
Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about the Sagrass Greatsword, and there is a play in the back, 10.0 no

World of Warcraft Director Ion Hazzikostas answered players' questions about the Greatsword of Hylisus in an interview.

He said that in 2018, we had used the energy of the artifact to eliminate the corrosion of the Sagrass Greatsword, so at the moment it was just a "big fragment". In the future, this sword will still have a role, but "Age of Dragons" is completely about the story of Dragon Island, and will not update the content of the old world.

Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about the Sagrass Greatsword, and there is a play in the back, 10.0 no
Warcraft Superintendent Ion talks about the Sagrass Greatsword, and there is a play in the back, 10.0 no

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