
The dust has settled on the declaration of officials' assets, and the "New Deal" makes art the best way to "rationally allocate assets"!

Most of the regular customers of the early Western art market were dignitaries, and the main body of the mainland's collection was also the family of officials and eunuchs, and the royal family was the largest collector in the past dynasties, so it has made the current Beijing Palace Museum and Taipei National Palace Museum.

The dust has settled on the declaration of officials' assets, and the "New Deal" makes art the best way to "rationally allocate assets"!

"Official gifts" wind

Let the 2009-2011 art market inflate and bubble

Between 2009 and 2011, some artists created a large number of works for the purpose of "official gifts", which directly led to the inflated prices and bubbles in the art market at that time. In 2012, the central government put forward eight regulations to improve work style, maintain close ties with the masses, and implement a tough anti-corruption policy; at the same time, the art market also fell sharply because there was no "demand" and entered a period of adjustment. With the "official gift" wind being vigorously curbed, the art market has gone through a big wave of sand, and the works of art with real cultural value have become more and more valuable, and the art market is developing in a healthier direction.

The dust has settled on the declaration of officials' assets, and the "New Deal" makes art the best way to "rationally allocate assets"!

Tang Tianya--"Solo Fishing Map"

Current political interpretation

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Regulations on Leading Cadres' Reports on Matters Related to Individuals" and the "Measures for Handling the Results of Verification of Reports on Matters Related to Individuals of Leading Cadres," requiring leading cadres to declare eight "family affairs" and six "family properties." This covers wages and various bonuses, allowances, subsidies, various labor income, stocks, funds, real estate and other aspects, but art and other collectibles are not within the scope of property declaration, which is undoubtedly a major positive for the art market.

The dust has settled on the declaration of officials' assets, and the "New Deal" makes art the best way to "rationally allocate assets"!

Zhang Daqian--"ColorEd Lotus Chart"

Three points make art the best way to "rationally allocate assets"

First, the artwork "sucks gold" The capacity is huge, and a high-value calligraphy and painting is often hundreds of millions, which can match the real estate project;

Second, the artwork is small in size, does not show the mountains and does not dew, and is easy to carry, collect and inherit;

Third, because of its special attributes, art transactions and value are secretive, so it is a simpler and safer way to invest.

In summary, if the "New Deal" for the declaration of official assets is strictly implemented, then art will become the best way to "rationally allocate assets", and the leading cadres who must fulfill the report are a huge group, so let the data speak!

How many civil servants are there in China? How many of them are "officials"?

According to the "2015 Statistical Communiqué on the Development of Human Resources and Social Security Undertakings" released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on May 30, as of the end of 2015, there were 7.167 million civil servants in the country. Relevant responsible comrades of the State Civil Servants Bureau said that in the actual work of cadre management, civil servants at or above the county and department level who hold posts at or above the deputy level are managed according to leading cadres. In 2015, these personnel accounted for about 10% of the total number of civil servants, which means that There are nearly 1 million leading cadres in China, just imagine what a huge potential consumer group in the art market!

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