
After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Per reporter: Du Wei Ding Zhouyang Per reporter: Liang Xiao

Since the beginning of this year, Luo Yonghao's every move has aroused a lot of attention on the Internet. Relying on live streaming with goods to pay off more than 600 million yuan in arrears of science and technology entrepreneurship, he decided to devote himself to the technology circle again to do AR.

Will Luo Yonghao leave the live broadcast room? Where will Beijing Make a Friend Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Make a Friend"), which was originally established to bring goods, go? The "Daily Economic News" reporter noted that today, the "make a friend" with Luo Yonghao as the main force has developed from only two or three anchors to an anchor group with more than forty people. In addition to Luo Yonghao, these assistant broadcasts provoked the "Make a Friend" live broadcast room for 7× 20 hours of ultra-long standby. In two years, they brought a total of 10 billion yuan of goods.

In addition to Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room, Li Jiaqi's seven-hour live broadcast room also has four hours to assist in the broadcast, and the assistance of banned big anchors such as Wei Ya and Sydney is also in the live broadcast room. From "anchor is king" to "the era of assisting broadcasting", the ecology of live broadcasting with goods is quietly changing.

"7×20 hours" with goods, to help broadcast than the anchor to fight

Two years ago, Luo Yonghao announced his high-profile entry into e-commerce live broadcasting, and wanted to pay off more than 600 million huge debts by bringing goods, and the realistic version of "true return" was staged. (In this regard, the daily economic news has published a report "Luo Yonghao announced that he entered the e-commerce live broadcast, and said that he would be a "brother with goods"!) Li Jiaqi, are you afraid or not? Recently, the news that Luo Yonghao will clear the debt, end the "true return", and return to the technology circle again has aroused widespread concern.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

As of now, Luo Yonghao's Douyin account has nearly 20 million fans

Image source: Screenshot of Douyin

Just two years after the live broadcast is about to "leave" and start a new entrepreneurial project, Luo Yonghao's move, although somewhat sudden, is not surprising.

"I'm not very interested in this thing itself." Luo Yonghao told the "Daily Economic News" reporter last year that although e-commerce live broadcasting is a good business, he has also gained great satisfaction and happiness in it, but this is not the direction of his ideal and love.

The reporter noted that after Luo Yonghao announced that he would "meet the next high-tech entrepreneurship", he quickly got a lot of iron fans. However, as of 17:00 today (April 22), Luo Yonghao, who has brought more than 100 goods, has accumulated as many as 19.398 million fans on Douyin. Therefore, many people also questioned: Does Luo Yonghao really want to leave the live broadcast? In this regard, Luo Yonghao said that the operation right of his Douyin account is planned to be transferred to "make a friend", and if the new entrepreneurial project fails and owes debts, it can return to live streaming with goods.

Recently, the "make a friend" side confirmed to reporters that Luo Yonghao's main energy will be focused on science and technology entrepreneurship, but he will still maintain a certain frequency of goods, such as broadcasting several times on weekends.

Luo Yonghao's main energy shift means that his time to carry goods in the future will be reduced, and this has been the beginning of this year. The reporter learned that in 2021, Luo Yonghao's personal live broadcast sales GMV (referring to the total transaction amount) accounted for about 20% of the total GMV of "making a friend". In the first quarter of this year, this ratio was reduced to 5%, and its live broadcast time was less than 3% of the total length of the "Make a Friend" live broadcast.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

"Make a Friend" live broadcast arrangement in the live room

Image source: Screenshot of the "Make a Friend" live calendar

It can be seen that in addition to the anchor Luo Yonghao, many diligent broadcasting solitaires have maintained the liveliness of the live broadcast room. On April 11, "Make a Friend" released a report on the second anniversary of bringing goods, which mentioned that the company has grown from 7 people to more than 1,400 people, and the number of anchors has expanded from only two or three to more than 40 people.

In fact, most of the working days, Luo Yonghao did not personally bring goods, but the "Luo Yonghao" live broadcast room has always been "open", and the auxiliary broadcast started at 6:00 a.m. and ended at 2:30 a.m. "Make a friend" told the "Daily Economic News" reporter: "We have opened 15 live broadcast rooms so far. ”

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Luo Yonghao did not come to help broadcast to take over Image source: Luo Yonghao live broadcast room screenshot

More than 40 assistants of "Make a Friend" have passed the "7×20 hours" high-intensity cargo, and in the past two years, the time of carrying goods has exceeded 10,000 hours, and together with Luo Yonghao, they have handed over a report card with a total GMV of 10 billion yuan.

Live broadcast with goods change: the anchor retreats, helping the broadcast to take the position

Luo Yonghao moved the main battlefield of his career back to the technology industry, and Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room was already prepared for this. Recently, Huang He, the founder of "Make a Friend", told the "Daily Economic News" reporter: "All along, we have been cultivating other young anchors, and we emphasize the concept of 'make a friend' live broadcast room, rather than creating a single Internet celebrity." ”

"In the next time of this year, we will focus on recruiting professional anchors, such as clothing, beauty, alcohol, mother and baby, home appliances, etc., and dig up some industry experts to cultivate." We will soon launch a new round of recruitment, planning to add more than 50 young anchors and more live broadcast staff to meet the needs of our large number of people in the vertical live broadcast room. Huang He said.

"DepersonalIZATION" is not the practice of Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room, "Kuaishou Brother" Simba and "Taobao Brother" Li Jiaqi have tilted resources to newcomers in the past two years, and have helped broadcast anchors to enter the public eye in different ways.

In 2020, Simba gradually retreated into the background, and Simba's company, Simxuan, began to fully praise the red Simba apprentice "Egg Egg", and Simba even created a live broadcast called "Challenge Simba" for Egg Egg. According to Feigua statistics, in March 2022, Egg Egg ranked first in the list of goods masters, and the number of fans in the Kuaishou live broadcast room named after her was as high as 55.685 million, which has opened up a large gap with the second-ranked Kuaishou anchor Yu Dagongzi.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Image source: Screenshot of Feigua Data webpage

Li Jiaqi, who has always maintained the top stream, will also divide the live broadcast time to assist the broadcast. The auxiliary broadcast came on first, Li Jiaqi appeared in the middle, and then handed over the time to the auxiliary broadcast, which has been matured and used in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room. Taking a live broadcast in March this year as an example, the whole 7-hour live broadcast, Li Jiaqi was broadcast two hours after the start of the broadcast, about five hours down, and the remaining four hours were taken by the supporting broadcast group.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Li Jiaqi live broadcast room, first by the assistant broadcast of the hot field for two hours, Li Jiaqi will broadcast again

Image source: Li Jiaqi live video screenshot

Wei Ya and Sydney, who closed the live broadcast room due to tax problems, have the original team to help broadcast to open a new live broadcast account this year.

At present, in Taobao's new head live broadcast room "Bee Surprise Society", you can see the familiar figure of Wei Ya's live broadcast room. Five of the anchor groups composed of six young anchors, including Hao Hao, Kaizi, Facai, Xiao Han, Duoduo and Xiao Ying, were former members of the original Weiya Live Broadcasting Supporting Group. At the end of 2021, before Wei Ya was punished, the relevant account "Wei Ya Surprise Society" on the Xiaohong Book in Wei Ya's live broadcast room had repeatedly released the dynamics of the support group, and Hao Hao, Kaizi, Facai, Duoduo, and Xiao Han were among them.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Image source: Screenshot of Bee Surprise Society Weibo

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Image source: Weiya Surprise Society Little Red Book account screenshot

However, the Bee Surprise Society is very careful about its relationship with Via. From the perspective of the shareholding structure, the operating company of the Bee Surprise Society is not directly related to the Humble Company of The Wei ya and her wife. The "Daily Economic News" reporter learned that when fans added the "Bee Surprise Society" little assistant WeChat and expressed to the other party that they recognized that there was the original Weiya to help broadcast, the little assistant only replied that "please support the newly established live broadcast room of the little bees".

Sydney's broadcasting team opened the live broadcast room in February this year, and the new account "Light is Coming" was renamed "Shiitake Mushroom Coming", and its member "Yu Guangguang" has appeared in the Sydney Live Broadcast Room many times.

After Luo Yonghao "leaves", how many friends can he make when he "makes a friend"?

Image source: "Oh Yu Guangguang" Weibo screenshot



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