two short sentences, a bright picture of late spring blooming is now as it is. As Qin Guan wrote in the words of "Xingxiangzi": "A few small gardens, harvest the spring light." There are peach blossom red, plum blossom white, cauliflower yellow. ”

However, in this patch of purple and red, the most eye-catching thing is the snow white sky. Yang Hua and Yu Pods also joined the mighty ranks of liuchun, flying in the sky, fluttering and sprinkling, white than snow, and grand momentum. If "All Kinds of Red and Purple Dou Fangfei" is a round dance song for spring, then Yang Hua and Yu Pods are a magnificent and passionate symphony for spring.

The image of "Yang Hua" in this poem also shines brightly, it is no longer miserable and misty, full of sorrow and hatred, but suddenly opens its momentum, and the robe is waved, becoming a hero of the scarf.

There are also several issues that can be discussed in this poem. First of all, the phrase "no talent" is worth pondering. On the surface, Yang Hua and Yu Pods look really simple, as if they can't compete with the hundred flowers, and can only always be the background behind the scenes of Wan zi and qianhong. However, no, talent is to rely on their own efforts to fight, rely on their own efforts to play, as long as there is courage, simplicity can shock people's hearts, the so-called "no talent thinking", as long as the heart, can become the real "great talent thinking".

Secondly, the question of the simplicity of pure white and the colorful and vivid color. Although Wan Zi QianHong Dou Fang Fei is beautiful, who can say that "flying in the sky" is not a shocking beauty? There are thousands of kinds of beauty, and a single one does not mean failure, on the contrary, it is a beauty that strikes directly at the heart.

The third is the question of "only". "Only to understand the sky as snow flies", a "only" word, on the surface, is the helpless move of Yang Hua and Yu Pods, who have no other specialty and can only turn into flying snow in the sky. However, it is this seemingly helpless decision that has achieved the most spectacular picture of late spring. The so-called big coincidence, big sound, elephant invisible, perhaps the greatest talent and wisdom, is to do their best to be simple and snow white. Simplicity can overcome all things, and the only thing is eternity.

When Han Yu composed this poem, he was nearly half a hundred years old. There are also many opinions about the interpretation of the three or four verses of the poem. I agree more with Han Yu's statement that he was praising the courage of Yang Hua and Yu Pod. As the literary master of "the decline of the eight generations of Wenqi", Han Yu was also a pioneering figure who vigorously corrected yuan and lightly mastered the poetic style, and created the strange and dangerous poetry school, and he had great courage, wisdom and courage. In the late spring, the Yang Hua and Yu pods who "only understand the snow flying in the sky" are not also Han Yu himself who is in his twilight years and has a strong heart?

I also admire the courage of Yang Hua and Yu Pods, who are simple but still lonely, "only to understand the snow flying in the sky", flying for themselves, flying for the world, flying in the infinite vastness of time and space, and finally gaining transcendence and freedom. Hundreds of flowers are blooming, but I think that Yang Hua and Elm Pods are opening up for themselves. They are uninhibited and free. Therefore, there is "the spring wind does not unblock the Yang flowers, and the people are blinded and chaotic", so there is "the moon in the atrium is clear, and countless Yang flowers have no shadow". Not only late spring, they are open at any time, anywhere.

I think that Yang Hua and Yu Pod are telling the people of the world: There is freedom in the heart, which is true freedom; there is no obstacle in the heart, and the party is free.

(Original title: Idle but a bouquet of Yang flowers)

Source Beijing Evening News author Guo Linli

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