
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Let's take a look at some beautiful portraits of the national style

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Kraft paper to make the bottom

Highlighter finishes the ornament

The visuals are simply beautiful

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Had to marvel

the ornamentation of the Chinese is indeed the best in the world

Each ornament looks so delicate and elegant

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

These purely hand-drawn pieces are also great

Highlights are used just right

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

The ink effect is also particularly good

Water-soluble colored lead can be recommended here to achieve such an effect

If you are a classmate who feels that you have a foundation

You can use watercolor paint directly on it

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

The process can be found

It's been very detailed since the beginning of the line draft

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

The beauty of oriental women

Paired with accessories and classic hairstyles

It's so pretty

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Let's take a look at other styles of painting

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Loved the texture of this faint transparent superposition

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

The composition is very offbeat

The color is unrestrained

It is not recommended that beginners use pink more here

This color is still relatively difficult to control in painting

A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style
A beautiful portrait of a young girl in Chinese style

Friends who like Chinese style illustration can copy more of the works of the masters

Start training with line drawing illustration

Attention to detail is portrayed and colored

Once you start painting, you have to stick to it at the end

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