
It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

author:Gotta get a movie
It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

In recent days, temporary withdrawal has become the most common operation in movie theaters.

Ning Hao and Andy Lau's "Mr. Red Carpet" played unfavorably during the Spring Festival, and it was urgently withdrawn only 6 days after it was released on February 10, and then it was changed to March 15.

As a result, with such a luxurious lineup, the cumulative box office of the two schedules was only about 94 million, and the filmmaker lost 200 million.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Some time ago, "There is No Thing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot" starring Yang Mi was another hearty escape.

The movie was originally scheduled to be released on January 13 this year, which is considered a small schedule.

Because "the response to the internal test screening will be too good", the filmmaker was confident and changed the file to May 1st with a wave of the pen.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

As a result, the box office was a mess after the release, and it entered the million stage on the second day of release, which scared the filmmaker to announce an emergency withdrawal 5 days later.

As a result, on May 11, "Hot Pot" directly announced that it would be broadcast on the Internet.

The audience who paid for tickets was half angry.

As a result, the box office failed, the word of mouth was rotten, and even the producer and director were scolded for their blood, and the film company staged a textbook-level chaotic release.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Of course, some of these movies did not do well at the box office after their release, and some had a bad reputation.

The results are the same, and the reasons are all in the performance of the film.

But there is a movie that is obviously very good-looking and has a good reputation, but it escaped before the release, and when it is released again, it will be a thing of the past, and it will be no longer competitive.

A good deck of cards is played poorly because of lack of confidence!

——《Raifuku Hotel》

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Yes, this is a theatrical movie starring Huang Xuan, Liu Yan, and Dong Baobao, which is currently in theaters.

However, I believe that many people have not noticed this movie, just seeing Nicholas Tse + Jacky Cheung's "Customs Front", and then the Hollywood blockbuster "A Quiet Place 3", this movie is really a little transparent.

It's also embarrassing to say.

Because strictly speaking, this film is not "new" when it is said to be "new".

The film was originally scheduled to be released on June 8 during the Dragon Boat Festival, but it was temporarily announced on the 4th for no reason.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Of course, we also know why, it is nothing more than that we think that the competitiveness is not strong, and we are afraid that we will not be able to take a piece of the Dragon Boat Festival.

But here comes the hypocrisy.

"Rifle Hotel" said that it was withdrawn, but it was not completely withdrawn.

Because the screening was carried out before the release, and the screening was still not canceled after the withdrawal, and it lasted until the day of the release on June 28.

In other words, the film has been screened for more than 20 days before its release, and the first audience has been watching it for nearly a month.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Temporary withdrawal + ultra-long screening.

This made "Rifle Hotel" lose the confidence of the audience, and it lost its freshness.

As a result, on the day of the film's official release, the box office was only 4.93 million yuan, and even the Hollywood movie "A Quiet Place 3" did not win, predicted to be around 67 million, but not 100 million.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

This film was also benchmarked against "God of Medicine" when it was announced in the early stage, but now the box office can only reach 2% of "God of Medicine", I don't know what the filmmaker should think?

It's just a pity that this movie is actually not bad.

"Rifle Hotel" has a score of 7.2, although it is not as good as the god "God of Medicine", but it is also a good film.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco
It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

As the name suggests, the movie revolves around "Rifle Hotel".

It's a budget hotel next to a hospital, and the tenants who walk into the hotel are miserable.

Huang Xuan's social idle "Li Qingrang" has just been released from prison, because his father is sick and has to spend 150,000 yuan for surgery, Li Qingrang agreed to the request of the social brother "Wang Daji" (played by Dong Baobao).

Go undercover to the Rifle Hotel to do sabotage and buy the hotel.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco
It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

For the hotel, Li Qingrang is a complete bad guy.

He had just been released from prison with the smell of blood, resorting to violence and arrogance, and Li Qingrang completely ignored the feelings of his patients, and only forged ahead for a reward of 150,000 yuan.

But this knife has really been softened.

In charge of this hotel, it is the proprietress "Ma Lin" played by Liu Yan.

Her bright eyes are like a spring breeze, which makes Li Qing, who was born with a lack of fatherly love, feel the warmth that she has not seen for a long time.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

He fell in love with Marlene and began to accept everything that Rifle Hotel had to offer.

The patients are full of ugliness, each one is more difficult than the other, but they are all protesters who are going against the grain on their own life path.

It's a pretty standard commercial drama.

Li Qingrang, played by Huang Xuan, has changed from a big bad guy who has just been released from prison to a defender who knows how to take responsibility and protect others.

And I have a sense of belonging in this big family.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Huang Xuan's performance is a plus, some people say that Huang Xuan's face is naturally suitable for this kind of role.

The grievances are mixed with anger, and I want to change my mind, but I have to hold on to the misunderstanding of society, saying that I don't care.

Huang Xuan's face is kind, he still retains a bit of a sense of youth in his handsomeness, but his eyes are extremely sharp, like an eagle falcon in a no-man's land.

In the film, he vividly shows the contradiction between "Li Qingrang", who wants to get better but has to disguise himself, so that people can empathize with the psychological struggle of the character, and when Li Qingrang becomes better, the sense of happiness is even more fierce and hot.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Liu Yan also gave up the sexy character design and felt life down-to-earth.

In the face of the gangsters, she can splash and roll, but she does not refuse to come to the patients, feeding them one bite at a time, and she has no complaints when she is sprayed all over her face.

A precious mind, coupled with the appearance of this charm.

It's no wonder that Li Qing can be confused.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Of course, there is still a certain distance between the movie and "God of Medicine".

Compared with the solid script in the former, where each character has a perfect arc, the completeness of "Rifle Hotel" is worse, and almost all the characters in the whole movie are sacrificed for the growth of the male protagonist.

How he lacks love, how he regrets, and how he accepts his original kindness.

But Li Qingrang was not a bad person originally, he accidentally entered the hospital because of his righteous and courageous actions, and after being discharged from the hospital, he was snubbed by his father and disliked by his brother-in-law, he was just a hard-working person.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

But Cheng Yong in "The God of Medicine" is different.

He is also a good person, but under the influence of his father's lack of money, his wife taking his son abroad, and the closure of his shop, he has to take risks and make illegal profits.

A good person who has been forced to become a bad guy is far more impactful than the current Li Qingrang.

Moreover, the characters such as Huang Mao, doctors, dancers, and Lu Yingyi in "The God of Medicine" are also very exciting.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

But "Rifle Hotel" gave Huang Xuan as much as possible, and even after Li Qing left the hotel, the camera still held on to him.

Show him at work at the funeral home, his pain, his awakening, his heroic return.

This is a judgment on a par with "The God of Medicine" in terms of concept.

Rather than exploring the social issues of "sky-high drugs", what this movie wants to show more is to ensure the transformation of the protagonist and the commerciality of the film.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

Of course, having said that, "Rifle Hotel" is still good, don't compare it with "God of Medicine".

Write at the end

Looking back at the Dragon Boat Festival, 4 competitive movies were released on the same day.

"Sweeping the Dark", "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You", "Negotiator", "Stop-and-Go".

It was these 4 movies that scared "Rifle Hotel" away.

However, among these four movies, "Sweeping the Black" won 190 million due to aesthetic fatigue, "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You" overturned 200 million in word-of-mouth, "Negotiator" 157 million, and "Stop and Go" only 100 million because of its literary and artistic properties.

After all, there was not a single blockbuster work in the entire schedule.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

What's even more terrifying is that in addition to the literary film "Stop-and-Go", "Rifle Hotel" with a score of 7.2 is the highest score among them.

has the highest reputation, and it is a commercial film, and it also fills the vacancy of feature films in terms of genre, not to mention the inspirational background and Huang Xuan's popularity.

I think that if the film hadn't escaped, maybe it would have been able to ride the dust in the Dragon Boat Festival, and if it didn't have the luxury of being a big hit, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the 200 million box office cap.

will not end up with the tragedy of 67 million.

But there are ifs in life, and the same is true for movies, countless cases have proved -

When you run away once, you're already cutting half of your original box office results, and there is never a winner for those who escape.

It's a pity! Huang Xuan's new film fled because he was not confident, and the benchmark "God of Medicine" is now a box office fiasco

- End of full text.

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