
Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

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Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

Thick is not enough

Text: Anonymous 丨 Anchor: Shi Jing

Your kindness cannot be pretended, it is a natural temperament.

Life is in the world, the grass and trees are autumn, and everyone's survival nature is innate.

Although the day after tomorrow will change due to different cultivations, if you are not reborn from your bones, you will not become any other unknown feeling because of your perfunctory and cover-up.

Everyone's social existence has a deep imprint of different social understandings.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

However, no matter whether it is painstaking and ever-changing, or whether it is to deliberately worry about lack of morality and cultivate adultery, only by being compassionate and tolerant can we truly understand the root of the existence of life.

Only by doing this can we say without exaggeration: where is the adulterer, how can he compete, how to treat the world indifferently, to be frank with people, and to be plain and indifferent is the truth. A more generous life can not regret it!

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

Over the years, I have heard and witnessed, subtly, and I have long known where the root of "thick road" is, which is also the code that everyone should always follow on the road of life.

But it seems that when I woke up, I suddenly realized the branches and branches in it, and it seemed that this morning I realized and figured out the true meaning of the thick way.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

Throughout the ages, throughout the ages, the generous are often wise, and the wise are foolish.

There are many things in the world that cannot be said clearly and unspeakably, and sometimes they go to great lengths and hollows out their minds to fight for some things, but in the end they still can't fight for them. And the real thick people often do not need to fight, naturally may be in hand, in fact, the bones are also in contention.

The generous person is often more willing to give, know how to save, whether it is strength or opportunity, what should be obtained will eventually be obtained.

It is true that the good-natured may not be able to get a relatively proportionate reward at the moment, but time will be the best catalyst. The reason for this is that the generous person does not care too much about this.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

A person's kindness is not only refined into a character, but also a noble and precious mentality.

Therefore, no matter under what conditions, the generous person often lives a clear, brisk, and free. In this sense, the one who has a thick path is actually already a person who has attained the tao.

Fellowship with the virtuous does not require fortification, so it is not exhausting. Walking with the virtuous, there is no need to worry that the good nature will be lost, it is for the sake of the near Zhu.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

Of course, the thickness lies more in the fullness of the heart than in the abundance of superficial phenomena.

But on the surface, signs of thickness can often be found. They have a very peaceful look, a sincere smile, a slow speech, and know how to leave more space for others.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

Thick is not pretend, it is a natural temperament.

People who like kindness, people who are willing to make kindness, and strive to be a generous person.

Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)
Thick is not enough to pretend (very agreeable)

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