
Break away from the Azeroth Chronicles? A comprehensive analysis of the Warcraft mobile game is not a pirated royale

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Since Blizzard announced the "big move" that has been held back for many years, the genuine Warcraft mobile game "Warcraft Arc Battle" developed by the original team has been controversial by many players: some people think that the gameplay of this game is too similar to "Clash Royale", Blizzard can't even eat X to catch up with the heat, and some people suspect that the background setting of this mobile game will run counter to the chronicle of "World of Warcraft", which will cause bugs in the cognition of Warcraft players...

Of course, the vast majority of Warcraft players still left a very simple and rude sentence: "Is this an outdated April Fool's joke?" "And he went away.

So the question is, what kind of mobile game will this "Warcraft Arc Battle" with the genuine Warcraft mobile game be? Next, let's summarize the interview answers of a wave of Blizzard design team to analyze everyone in an all-round way.

(Vik Saraf, executive producer of Warcraft Arc)

First, the Warcraft mobile game is not a World of Warcraft mobile game

Although there is no evidence to prove that Blizzard still has a developing World of Warcraft-themed mobile game, we need to be clear that "Warcraft Arc Battle" is not the default "Warcraft mobile game" for most people, but a Warcraft-themed mobile game.

This is also why when Blizzard divides the game's forces, it is set up according to the five major alliances of forces, tribes, blackstones, undead, and beasts active during the second and third orc wars, rather than taking the current version of the World of Warcraft alliance, tribe, death knight, and demon hunter to distinguish between the current version of the Warcraft faction.

Second, a Warcraft dream that lasted for more than twenty years

It is precisely because "Warcraft Arc Light" is based on the background setting of "Warcraft" for game design, so in terms of gameplay, technical director Monte Krol has his unique feelings for RTS gameplay and Warcraft.

Ever since participating in the Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne project, Monte Krol has been eager to make some innovations in the RTS gameplay. This idea slowly evolved into an obsession after he made StarCraft II: Wings of Freedom, until he came up with the idea of "Warcraft Arc Light" and realized this Warcraft dream that lasted for more than twenty years.

(Monte Krol, Technical Director of Warcraft Arc)

3. "Warcraft Arc Light Battle" is a game that focuses on PVE gameplay

In terms of gameplay, Warcraft Arc Will be closer to the battle of the PVE level than a strong PVP game like Clash Royale.

At the same time, players need to have a deep understanding of the level map of the opponent game like playing RTS, and build their own team for the map objectives - even if the game lasts only about 3 minutes, each game requires the player to spend a lot of time thinking about how to complete the level.

Completely out of the Azeroth Chronicles?

According to executive producer Vik Saraf, "Warcraft Arc" will be an arcade game placed by dwarf engineers in the Azeroth Tavern, which means that this Warcraft mobile game will not strictly follow the design of the Azeroth Chronicle to tell the rise and fall of major forces.

In addition, unlike some characters in Hearthstone who can also feed back to World of Warcraft, at least at this stage, "Warcraft Arc Battle" will not consider cross-platform "playing cards", and even the game will not launch PC and console versions when it is open beta, and players only have one option, mobile.

Fifth, it will be in accordance with the purely mobile game, follow-up operation and update

The most critical and important point is that executive producer Vik Saraf revealed that he has worked in a very professional mobile game company for many years, so he is ready to promote the launch of the subsequent version of Warcraft Arc According to a certain update frequency and operation method, so as to cover more content that players want.

Simply translated, it is very likely that "Warcraft Arc Light Battle" will have a different version update rhythm than "Hearthstone", but it is in line with many mobile games on the market, and the appearance of a hero card continues to promote the update of the small version, and then harvest the player's wallet more efficiently.

In other words, is Warcraft Arc Light Battle fun or not? This problem we still don't know, but this mobile game burns money must be very money-burning, zero Krypton players need to wait for the game to officially go online, wait and see the krypton degree of entry.

Of course, the specific quality of the game, we still have to see the truth, at least "Warcraft Arc Light Battle" is not a "World of Warcraft" mobile game, nor is it a pirated version of "Clash Royale".

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