
2019~2021 CSCO Tumor Guideline Case Details (including 60+ guideline downloads)

*For medical professionals only

26 cases of tumor guidelines classic case sharing, zero distance with CSCO experts!

It's coming! A good lesson in the medical field [CSCO classic case interpretation] is online!

The medical community united with 24 top oncology experts and specially invited experts of the CSCO Youth Committee to share wonderfully

60 interpretations of the authoritative guidelines of CSCO, NCCN and Chinese Medical Association

26 CSCO guideline cases in detail, classic + miracle double case

11 common cancers, covering lung cancer, gastrointestinal tumors, hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumors, breast cancer, and hematological tumors

There are more benefits waiting for you

#领取新课 There are many benefits #

Benefits 1: A collection of 60 CSCO guides

Benefits 2: 100 sets of medical and nursing special PPT templates

Benefit 3: The group regularly shares CSCO Youth Committee top-secret courseware

Benefit 4: Cancer celebrities personally answer questions for free and communicate with CSCO experts at zero distance!

Benefit 5: Community Learning Case Punch Card to get the Clinical Oncology Handbook (free shipping to home)!

2019~2021 CSCO Tumor Guideline Case Details (including 60+ guideline downloads)

Figure: Gift "Handbook of Clinical Oncology"

You can enter the course exchange group

On April 18, 2022, the series of courses [Interpretation of CSCO Classic Cases] was officially launched, with a total of 26 sessions, updated 4 sessions per week, focusing on diagnosis and treatment experience, building academic bridges, and zero distance with CSCO Youth Committee!

2019~2021 CSCO Tumor Guideline Case Details (including 60+ guideline downloads)

Can't wait in front of the screen? Come and join us, and you can also communicate with your peers and go directly to the 2022 CSCO Annual Meeting. For more information, please contact the small assistant (yxjjpk1221) to answer ~

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