
More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

Recently, with the announcement of Blizzard's genuine Warcraft mobile game "Warcraft Arc Battle", which has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet, some people are looking forward to the launch of this mobile game, and some people can't accept that the first Warcraft mobile game has made Blizzard a royale, so for Blizzard designers, what is the positioning of this mobile game? Let's hear a series of news revealed by Monte Krol and Vik Saraf in recent days.

More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

To the surprise of most people, the game creation concept of "Warcraft Arc Light" is not Blizzard's "brain door" decision, according to Monte Krol's introduction, he has thought about how to better show the RTS gameplay to players when he participated in the production of "Warcraft", and then when he participated in the development of "StarCraft II: Wings of Freedom", this idea gradually became clearer, which led to the internal project of "Warcraft Arc Light Battle".

More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

In other words, "Warcraft Arc Light" can be regarded as a boutique production that has been developed for more than 20 years, and it inherits the classic design of "Warcraft", rather than the plot line of "World of Warcraft". This is also why in the game's power design, Blizzard uses alliances, tribes, blackstones, undead, and beasts, rather than the map forces of World of Warcraft that we are familiar with, such as alliances, tribes, Pandaria, and wild boar people.

More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

At the same time, Blizzard designers also explicitly proposed that the game background of "Warcraft Arc Light" originated from the arc machine in the Warcraft Tavern, and the arc light was also from the hands of the dwarf engineer, so this game will be set in the story of Warcraft, independent of the current version of World of Warcraft, and can also be regarded as another game universe similar to Hearthstone.

More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

In addition, Blizzard designers also revealed the average PVP game length of "Warcraft Arc Light Battle", a round of about 3 minutes, and the biggest difference between this mobile game and "Clash Royale" is that it is more biased towards the gameplay of PVE, rather than PVP confrontation, so we can still look forward to this mobile game that inherits "Warcraft", and how many exciting gameplay will be played at that time.

More than 20 years of research and development? Warcraft mobile games are too big, dating back to Warcraft

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