
Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben
Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Liu Aben, the character Mo Xian, the lord of the Ziyi Hall. Born in 1960 in Yongchuan, Chongqing, the twelfth generation of "Yilu", he is currently a member of the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, a member of the China Artists Association, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Guangdong Artists Association, and the vice chairman of the Chongqing Yongchuan District Literary Association. Since childhood, he studied gold stones, calligraphy and painting with his father Liu Sheng, and later studied with Dong Shouping, Liu Jiji and other old gentlemen. Chewing ink five flavors, untangling the rope new, the case has been cultivated for more than 50 years, and the "ink washing method" created is unique in the painting world. Since 1999, his works have won the National Exhibition Achievement Award of the China Artists Association once, the bronze award twice, and the selection nine times. In 2005, 17 works, including "Gentlemen on the Prosperity of the World", were permanently collected by the National Museum of China. His works have been cherished by the national party, government and military organs, art museums, art groups, and collectors at home and abroad.

He has published albums such as "China's Unique Famous Artist - Liu Aben Paintings Washing Ink Bamboo", "Chinese Outstanding Artist Liu Aben", "Liu Aben Chinese Painting Works" and other albums, and his works have been included in more than 20 large-scale painting collections such as "Selected Contemporary Chinese Paintings" and "Twenty Chinese Paintings".

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Awakening the Mind 60*40cm 2018

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

The unspoken meaning is all in it

Author: Tang Qinxian

The bottom of the paper is full of smoke and smoke, and the fountain of ten thousand rods is in the chest.

Cut off a branch of spring in the south of the river, and the northern half of the Pingtian Ridge is smeared red.

Mr. Aben's paintings, the mountains are hazy, the forest is beautiful. From a distance, the daisy is stacked, along the mountain, the clear stream is babbling, and it is rushing down with the rock, it is a place of smoke and fog, the ancient trees are verdant, and the tired birds are thinking of returning; scrutinize it, the afterglow passes, the shadow returns into the forest, the hidden banqiao flying wild crossing, the leaf mustard boat pan blue waves, it seems that there is a flute out of the valley, and the pine nuts fall into the mountain stream. Closed eyes, the afterglow is around the beam, the meaning is endless.

Wang Mojieyun: "There are paintings in poetry, and there are poems in paintings." "I look at Chinese painting from the perspective of poetics, and the salient feature of "landscape" is "freehand", so it is necessary to "climb the mountain to be full of love in the mountain, and to see the sea is to overflow the sea" (Liu Xun's "Wenxin Carved Dragon • Divine Thought"). Mr. Aben's work, making good use of the meaning of pen and ink, sprinkles vertically and horizontally, "cages the heavens and the earth in the shape, and frugs all things in the pen" (Lu Ji's "Wenfu"), rendering either elegant, or fresh, or ethereal artistic conception, leading you to think of the imagination, and the god flies in the clear realm of the sky.

The painting does not lie in the size of the scale, nor in the amount of ink, but in the height of the artistic conception. No matter how large the paper is, it is difficult to include all the mountains and rivers; no matter how much pen and ink there is, it is difficult to write all kinds of life. It needs to be highly generalized and refined, and it needs to be appropriately left blank and vain, and "infinite" should be written with "limited", the so-called "no word, do your best" (Sikong Tu's "Poetry"). Mr. Aben's writing, knowing black and white, virtual reality is born, complexity and simplicity are caused, thick and light are appropriate, opening and closing freely, so it can be involved in writing.

The picture is long, the fog is long, the smoke and rain are hazy, at first glance it looks "as if there is nothing"; concentrating on the details, each of its paintings is by no means "dispensable", the pen is exquisite, and it cannot be moved slightly. There is "nothing" in "being", and "nothing" is born in the middle of "being", so that we can see the big with the small, know the far with the near, know the "unseen" with the "seeing", and only then can we see the "image" and get the "meaning", and get the "intention" and forget the "form". Mr. Aben's shop is really a pen that is not vain, turning ink into gold and jumping on paper.

Mr. Aben said, "I brought home the landscape. "He spared no effort, traveled far and wide into thousands of mountains and rivers, searched for strange peaks, and hid hills and ravines in his chest, so he came with his hands, and naturally became a natural, so there was "Yang Zhi Return to Truth - Liu Aben's Sketchbook of the Western Line". Although the name is "sketching", it is actually "writing the heart". The landscape in "home", where is the landscape of Kyushu? This collection of "landscapes" condenses Mr. Aben's painstaking ingenuity, embodies a feeling of pleasure and selflessness, a feeling of persistent pursuit, and a complex of gifting the beauty of "landscape" to readers.

Mo put Dan Qing and other idle, silent poetry is full of fun.

In this way, he made up the confession and taught it to the Fang family.

The first month of the year of Nong Yin is in the Hall of Freedom

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Jiangshan picturesque self-dyed 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Knock on the sacred mountain several times cold 170*89cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Koiyama Snow Melting 230*170cm 2018

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Na De Gong Yong Xue Qing 180*90cm 2020

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

That mountain that water has a beautiful person 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Qionghua Blooming Spring with Clear Stream 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Mountain height and water length 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Mountain high clouds deep grass green 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Mountain color with autumn water with spring 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Mountain color light and depth shift with light 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Mountain Lust Slippery Cloud 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Spring and Autumn, Shanxi Hongyu Road 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Sacred Mountain Holiness 230*120cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Tang River Qingxi Alpine Lai 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

The Tang River flows leisurely eastward 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Tonghua Tongcheng Spring Return 200*133cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Majestic Kunlun Marathon 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Rising Sun East Rising Taoyuan 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Water Towards fog 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Yanlong Hanshan Yuelongsha 180*93cm 2020

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Yimu Ali 225*145cm 2019

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

After the rain Akiyama iron cast 136*68cm 2021

Artist of the "Shouzheng Innovation" era - Liu Aben

Changlin Herb Boundless Fragrance 136*68cm 2021

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