
millet? Building a car? Xiaomi car? ——Take stock of the strange reactions of netizens to Xiaomi's car

2021.3.29 Xiaomi spring new product conference, Xiaomi chairman and CEO Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi entered the new energy automobile industry, for a time shocked the majority of rice noodle friends, the discussion was vigorous, some people think that Xiaomi is now making cars in the current new energy automobile industry dividends are not much, there are also some people full of confidence, think that Lei Jun if he can successfully build a car will set off a round of change in the automotive industry.

millet? Building a car? Xiaomi car? ——Take stock of the strange reactions of netizens to Xiaomi's car

Although everyone is skeptical about whether Lei Jun can succeed, in the eyes of ordinary people, if Xiaomi succeeds, according to the previous Xiaomi's extreme cost-effective route, the majority of netizens must have benefited a lot, even if Lei Jun fails, it has no impact on people, so at the beginning, the online attitude towards Xiaomi car manufacturing is still positive.

millet? Building a car? Xiaomi car? ——Take stock of the strange reactions of netizens to Xiaomi's car

However, with the major rollover of the Xiaomi 11 series and the MIUI 12 series, people began to attack the Xiaomi mobile phone business, and people's ridicule of the Xiaomi car business was endless.

1. Rice noodles: 19999, make a friend

Lei Jun: This thing is definitely here to make trouble

2. Xiaomi Car: The first car (and the last car) of young people

3. Xiaomi Cars: Born for Fever! (No need to heat the seat, it is hot when it is open, alluding to the problem of heating up xiaomi mobile phones)

4. Xiaomi car must watch 90s ads before starting (implying that there are more ADS built into MIUI)

5. Lei Jun does a bunch of bugs in the car, don't open, small lives matter (refers to MIUI 12 series bugs frequently)

6. Stuttering on and on, the engine burns out (ironic MIUI Caton, Xiaomi 11 series burns WiFi)

There are also a lot of ridicule of Xiaomi cars, not one by one, what opinions do you have on Lei Zong's car, and you are welcome to leave a message to exchange.

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