
Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )

"Shulan Painting QingWei Magazine" is the most fresh literary and artistic public account

Beautiful | Wellness | Zen | Wisdom

Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )

Say less sad words, do not say hurtful words, in order to get along with people comfortably, you can live freely.

"Cai Gen Tan" says:

"The mouth is the door of the heart, and the mouth is not kept secret, and the real opportunity is leaked."

Really powerful people, speak cautiously, know how to be silent.


Your own secret

Everyone has their own secrets, and they have their own past that they don't want to mention.

These secrets are buried deep in the heart, and they are easily reluctant to show them.

This is a protection of oneself and a respect for the past.

Some people can't let go of secrets in their hearts, and they always have to share them and want to get some comfort.

But it will soon become the talk of others, and you yourself will become the object of criticism by others.

Kong Guang of the Han Dynasty was the emperor's secretary and went in and out of the greenhouse hall every day to process confidential documents. Every day at the end of the day, I burn all the speeches of the day.

His friend was curious about his work and often asked him, but he never said a word.

Even a friend asked him what kind of trees were planted in front of the greenhouse hall, and he also looked at him and refused to reveal half a point.

This is the allusion to the "unspoken greenhouse tree" in history.

The Arabs say:

"When keeping secrets, secrets are loyal servants; when secrets are revealed, secrets are the culprits."

The heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without. Don't tell your secrets casually, and don't leave people with excuses easily.

Keeping your mouth is sometimes guarding your own boundaries and keeping your own safety.

Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )


The past of "Chen Guzi and Rotten Sesame Seeds"

Everyone has a lot of things from the past, or squalor, or sadness, or joy.

But everything is over, don't turn it over, your past, has nothing to do with others, say it, others don't like to listen, you just have to leave your own memories.

"Let go of a thought, everything is natural", everything in the past must be put down, not talked about with people.

Every time you say the past, you are unveiling the "scars" of the past, so that those painful memories will hurt you again and again.

Therefore, the past, let it slowly fade, withdraw from memory.

Only in this way will the mind be quieter and become positive and sunny.

Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )


Inner complaints

Those who complain about the world are not welcomed wherever they are. Because of complaining and complaining, the problem that should be solved has never been solved.

The people around you have lowered their frequency because of the continuous negative energy, and gradually alienated themselves.

Zeng Guofan trained troops in Hunan, had no power, no money, no soldiers, and was bullied and humiliated by local soldiers.

But he lost his teeth and swallowed blood, never complaining to anyone else.

Holding his breath, he moved forward silently, and finally trained into the Xiang Army to save the country from peril.

Writer Sanmao said:

"Occasionally complaining about life may be an emotional catharsis, and it is not necessary, but habitually complaining without seeking change is an unintelligent person."

You know, don't complain about any change in nature, just worthless emotional catharsis.

Moreover, complaining does not change anything, and most of the complaints after the fact are just a cover for their own incompetence.

The most effective solution: Instead of complaining, change.

Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )


Comment less on the suffering of others

Not long ago, I saw such a news.

A father with coronary heart disease, after learning that the cost of surgery costs 100,000 yuan, chose to commit suicide in order not to drag down the family.

Afterwards, some netizens left a message in the comment area and wrote:

"That's stupid! Coronary heart disease is not a terminal illness, there is no need to commit suicide at all, first borrow 100,000, and then earn money and then pay it back. In my opinion, poverty is the disease. ”

The older you get, the more you understand that there is a very different world besides you and me.

We certainly can't expect everyone to feel empathy, but we implore everyone to have some respect and compassion.

As the saying goes online:

"He spoke in a vivid voice, and those who listened to it listened with relish, but when the knife was cut to the body, he understood how much it hurt."

At the end of the day, talking is like paving the way.

Some people can get a chance with just one word; some people offend people as soon as they exit. Afterwards, I regretted it and wanted to make amends, but it was too late.

More importantly, the lethality of some words is irreversible, and the harm to others cannot be compensated.

Speaking well, in fact, is the test of a person's goodness. Inner charity can tolerate everything, accept imperfections, and only then can we coexist with people in a comfortable way.

Talking well and accumulating more virtue is the best feng shui for a person.

How far your life can go is hidden in your attitude towards people and things, affecting the fate of your life.

Say less sad words, do not say hurtful words, in order to get along with people comfortably, you can live freely.

Gentlemen encourage each other.

Interact with people and try to say as few of these 4 things as possible (this article is priceless!). )

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Beautiful | Wellness | Zen | Wisdom