
Today's winter solstice, to the people I care about the most!

Hello everyone, I am aesthetically pleasing.


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To parents

Today's winter solstice, to the people I care about the most!

Wandering wanderer,

Dreams in the distance, love in the hometown!

Parents are the people who are most worried about the hearts of the wandering wanderers,

The winter solstice has arrived,

Don't forget to send a greeting to your parents.

To friends

Today's winter solstice, to the people I care about the most!

Thank you,

Hold my hand through spring, summer, autumn and winter,

Crazy with me,

Laugh together, cry together, two together!

Meet you,

It was the most beautiful accident of my life!

To loved ones

Today's winter solstice, to the people I care about the most!

Holding the hand of the Son, and growing old with the Son,

Thank you for coming hand in hand with us!

If the two places are separated,

And he sent you thoughts;

If you are by your side,

I would like to cook a bowl of dumplings for you!

Everything that has a way of doing things, such as dream bubbles, such as dew and electricity, should be viewed as such. ——《

To your classmates

Today's winter solstice, to the people I care about the most!

The students' records are full of blessings,

The green smiling face on the graduation photo,

Still as I saw it yesterday,

Where are you now? Are you okay?

Winter solstice reunion, when to reunite?

Winter solstice cold,

Friends, pay attention to cold protection and warmth

Don't forget to eat dumplings and rice balls,

A steaming meal,

Filled with my deep thoughts about you!

Don't forget, put this warmth,

Pass it on to your loved ones!

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