
BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?


Previously, when BYD seals were exposed, some netizens said that the car was sold for 180,000 yuan. The latest breaking news shows that the starting price of this new car may be around 180,000.

BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?
BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?
BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?

BYD seals

  April 26 news, according to the news, BYD SEAL or will launch 7 models, respectively 550km premium / prestige type, 650km privilege / flagship, 700km prestige / exclusive / flagship, is expected to open pre-sale in May, the price range or 180,000-280,000 yuan.

BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?

BYD seal interior

  In terms of appearance, BYD seals are still very attractive, it as a whole inherits the design idea of the concept car Ocean-X, but it is not so radical, the front face of the hood can be seen on the naked eye there are multiple muscle lines, it looks very tough; the side is slender, beautiful shape, smooth lines; the tail is a slippery back design, and the taillights are through-line design. In terms of body size, the new car has a length, width and height of 4800/1875/1460mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm.

BYD seal price exposure! Or there are 7 models to choose from, real sales from 180,000 yuan?

Related revelations

  According to the interior design drawings previously released, BYD Seals adopts a completely different design from BYD's previous models, with many marine elements, and is equipped with LCD digital meters and classic adaptive rotating suspension Pads.

  According to the information that broke the news, BYD Seal's standard endurance model is equipped with a 150kW rear motor, with a maximum working range of 550km; the long-endurance version is equipped with a 230kW rear motor, with a maximum working range of 700km; the total power of the motor before and after the top four-wheel drive version reaches 390kW, and the maximum working mileage is 650km.

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