
The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

author:Ayan talks about sports

Rolling turbid currents, choppy waves.

On the Seine in Paris, a small boat is slowly heading ahead. The passengers on the ship looked at the scenery in the distance, frowning slightly and looking solemn.

"Is the water quality really okay? I don't want to vomit like I did in Tokyo. A young athlete said worriedly to the coach next to him.


The coach sighed and turned his head to look at the unsettling river, "I'm worried too. It is really unknown whether the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics will go ahead as scheduled. "

Where are you headed? The outlook is uncertain. It's not just about the health and safety of athletes, it's about the success of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Time counts down, and there is a lot of pressure

On July 26, 2024, there are less than 30 days left before the opening of the Paris Olympic Games. For the first time in history, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will be held on a river – 90 boats will cruise along the Seine, past iconic buildings such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, before lighting the Olympic flame.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

Meanwhile, on August 8-9, the Olympic marathon swimming competition will also take place on the Seine. In addition, the triathlon will take place on 30-31 July, and the mixed relay will be held on 5 August.

However, as one of the highlights of the Olympic Games, the water quality of the Seine has been a constant concern.

According to the regulations of the World Triathlon Federation, the amount of E. coli in the competition water must not exceed 250 per 100 ml of water. But tests in early June showed that the Seine's E. coli levels far exceeded that standard, sometimes as high as 1,000 units. This has undoubtedly aroused great concern from all sides.

"Not being able to compete in the Olympic triathlon is frustrating and humiliating for France, for Paris and for the entire Olympic Games." The concerns of French triathlete Jeanne Le Maire also reflect the anxiety of the entire French sports community.

The city of Paris has invested 1.5 billion euros to tackle water pollution in the Seine, trying to improve water quality as soon as possible before the opening. But the results don't seem to be ideal. At the Olympic triathlon test event in August last year, the open water swimming session was cancelled because the water quality did not meet the standard.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

Today, the pressure on the organizers is overwhelming. If the opening ceremony and events have to be postponed or curtailed due to water quality issues, it will have a serious impact on the success of the entire Olympic Games.

For this tricky situation, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has made a "big bet". She promised to swim in person two weeks before the start of the Olympics to prove the safety of the Seine's water quality.

"The Seine is absolutely safe, it's ready." Hidalgo said confidently.

However, it remains to be seen whether this gamble will succeed. After all, it is difficult to completely dispel the public's concerns with just one swim performance.

A tough tug-of-war

It is undoubtedly a long and difficult tug-of-war to completely solve the problem of water pollution in the Seine.

The main reason for the deterioration of the water quality of the Seine is the large influx of E. coli in the feces. This is closely related to the aging of the city's drainage system and heavy rainstorms.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

On June 22, the mayor of the Paris region, Marc Guillaume, admitted that the water quality of the Seine River was seriously exceeded, mainly from E. coli in feces, with more than 1,000 colony units almost daily, according to samples tested between June 10 and 16.

This situation is undoubtedly shocking. In triathlons, health and safety issues have become the biggest concern.

In response to this difficult situation, the City of Paris has invested heavily in water quality management. But judging from the results so far, this initiative does not seem to have achieved the desired results.

In the face of public skepticism and skepticism, Mayor Hidalgo's "big gamble" is undoubtedly a high-risk attempt. It is doubtful whether she will actually go swimming two weeks before the Olympics and convince public opinion with this.

"It was not possible to organize a swimming event during the election period, and now we have set a new date for me to swim in the Seine after the French elections and two weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games." Hidalgo said.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

This was undoubtedly a fairly prudent decision. After all, in such an important electoral period as France, politicians have to be cautious so as not to provoke unnecessary controversy.

However, the countdown to the Olympics is less than a month away, and the tight schedule has undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the organizers. It will be interesting to see if Hidalgo will be able to deliver on his promise to carry out this "big gamble" swimming show two weeks before the opening ceremony.

The solution to water quality problems will not happen overnight. This requires long-term and systematic governance, including improving urban drainage systems and strengthening pollution source control. Relying solely on a performance swim may make it difficult to completely solve the problem.

It is conceivable that at this critical juncture, if the water quality problem of the Seine cannot be fundamentally solved, the organizers will inevitably face a series of difficult choices.

From postponing the schedule, to scaling back the programme and, in the worst case, having to cancel the water events – all of these options would be a serious blow to the success of the Paris Games.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

New ideas under pressure

For the organizers who are in charge of this huge challenge, how to solve the current dilemma may have become a top priority. For the organizers who are in charge of this huge challenge, how to solve the current dilemma may have become a top priority.

Relying solely on water quality treatment may already be difficult to achieve the desired results in the short term. Therefore, we might as well think about this from a broader perspective.

Perhaps, consider shifting the center of gravity of the site setting from the Seine to other, cleaner waters?

It is understood that the water quality of the Marne River in the suburbs of Paris is relatively good, and it may be an alternative. While this option would require re-routing of the course and race, it seems more feasible than sticking to it on the Seine, where water quality issues linger.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

Another way to do this is to simply do away with the events that take place on the water and instead hold them on land. The swimming part of the triathlon can be completely transferred to the indoor pool. Although it will reduce the viewing experience, it will at least ensure the safety and health of the athletes.

You may also want to consider introducing a more environmentally friendly and sustainable event model. For example, the Tokyo Olympics could be followed by switching to e-bikes, which would not only reduce emissions, but also provide a cleaner and safer experience for spectators.

Whatever the plan is adopted, the most important thing is whether the organizers can show enough courage and determination to make decisive adjustments in the face of pressure. After all, a successful Olympic Games is not only about the reputation of Paris and France, but also about the eyes of the world.

In the face of this huge challenge, I am confident that the organizers will be able to find the best solution if they sincerely work together with all stakeholders. After all, for this groundbreaking Olympic Games, success is far more important than simply winning a gold medal.

In short, although the water quality problem of the Seine River is severe, as long as the organizers can give full play to innovative thinking and tailor practical solutions, I believe that they will deliver a beautiful answer sheet at the Paris Olympic Games.

Of course, this process is not destined to be smooth sailing. However, as long as we strengthen our confidence and unite the strength of all parties, we believe that we will eventually achieve victory in the face of this unprecedented challenge.

The water quality of the Seine is worrying, and the triathlon event at the Paris Olympics may be transformed

Here, I sincerely appeal to all readers and friends, not just onlookers, but to actively participate in and contribute to this event. Let's look forward to the Paris Olympics in the near future, on the banks of the Seine or the Marne!

#巴黎奥运会铁人三项赛开幕在即, is the water quality really okay?

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