
Tesla recalled 14684 Model3s, but this time you can not go to the 4S store

【CNMO News】On April 29, CNMO learned from the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation that Tesla Motors (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Tesla (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. filed a recall plan with the State Administration for Market Regulations in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Administration of the Recall of Defective Automobile Products and the Implementation Measures for the Administration of the Recall of Defective Automobile Products.

Tesla recalled 14684 Model3s, but this time you can not go to the 4S store

Tesla Model 3

According to the relevant announcement, starting from April 29, 2022, Tesla will recall some imported and domestic Model 3 high-performance version electric vehicles with production dates from January 12, 2019 to March 25, 2022, a total of 14,684, of which 1,850 are imported cars and 12,834 are domestic cars. It is reported that the reason for the recall is that there are problems with the vehicle software. Vehicles within the scope of the recall in track mode, the speed area in the center touch display only shows the speed value, missing the speed unit (KM/H). When the vehicle is driving in track mode, the above situation may affect the driver's correct understanding of the speed information, and in extreme cases, it will increase the risk of collision accidents and there are safety hazards.

Tesla recalled 14684 Model3s, but this time you can not go to the 4S store

Tesla Model 3 recall

Tesla will upgrade the software to 2022.12 or a later version of the software for vehicles within the scope of the recall through the vehicle remote upgrade (OTA) technology, and the upgraded vehicle will display the speed unit (KM/H) in track mode, and the user can complete the software upgrade without going to the store. For vehicles that cannot be recalled through the remote upgrade (OTA) technology of the car, Tesla will contact the relevant users through the service center to upgrade the software for the vehicle free of charge to eliminate the safety hazard. Users should drive vehicles with caution when using track mode prior to vehicle recall implementation, and upgrade vehicle software as soon as possible after receiving notification of recall software updates.

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