
Former intercontinental champion PeRo will not qualify for the intercontinental tournament, and the winner will transfer to JuFu to occupy the killing king

Speaking of PUBG this game, I believe that most FPS game enthusiasts are certainly not strangers, as the first domestic e-sports circle to create a new battle royale game of chicken competition, with its new chicken eating game, after the launch of the majority of netizens sought after, at the same time with the rapid development of the e-sports industry, PUBG is also gradually moving towards professionalism, there have been many and PUBG-related professional events, such as the 2022 PCL Spring Tournament, which is currently in full swing.

Former intercontinental champion PeRo will not qualify for the intercontinental tournament, and the winner will transfer to JuFu to occupy the killing king

Netizens familiar with this event know that the PCL Spring Tournament can be said to be the highest gold content and the most ornamental professional event in the domestic PUBG game circle, with its unique event style and professional competition rules, the PCL Spring Tournament has also become the focus of countless netizens, during which the strong participation of many top teams has also greatly improved the quality of the PCL Spring Tournament, which greatly meets the viewing needs of the majority of netizens.

At present, with the progress of the schedule, the PCL Spring Game has officially entered the playoffs competition stage, and through the first two matchdays, the former intercontinental champion PeRo team is likely to miss the intercontinental tournament, but on the contrary, it was publicly ridiculed by XDD, and the finally left the team to win the championship hero Ash is extremely bright in the playoffs, the highest number of eliminations temporarily ranked as the killer king, leading JuFu to rank third in the standings, while the PeRo team has experienced several recent personnel changes, the state of the ups and downs, Let a group of netizens also sigh.

Former intercontinental champion PeRo will not qualify for the intercontinental tournament, and the winner will transfer to JuFu to occupy the killing king

It is worth mentioning that the veteran giants 4AM team is still in a state of ups and downs, although it is said that in the first matchday successfully climbed to the first place in the standings, but in the second match day the performance is very stretched, the single day points directly fell to the third, the players in the team are also problematic, especially in the last game, Xiaohai skydiving mistakes gave the MCG team a point, and then in the follow-up team battle with the Tianlu team, the deer was knocked down by the gun, making Wei Shen have to rescue in the rear. As a result, the 4AM team was short of frontal personnel, resulting in the 4AM team becoming the background board of Tianlu CC108 one-through-three.

Former intercontinental champion PeRo will not qualify for the intercontinental tournament, and the winner will transfer to JuFu to occupy the killing king

There is a saying that the PCL Spring Tournament is really ups and downs, I don't know what the result of the PCL Spring Tournament will be? Interested netizens will go to Huya to pay attention to this PCL Spring Tournament!

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