
Li Cuiru Spring Group Poems: Who is quietly opening the door of spring丨 Spring is so shy

Li Cuiru Spring Group Poems: Who is quietly opening the door of spring丨 Spring is so shy

Spring group poems

Text/Li Cuiru

Who is quietly opening the door of spring

Who is quietly opening the door of spring

Little by little open first

Open a gap slightly

Flash a little spring silhouette

A shy moon glowed a little red

The admiring stars surround each other

The spring door is quietly pushed open a little more

The spring girl dressed up with patience

The shadow of grease and powder looms

The sun is draped in color and the car is ridden

Set off majestically from the calm sea

Unconsciously, there is no sound

Who is so naughty

Sneak a push

The spring door suddenly opened

The spring girl is graceful and charming

From head to toe, the whole is revealed

It is like a warrior who has returned from overcoming the cold armor

I want to share the fruits of victory with all things in the world

As soon as I raised my hand, I dressed the sky and the earth in the form of spring

In the blink of an eye, the heavens and the earth were all changed into the appearance of spring

Who quietly opened the door of spring

Oh, and who can't wait so much

I have long been open to greet

The spring girl had the spirit of the rhinoceros without the slightest twist

All the way to the warm style full of smiles

yes! It's time for spring

Let's live with spring

Just like spring, pedaling the earth


Second, spring is so shy

The first time I met Spring, I was so shy

Especially the sun on early spring mornings

As long as it is sunny, it will reveal a red face

This is the sun that is characteristic of early spring

Always hide the dazzling light quietly

It is thought

Give your waking lover a red face

The lover will read the message of love from the red face

Love knows that shyness will last longer

And those little birds flying in the air in early spring

When they sing

Singing for a while always stops and then sings a voice

It was as if facing an audience like mountains and rivers

They are not so brave enough to fully show their singing voices

Lack of self-confidence will show a shyness

They are shy about their form and content

Sometimes singing softly and sometimes silently

And right now

I don't know which casual painter it is

Gently swing the low-hanging willows toward the willows on the embankment

Sprinkle a little green juice indiscriminately

Then I went and never looked back

It was the artist's negligence that led to the shyness of these willows

They never looked up again throughout the spring

And the clouds of early spring

Early spring windsPreparent spring rain

Always come and go quietly

Such a low-key whereabouts

It gave me another glimpse of early spring shyness

Not to mention the flowers that bloom in the spring

Peach blossoms or cherry blossoms

Ever since I saw spring, I began to blush

They voluntarily add color to spring

And consciously doing far enough

All this made me understand that I have to be shy in the spring

It is in the tenderness of feeling this bowed head

I began to realize that I was still a lot less than Enough

Li Cuiru Spring Group Poems: Who is quietly opening the door of spring丨 Spring is so shy

【About the author】Li Cuiru (female), a native of Fei County, Shandong, has published three literary works, such as "Hand over to the Sun" and "Walk Back to the Earth".

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