
After reading | parent-child reading together, how to guide children to write essays?

Reporter Zhao Shifeng

Welcome to Sophie's Dad Read. Many parents are reading with their children, but after reading for a while, they don't know what to do next. On the occasion of World Book Day, I would like to introduce you to a parent-child reading guide book , "Talk about drawing, drawing, writing and writing: 46 mini lessons written with your child", and then go one step further after parent-child reading.

After reading | parent-child reading together, how to guide children to write essays?

The concept of parent-child reading has been accepted by many parents and is also trying to practice. How to convert reading into a child's ability to read and write? The book presents the teaching steps in its entirety, teaching parents and children to read and write together.

The book's authors, Horn and Jacob, are co-directors and designers of the Boston Public Schools Professional Development Program," Preschool Writing. This book comes from a writing workshop project that the author has hosted for many years, which is aimed at children aged 5-7 who are new to writing.

After reading | parent-child reading together, how to guide children to write essays?

The author believes that children's writing does not only refer to the moment of "writing on paper", but also includes three stages: storytelling, drawing, and writing on paper. Speaking and painting play an extremely important role in the process of children learning to write, so the main content of this book is divided into three parts: speaking, drawing and writing.

First of all, before writing, first help children figure out what they want to say and how to say, so that children have the opportunity to tell their own stories first; secondly, children enter the writing world through painting, painting is writing; with the preparation of talking and painting, writing will be targeted and natural.

After reading | parent-child reading together, how to guide children to write essays?

This book is a detailed record of the author's 46 classic classroom teaching scenes, from course preparation, teaching process to related materials, all presented one by one. In addition to the classroom recordings, the author uses popular language to build a set of theoretical systems for co-reading and co-writing, so that practice and theory can integrate with each other and support each other. The book is also accompanied by a "Children's Book Recommendation List".

The author believes that children are born little writers, they have something to say and something to write, and adults will understand how to make teaching and learning meaningful by understanding what they know and think, and how to know how to think.

This book is suitable for parents (teachers) of children aged 5-7 years old, helping children to fall in love with reading, be willing to express, and easily get "looking at pictures and talking".

After reading | parent-child reading together, how to guide children to write essays?

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