
Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

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Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

Author 丨 Spring Warm Flowers Bloom Recitation 丨 Shen Hong

Life comes and goes, the coming and going is not long, many times, I really don't know, tomorrow and accidents in the end which comes first.

In life, there are always some who leave, very suddenly. It hurts you, it hurts you, it catches you off guard.

Life is impermanent, sometimes it is too late to say goodbye, say goodbye well, live and die, sometimes in an instant.

Many people and things, once we miss, in the next life, we will not see each other again.

Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

In this life, the most feared thing is to wait, we always think that the people we love will never leave,

I always think that life is long, there is a lot of time to squander, to wait, but some people or things, turn around and disappear.

Life is fragile, but we have not yet learned to cherish, many times, are complaining that we are not living well,

Fate is unfair to themselves, in fact, how many people can't ask for a very ordinary day.

Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

In this life, in addition to life and death, it is a small matter. No matter how much suffering you experience, no matter how many setbacks you suffer, as long as life is still there, as long as your health is still there, everything is a small thing! The greatest blessing in this life is peace and security!

In ordinary days, busy and busy life, we will always put waiting on the lips: when we earn money, we honor our parents, and as a result, our parents are gone.

Wait for the free time to accompany the loved one, the result is that there is time, but the feelings are faded; when I am busy, I will contact friends, but the friendship is gradually drifting away, we always wait and go, and everything is too late.

In this world, money and fame, life does not bring death, houses and cars, are things outside the body, we must know how to calm down, no matter how much money, there is no life and precious, so no matter when. Be sure to take good care of your body.

Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

So, while we are still young, take advantage of the fact that our parents are alive, do what you want to do, love the people you should love, have more companionship, and care more about greeting your parents. Don't leave regrets in your waiting.

In this life, people are destined to experience bittersweet and sour, do not get angry for small things, hurt themselves; do not worry about gain and loss, and hurt themselves.

In fact, we can live, stay with our relatives, get together with friends, and play with children. Greet the sunshine of every day. To live every moment plainly is happiness.

Mr. Lin Qingxuan once said: "Although there will be a new sun tomorrow, there will never be today's sun." ”

Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

Cherish the present, what you have is something that many people can't ask for. Go out every day and hug the person you love. Every time you go home, give your family some warmth.

Be more tolerant and considerate, less calculating and disputed, whether it is the fate of relatives and friends is only one lifetime, we must learn to cherish.

May we respect life, more love, less regret, more cherish, please cherish everyone in life, do not regret lifelong regret because of waiting, do not regret a lifetime because of loss.

Life is impermanent, and do and cherish! Life, to have is the best, to live every day of the present is happiness. May we and our relatives and friends be safe and secure for the rest of our lives, and may we all be well!

Life comes and goes, don't wait for the day to come

* Recitation: Shen Hong, nicknamed YeZi, a native of the Xinjiang Corps, has been engaged in editing and broadcasting for a long time, and many recitation works have been scattered on major network platforms, and has won many awards in the recitation competition.

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Beautiful | Wellness | Zen | Wisdom

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