
Jigang High School: "One day and one research", a new driving force for happiness education

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River
Jigang High School: "One day and one research", a new driving force for happiness education

How can students learn chemistry better and master subject knowledge at a deeper level? In Jigang High School, students have their own exclusive "experimental videos", these experimental videos, originally created by teachers of Jigang High School, from the problem setting to the scene selection, are "customized" according to the students' learning situation, closer to the students' learning perspective, the video is deeply loved by the students as soon as it is released. The origin of this innovation is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of teachers in the "one day one research".

In this year's young teacher competition held in Jigang High School, more outstanding young teachers have emerged, and their advanced teaching concepts and flexible and diverse teaching methods have made people feel the full vitality of young teachers in the new era. The teachers said that their rapid growth is inseparable from the nourishment of teaching and research activities, and "one day and one research" has accelerated their transformation.

Zhejiang Haiyan County Education Bureau, Hebei Qinhuangdao Education Bureau, Fujian Province Jinjiang City Education Delegation...... More and more visitors came to Jigang High School to study and learn from experience, and they said that they saw the depth and innovative spirit of teaching and research in Jigang High School from the school's "one day and one research". In the view of Sang Shengwang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and principal of Jigang High School, the proposer of the "one day one research" activity, the goal of all the school's measures is to benefit students by strengthening the study of efficient classrooms and promoting the professional growth of teachers.

Develop new momentum

The reporter learned that the "one day one research" activity has been implemented in Jigang High School for nearly a year. In Jigang High School, the launch of each initiative is "effectiveness" first, and the "one day one research" activity is no exception, as the initiator, the principal Sang Shengwang has formulated a unified standard for "one day one research".

Jigang High School: "One day and one research", a new driving force for happiness education

In the standard of "one study per day", the reporter saw that the content and process of the whole activity were very clear: the activity time was carried out by the lesson preparation group, and all teachers in the group participated. The "four researches" are the research of teaching, learning, practice, and evaluation; The "five links" are self-prepared, research and preparation, re-preparation, reflection and sorting.

For example, taking "teaching" and "learning" as an example, teachers should study what aspects of teaching, and which aspects of student learning should be studied, all of which paradigms are listed one by one, taking "learning research" as an example, a total of 9 major aspects are proposed, including the improvement of students' core literacy, student learning method research, learning situation analysis research, student preview, review research and so on.

The standards are clear, and the degree of implementation is also very high, for example, in the "research and preparation link", it is mentioned that young teachers should learn more, ask more advice, think more, and ask more questions.

"When the teachers saw the 'one research a day' activity and the standards, they were very recognized." Cui Li, the teaching director of the senior department of Jigang High School, and Wang Yue, the teaching director of the senior secondary department, told reporters that compared with the previous "one study a week", "one research a day" can give full play to the power of the collective, especially with the development of activities, teachers also found that collective lesson preparation can allow everyone to learn from each other, broaden their minds in the exchange and collision, and improve classroom efficiency.

The school's "one game of chess" is led, and "one day and one research" is carried out in each teaching and research group. Taking the biology teaching and research group as an example, in the first, second and third years of high school, different models of "one research per day" were explored according to the different academic conditions of students and the growth points of students' subject learning. There are 8 teachers in a group of 2 people in the first year of high school, the new and old are the main and the backing, the whole work is done to the person to the week, the division of labor is clear, the activities are explored and the content is deepened in the form of lectures on Monday and Tuesday, the research topic is studied on Wednesday, the new course standard, college entrance examination questions and college entrance examination evaluation system are studied on Thursday, and the teaching theory is studied on Friday. At the same time, it focuses on the development of school-based curriculum "Interpreting the Health Code Behind the Test Sheet" and "The World of Traditional Fermented Microorganisms", and successfully carried out infectious disease water exchange experiments, ecological bottle making activities, crude DNA extraction, fruit wine, fruit vinegar, kimchi, yogurt, and plant tissue culture experiments, and used the overall teaching of the unit to cultivate students' core literacy. The biology group of the third year of high school allows the old, middle-aged and young teachers to partner with each other, show their strengths, give full play to the guidance of senior teachers, give full play to the talents of backbone teachers, give full play to the technical advantages of young teachers, study the college entrance examination, select exercises, and empower students.

"'One research a day' has further boosted the growth of the discipline." The teachers of the biology group of Jigang High School told reporters that Jigang High School, as a demonstration school for teaching and research of biology in Jinan City and a gold medal school for the National Biology Olympiad for middle school students, has further highlighted the characteristics of subject teaching and further excavated the curriculum development under the promotion of the "one day one research" activity, so that the school's advantageous disciplines can be further advanced, and the competitiveness of the discipline has been enhanced.

New vitality in education

"One day one research" has enhanced the competitiveness of advantageous disciplines, and in Jigang High School, the reporter learned that "one day one research" has enhanced the vitality of education and teaching.

Jigang High School: "One day and one research", a new driving force for happiness education

Since the launch of "one day one research", the daily teaching and research of the senior three language group is as wonderful as an educational feast, the main and backup people are fully prepared and speak around the topic, and the rest of the teachers have a heated discussion on the content of the subject...... This is a scene of the Chinese teaching and research group carrying out "one research a day", and it is also a microcosm of the "one research a day" carried out by each subject group. In the past year, the "one day one research" has continuously improved the teaching level of teachers. In April this year, the website of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education released the "Announcement on the List of Provincial "Excellent Courses" for the 2023 "One Teacher, One Excellent Course, One Teacher" Activity, and a total of 3,011 provincial-level "excellent courses" are planned to be selected after teachers' individual creation, municipal-level excellent course selection, and provincial-level lesson observation and evaluation. Among them, the "Momentum Momentum Theorem" taught by Cheng Zhiqiang of Jigang High School and the "Excellent Course" of "Water Cycle Process and Geographical Significance" taught by Wang Qingbo were successfully selected.

"One day and one research", but also let the young teachers grow rapidly, this year Jigang High School held a young teacher competition, more outstanding young teachers emerged. "The 'One Day One Research' activity has effectively activated teaching and research, created an interactive dialogue atmosphere, and is conducive to mutual inspiration and promotion among teachers, which is of great help to our young teachers to have an in-depth understanding of the new college entrance examination, new classrooms, and new curriculum standards." The young teachers told reporters that communicating with experienced teachers during the "one day one research" and grinding and studying courses accelerated their growth and transformation.

The "One Day One Research" activity has also made the innovation point in education and teaching flourish. With the advancement of the "one research a day" activity, the collective teaching and research base of the senior one chemistry group has gradually shifted from the conference room to the laboratory table, and the experiment-based nature of chemistry has become more and more apparent. "Students always hate the old version of the experimental video, can we create our own video for them?" Huang Tao, the leader of the chemistry group of the first year of high school, won the unanimous support of the teachers in the group, combined with the upcoming classroom micro-project "Iodine Extraction from Kelp and Bromine Extraction from Seawater", everyone worked together to innovate the classroom experiment, and also successfully recorded an exclusive experimental video belonging to Jigang High School. The integration and transformation from the laboratory table to the lectern has given the classroom a new vitality.

Students' interest in learning is also being effectively stimulated: the sophomore chemistry group hosted the special activities of the two major science festivals - the 2022 class "Thinking into a map, learning to achieve" mind map competition and organic matter naming competition, which ignited students' enthusiasm for learning chemistry both inside and outside the classroom.

A new look for the school

"Let students enjoy a happy education, let teachers enjoy the happiness of education", is the vision of the principal Sang Shengwang, and it is also the new form of education that Jigang High School is gradually emerging. In the eyes of the teachers and students of Jigang High School, the "One Day One Research" activity is a catalyst to accelerate the process of happiness education.

Jigang High School: "One day and one research", a new driving force for happiness education

The reporter learned that in recent years, Jigang High School has focused on the high-quality development of the school, taking "all for the lifelong development of students" as the starting point, adhering to the problem orientation, highlighting the key points of research, deepening the transformation of teaching and research, and insisting on innovation and development. In Sang Shengwang's view, after the launch of the "one day one research" activity, all subject groups have achieved unified progress, unified teaching plans, unified exercises, unified examinations, etc. In particular, in the teaching and research process, everyone has a plan, a task, and a implementation, which gives full play to the collective wisdom and improves the quality of collective lesson preparation. At the same time, each subject group compiled its own study plans on key contents, accumulating valuable school-based resources. The answer template is carefully designed, and the rigor of students' thinking is improved in the repeated training of answering specifications. It has become normal for teachers to go into the classroom and learn from each other; Actively writing papers and applying for projects has seen the transformation of teaching achievements and the improvement of teachers' research ability. The vision of creating an efficient classroom that is "student-centered, learning-led, and teacher-driven" has also been gradually realized.

The teaching activity of "one day and one research" "gathers" all the wisdom and "prepares" wonderful classes truly achieves the goal of taking a good class and growing a group of people, and also truly allows teachers to continue to move forward in the direction of professional growth in "one day and one study". The whole school is a game of chess, everyone is one heart, and every person in Gangzhong has always devoted himself to the cause of education with full enthusiasm. "We will continue to adhere to the normalization of 'one research per day', continuously optimize and improve the content and form of teaching and research, and continue to inject new momentum into the goal of students enjoying happy education and teachers enjoying happy education." Sang Shengwang said.

Jinan newspaper all-media reporter: Zhao Shicai

Editor: Zheng Chuqiao Proofreader: Dong Ping

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