
Chen Shuyuan, president of the Chinese Football Association, and his party went to Qiongzhong women's football team to investigate

On April 25, a research group composed of Chen Shuyuan, chairman of the Chinese Football Association, Dai Xiaowei, director of the Media and Public Relations Department of the Executive Committee of the Chinese Football Association, and Zheng Chaoyong, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Football Association and director of the Women's Football Department, went to Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County to learn about the development of the Qiongzhong women's football team and the difficulties and problems that existed through on-site inspection and discussion. Chen Shuyuan stressed that it is necessary to grasp the positioning of the demonstration model of the integration of sports and education in Qiongzhong women's football, so that the training of football should start from the doll to promote the healthy growth and all-round development of children.

Chen Shuyuan, president of the Chinese Football Association, and his party went to Qiongzhong women's football team to investigate

At the training base of the Qiongzhong Women's Football Club and the Qiongzhong Sports-Education Integration Industry Development (Qiongzhong Women's Football) Demonstration Zone Project, Chen Shuyuan watched the exhibition board, watched the training, listened to the report, and learned more about the development of the Qiongzhong Women's Football Team.

Chen Shuyuan, president of the Chinese Football Association, and his party went to Qiongzhong women's football team to investigate

In the survey, Chen Shuyuan asked that in the development of sports and education integration, it is necessary to take into account the basic training of youth football and the cultivation of football professionals, and improve the sustainable development of campus football through the combination of professional teams and campus football. It is necessary to adjust the children's training methods and the coach's assessment mechanism, firmly grasp the daily training, and play the basic skills of football well. When selecting football seedlings, it is necessary to innovate the mechanism to play football and learn at the same time, so that children can learn cultural knowledge while playing football well. In accordance with the food standards of athletes, it is necessary to ensure the nutrition of children participating in football training, so that children's physical and mental health can grow healthily. It is necessary to strengthen ideological and political education, cultivate children's feelings of loving the party and the country, and create a strong atmosphere of children's love for the motherland. The construction and management of football bases must improve supporting facilities in accordance with professional standards, and at the same time carry out standardized management and take the road of professional development.

Chen Shuyuan, president of the Chinese Football Association, and his party went to Qiongzhong women's football team to investigate

Qiongzhong women's football is a typical example of campus football development with small investment and high completion rate, and has become a bright business card for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port in the field of youth physical education, and it is also the benchmark of the new normal of the integration and development of youth campus football sports and education in the country. The Qiongzhong Women's Football Youth Training Team now has 10 echelons in 5 age groups (including 5 women's teams and 5 men's teams) with 340 athletes; Qiongzhong Women's Football Club currently has 27 athletes, including 14 local athletes of Qiongzhong Women's Football Club. There are 30 current coaches of Qiongzhong Women's Football Team, including 1 professional level coach, 1 Serbian UEFA Class A goalkeeper coach, 4 B level coaches, 5 C level coaches and 16 D level coaches.

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