
The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

When it comes to the master of love, everyone will definitely think of Xiao Yaxuan, indeed in the aspect of interacting with boyfriends, Xiao Yaxuan can be regarded as a proper big winner, and the jianghu jokes: Xiao Yaxuan's boyfriend is never more than 26 years old, and he is handsome and handsome, in good shape, and intimate to Xiao Yaxuan.

How many women have been envied.

But compared with the protagonist we are talking about today, Xiao Yaxuan is weak, and she is the mountain side knot that makes countless men bend their waists.


Setsuko Yamabe is actually not young, born in 1955 in Mashiro, Japan, but she has definitely been a beautiful embryo since she was a child.

Her family conditions are actually not good, her father is a driver, her mother is a full-time wife, and the family's life can only rely on her father's income, so her life is tight, and there is no extra money to meet Jiezi's childhood dream.

The other children have colorful candies and beautiful princess dresses that they can't wear, but Jiezi doesn't, and she can only look at the happy life of others, so she can better understand the importance of money and is full of desire for money.

Obviously, Setsuko is smart, she knows how to use her beauty to get what she wants, in school, she is a well-deserved school flower, and there are countless boys who want to be friends or associate with her, they surround Setsuko, offering their gifts in exchange for Setsuko's good feelings for him, for these, Setsuko accepts them all.

Her student time was spent like this, and Setsuko did not feel that there was anything wrong with it, but was full of joy.

But there is no free lunch in the world, take someone else's, you also have to pay, so the time is long, the "flower name" of the festival will be passed out.

People in my hometown know that there is a "courtesan" daughter in the mountainside family.

The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

Slowly, Jiezi has also reached the marriageable age, but most people are not willing to let their sons marry Jiezi, what is the use of looking beautiful, marrying a wife can not only look at the appearance, reputation is also very important, they are not willing to be ridiculed to marry such a famous woman.

Jiezi's parents looked for people everywhere to talk about the matchmaker, but basically no one had the will to marry her, which saddened her parents, and said all the good things to the matchmaker, and people agreed to help her pick and choose again.

Finally, there was a man who worked as a repairman who was willing to marry Jiezi.


For this man, Setsuko is not satisfied, because this man's family can only be regarded as ordinary, And Setsuko knows that she will not be able to give her the high-quality life she wants, and her drunken dreams will leave her.

Moreover, the man's personality and seiji are not suitable, not romantic at all, where can they touch the heart of the festival?

But Jiezi's parents feel very good, marriage is to choose a down-to-earth person, this man is hardworking, practical, generous, is not the best candidate to live a life?

Jiezi could not resist her parents, and because of her father's majesty, she could only listen to their words and married her.

Men are very kind to Jiezi, handing over all the financial power to Jiezi, and As long as Jiezi can do what Heying wants, he will try his best to meet Jiezi's requirements.

In this way, although there is no interest, the two have also lived for several years.

But Jiezi's uneasy heart had long been ready to move, but he hadn't found the right moment.

Finally, after the death of Setsuko's father, Setsuko can finally let go of herself, because no one is holding her down anymore.

After the death of her father, Setsuko began to date different men unscrupulously, dressing herself up every day and not paying attention to her husband at all.

The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

At the beginning, the husband also painstakingly advised Jiezi, hoping that she could change her mind for the sake of the family and children, and everyone would live well, and he could not blame those things in the past.

But Jiezi simply took her husband's words as the wind in her ears, she had long been tired of this kind of life like stagnant water, so she continued to do her own thing, her husband finally couldn't stand it, who wants to have a green grassland on her head?

The man filed for divorce, Setsuko signed it without any hesitation, she did not argue for the custody of the child, and she did not want to carry a drag oil bottle to hinder her happy life.


The divorced Jiezi is like a bird returning to the sky, enjoying the freedom she has waited for for ten years, and she is at ease with men.

And the men ate her set and paid for her without mercy.

Do you think that Yamabe Setsuko can convince men just by virtue of her beauty? People are not so brainless and superficial, she has means and tricks.

She remembered every gold lord's preferences clearly and felt everyone's mind.

Once jiezi had a gold lord, this gold lord is a rich and powerful person, very willing to jiezi, and it is to send cars and give money, and also build a villa for her.

The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

Jiezi is determined to catch this man in her hands, but she thinks like this but not necessarily thinks like this, men, there are many natural temptations to have money, he is surrounded by many younger and more beautiful women than Jiezi, and soon, his mind is not on Jiezi.

After Jiezi felt the transformation of men, unlike the general women who had no heart, people were not a trick of crying, making trouble and hanging, she knew that this man liked talented women, so she hired a high-level writer to write a talented and affectionate poetry collection.

Looking at those affectionate confessions, the heart of the gold lord returned to The Festival.

She managed to pull back a round.

For the other gold lord, the method used by The Festival is completely different.

The other is a government official.

The marriage relationship between this man and his wife is not very good, but other conditions are worth grasping, and Jiezi uses beauty and tenderness to successfully lure men, and frequent meetings with men, and soon coaxes men to be fascinated.

However, there is no impermeable wall in the world, and the gold lord heard the reputation of the "social flower" of Jiezi and was very unhappy in his heart, which made him very humiliated.

So he made up his mind to break off relations with Jiezi, but obviously Jiezi is not such a good person, she is not a soft persimmon, is it a move to come and go?

Setsuko took out the images she had secretly recorded during her usual intimacy and threatened the officials to give her monetary compensation, or else she would publish the videos.

If these scandals are passed on, then his political career will be over, so he can only knock out his teeth and swallow blood, admit that he is unlucky, and give Jiezi a large amount of money.

Relying on the money support of each man, Jiezi has accumulated a lot of wealth, and she can also be regarded as a proper rich woman.


But one careless move back to the pre-liberation period.

Setsuko became a famous local rich woman, and naturally some people had the idea of beating her property.

One of her friends came to the door and persuaded Jiezi to be a guarantor for her company, which would give her super good returns, the company had a great future, anyway, only to make money and not lose all kinds of painting cakes, saying that it was called a big mess.

Setsuko was said to be moved, and without hesitation, signed her name on the guarantor column.

She did not expect that there was a strong hand in the strong, she deceived others, and others would also deceive her.

The company she guaranteed went bankrupt, and the person who had asked her to do the guarantee ran away with the money, dumping all kinds of debt problems to Jiezi, who did not earn a penny and was saddled with nearly 100 million yen in debt.

Originally planned to wash her hands in the golden basin to live her life safely and steadily, she had to go back to the mountains to resume her old business and live by circling with men, but even if men liked her again, no one was willing to help her make up for this hundred million debts, and at this time, Jiezi was more than 50 years old, becoming yesterday's yellow flower, and had long lost the charm of her youth.

There was no way, Jiezi could only tear down the east wall to make up for the loan sharks in the west wall to work off debts, and it was precisely because of the loan sharks that she had the idea of setting up her own financing company to get rich.

In 2010, at the age of 55, and her ambitions grew stronger, with the help of friends, she set up a bridge loan company, which is, to put it bluntly, a leather bag company that supports the upper echelons of a similar pyramid scheme by soliciting downline investments.

She promised the middleman that as long as she could attract 1 million yen of investment for the company, she would give a rebate profit of 200,000 yuan.

This extremely high profit attracts a lot of pimps, and they go everywhere to help Jiezi pull investment.

At the beginning, many investors did not dare to invest too much in her company, only dared to make a small fuss to test the waters, the festival was quite trustworthy, pay the promised interest on time, and slowly, the investors also relaxed their guard, and invested more and more in the festival subsidiaries.

After all, Jiezi has such a big villa, there must be a lot of money.

But in fact, this villa was built by the gold lord for Jiezi, which does not mean that Jiezi himself has money.

Relying on non-stop financing, Jiezi made a lot of money, and the first thing she had to do at this time was to get a facelift. After all, the face is her weapon in this world.

After the plastic surgery, Setsuko looked at the smooth and tight face in the mirror, just like when she was in her 30s, she returned to the highlight of her appearance.

The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

Now, rich, time, and beautiful, Setsuko finally does not have to please those old men, she wants to please herself, to make herself comfortable, so she began to look for small fresh meat.

She raised a lot of small fresh meat, and she was generous with them, taming them one by one.

But her company played in the end is just an opportunistic trick, there is no strength, not long collapsed, Setsuko as the highest person in charge quickly rolled up the money to run, there is no news.


In 2016, a woman named Erica in Thailand caught the attention of the police.

The woman is said to be 38 years old and her husband is a 31-year-old local man.

Erica seems to be very rich, contracting the living expenses of the man's family, and also paying the man to repair the house, improving their quality of life.

However, in 2017, Erica was arrested by the police, it turned out that she was Setsuko Yamabe, after running away from the money, she went to the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries, and finally came to Thailand, anonymity, and changed her age, marrying a man of about 30 years old at the age of 61.

She thinks she has done it seamlessly, but no one is really stupid, her little milk dog husband has actually discovered her real age, but because of money and choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, who will refuse a good life!

Seiko Yamabe was formally arrested for fraud, and according to the investigation, the amount of personal fraud reached 700 million yen, and after a court trial, she was finally sentenced to 7 years in prison and banned from entering Thailand.

The 62-year-old Japanese aunt has married a 31-year-old boy and has been in contact with 120 men, and Xiao Yaxuan is weaker than her

In prison, Seiko Yamabe never forgets her little husband, saying that the little husband is the man he loves the most, and after he is released from prison, he will go to thai neighboring countries to live with his little husband.

Just don't know that her little husband thinks the same thing?

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