
And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality
And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Hi, here's our new section, "Looking at the People," back in your world and sharing your story. We will continue to pay attention to the real people around you and me, and listen to them tell their own and life stories. This is the time for self-monologues, and the space to meet another me in the world.

Li Yanman, our second character, she is an actress and a post-95 generation.

Tang Rui, a character in the recent hit drama "A Year Without a Job", took away the heroine's boyfriend operation with a set of opening scenes, and directly rushed to the hot search.

Netizens have complained:

"This woman birlin has a wrist!" "It will be brother brother, Bo sympathetic!" "Tang Rui is so hateful! I want to tear this character apart! ”......

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

As of now, the topic #Birin has a higher rank of people who have a higher #read 270 million times

Li Yanman, who is the protagonist of this hot search, Tang Rui, is an actor and a member of the post-95s.

As a Chinese opera school flower, she is a sweet girl. Removing the aura that comes with the profession of an actress, if the crowd passes by her, you will probably be more surprised by the brightness of her laughter with her friends.

However, in the TV series, she can completely turn into another person, such as tang rui, who is angry and dead.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality
And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Green tea "Tang Rui" cultivation record

In Li Yanman's view, the role of Tang Rui is a person with a strong sense of purpose, who has what he wants to get, and will stop at nothing to achieve the goal.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Everyone says that film and television originate from life, but Li Yanman admits that there is no such person around him. "When I first got this role, I would have some resistance in my heart. When I took on this role, the biggest challenge for me was how to interpret this character, how to understand her existence, and why she existed. Li Yanman said.

If such a character reference can be found in the life within reach, it is of course the most vivid information, but there is no such character in Li Yanman's life, then it has to start from other aspects. "I watch some film and television works from the Internet, mainly to see what characteristics of this type of personality that is well acted, and Lin Youyou is a classic in this type of personality, and I must see it." Then borrow their good points and mix them together. ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

After doing the data collection, Li Yanman had a rough outline of "Tang Rui" in his heart.

Subsequently, Li Yanman also did a lot of character analysis desk work on the basis of familiar reading the script, and wrote a character biography for "Tang Rui", including improving some previous history. From the text back to the interpretation, she also designed some exclusive expressions for Tang Rui, such as deliberately pretending to be more aggrieved, weak, and tearful in front of others.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Of course, it is not enough to study the boring head by yourself, and in the process of shaping "Tang Rui", communication with the director, screenwriter and the whole team is also very important.

"We entered the group almost 1 week before the start of filming, mainly reading the script, talking to the director and screenwriter about the role, listening to their opinions; when shooting on the spot, we would also discuss with the opponent actors, collide with new feelings, constantly adjust ourselves, and interpret the role in a more comfortable way.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Actors have their own workplace pain points

"This is my first time on the hot search, I didn't expect the hot search at all, I was surprised, but also a little panicked." Li Yanman shared his mood of seeing "a woman with a higher rank than Lin" on the hot search.

Once on the hot search, netizens will certainly not let go of the official blog of the main lord, there is recognition of the actor's efforts, and there are also inexplicable crazy words.

"Doing every job you have now, you must be right." Also, I'm actually very lucky to have a group of friends with me, who will take the initiative to comfort me, and even friends who don't often contact me will come over and ask 'are you okay', talk about my recent situation, and comfort me. There are still many netizens on the Internet who will send me private messages to enlighten me, and help me speak, such as 'the role will cause controversy, but everyone should not rise to the actor', I am very grateful to them. Rather than being affected by the bad comments on the Internet, Li Yanman is more willing to choose to thank those sincere encouragement and comfort.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Acting, as a special profession, is not the same as the nine-to-five professional life. The problem faced by the 95s in the general workplace may be the Nth attempt to reason with the unreasonable customer's father, or in order to get rid of the "sword tension" with the leader, he is thinking about whether to resign naked or not... Actors, on the other hand, are public figures, and it is their natural fate to bear the pressure of online public opinion.

The post-95s in the workplace are not happy with their jobs and can resign and find them again, but for the new generation of actors who are still honing and growing up, they do not have the right to choose roles.

When taking over the role of Tang Rui, Li Yanman is also under pressure, on the one hand, she has to face the possible excessive speech, on the other hand, she is also worried that it will have an impact on the future drama, but she is also aware of the current situation of this industry, and it is more mature to deal with than her peers. "For me, it's a job, and at this stage, it's hard to say that you picked the job, [and] you can meet the opportunity, you can get the role, you have to do your best to interpret her." 」 Maybe I'll choose again, or I'll take the role and try my best to play her. ”

"The biggest pain point of the profession of an actor is that there is a lot of instability, take myself as an example, I will be busy for a while, I will be empty for a long time, I don't know when I will receive the next job or the next opportunity, and my income will be very unstable." When you are busy, life should be completely subordinate to work, temporarily put the plan of having dinner with family and hanging out with friends backwards; when you are not working, let your life be as full and rich as possible, such as reading books, charging and charging, and waiting until the next time such an opportunity appears to be able to grasp it. ”

Although at this stage can only passively accept and wait, but Li Yanman still likes this profession, "playing a role is a very happy thing, I originally chose this career, because I have the opportunity to experience different lives, different careers, which is my biggest gain as an actor in these years." But it's no different, and a lot of people around me are like this. ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

After becoming an actress, her biggest feeling is - "You can't eat delicious things casually, you will get fat, and then a little fat, it will be very obvious in the camera, and I am a person who is fat and fat." ”

Similarly, in order to become an actress, she said that her biggest sacrifice was only good food, time and energy investment, which was a must-do effort.

Looking at her lively and free now, she can't help but imagine what it will be like when she has more fame in the future, and maybe then she will give up more than just "good food". Although each generation will mature and change, the feelings in the face of an actor like Li Yanman, who is growing up, are mixed - both hoping that she will always be so active and free, and hoping that she can have the right to choose roles a day earlier.

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Daily life after the post-95s after fading the role

Many viewers think that Tang Rui's idea of "people do not perish for their own sake" is very normal, but Li Yanman does not agree so, she said: "Everyone has what they want (get), which is understandable, but everyone will use different methods to get." Some practices are OK, but some are less desirable, although not illegal. Morality must be used to restrain oneself. But the role of Tang Rui lacks this kind of self-restraint in this regard. ”

Some netizens are curious about whether they are more afraid of encountering Lin Youyou or Tang Rui in the real world, and Li Yanman's answer is: "I don't want to meet anyone, but the last thing I want to meet is a boyfriend like Song Zelin." I think that whether it is Lin Youyou or Tang Rui, they will divide the targets, if they do not meet people like Song Zelin, their means will not have room to play at all. In case of this, say my boyfriend runs away with a green tea, it means that he is not the right person. I will not fight back, just cut off, goodbye! You gun! ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Having an opinion and dealing with it decisively and neatly is the biggest contrast between Li Yanman and Tang Rui, and it is also Li Yanman's instinct as a post-95 generation.

In daily life, Li Yanman is also the same as many post-95s, "My hobbies are for a while, each period of free time is not the same, sometimes willing to stay at home to read and charge, from time to time will stay up late to chase dramas, sleep late, get up at what time in the morning, depending on what time last night to sleep ~ Sometimes I want to chat with friends more, or ask friends to go to sports, such as playing badminton, reporting skating classes together, or dancing - I have learned in middle school before, and now I will move and jump when there is nothing to do." I've recently specifically wanted to play a fa-like role because there's no magic in real life, but if I could play someone who could do magic, it would be fun and cool. ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

This girl, with a wide range of hobbies, likes to try different things, and even her favorite self has three answers.

"I like myself in three ways, one is when I'm busy (probably because I haven't been busy enough, hahaha...). One is the self who is with friends, and the self who is curious about the world and has the desire to learn. Li Yanman shared, "I really have a group of very good friends, we often get together to talk about the north and south, maybe change eight hundred themes in one night, it is very comfortable with them, and you can learn a lot from them." ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

In the face of the future, she does not want to make specific plans, because she knows that there is no shortcut to the actor's road, and playing every role she gets in a down-to-earth manner is the only way, and the future will naturally give her a good answer.

However, she has the life she most yearns for. "After experiencing different lives, I like the life full of courage the most, just like Luo Xiang said, 'Bravery is the most advanced word, among all human virtues, bravery is the most scarce.' Just when the god of fate pushes you to be brave, I hope you can be as brave as you think. In 2020, I played Yuan Xiangqin in the stage play "Mischievous Kiss", and the state of courage to move forward in the face of everything was my favorite. ”

And Lin has a wrist? The "green tea" of post-95 actresses has cultivated reality

Behind-the-scenes photos of the stage play "Mischievous Kiss"

After the interview, Li Yanman continued to return to work on the set, just like the post-95s sitting between the grids and crackling on the keyboard, bravely moving forward for their own choices. Of course, when resting, they will all return to the laughing routine of the post-95s, and after recovering their full energy, they will set off again...

If you had the chance, how would you introduce yourself? How would you describe your life?

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This article is written by the creative team

Author | Sunny

Planning | Sunny

Edit | Sunny

*Images in this article are provided by the interviewee

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