
"One Shot Deadly" will chase good articles in the near future, and the more you look at it, the more you go up

Silver Moon City East, Akatsuki Gobi, coordinates 1990, 0813!

It's a wide terrain a bit like the Grand Canyon, surrounded by a steep slope of five or six meters high, with the gobi in the middle.

The cloudless sky and the fiery sun are blazing hot, bringing the temperature of the Gobi surface, where trees and vegetation are barely visible, to more than 45 degrees.

Ordinary people in such weather absolutely dare not go out, because it is impossible to endure this terrible heat.

However, at this time, there was a group of people sitting on three exaggerated black convertible SUVs, galloping in the middle of the canyon to "hunt"!

Some of the group wore heavy alloy armor, some held flashing energy swords, some wore elemental robes embroidered with mysterious symbols, and some wore military helmets, camouflage combat uniforms, and held strange-looking submachine rifles in their hands.

They have a common identity - the "player" in the virtual game "Battle Chronicles"!

Surrounded by three energy off-road vehicles in the middle, the one with silver-white fur, bloodthirsty red pupils, and the elite-level mutant Akatsuki Blood Wolf with a level of up to 52, the AI is not low, and the temperament is extremely grumpy.

Every move to escape from the outside was able to drive away the three heavily armored warriors holding the alloy shield around them, and the sharp wolf claws scratched a series of not shallow indentations on their alloy shields.

It was only every time it had just charged through the shield that it was blocked by the Earth Energy Master in the team with the level 30 skill "Earth Wall", or by the machine gunner holding the six barrels of the Metal Storm heavy machine gun with a dense rain of bullets, and then it was surrounded by the heavily armored warriors who rushed up again.

Connecting several times to escape hopelessly, the bloodthirsty eyes of the Akatsuki Blood Wolf revealed the crazy fierce color of the beast being forced into a desperate situation.



However, the Akatsuki Blood Wolf had just revealed its tyrannical and fierce color, and the next moment its eyes were accurately hit by a bullet, and then it exploded with blood.

Above its head, a thousand yellow damage values are brushed, meaning that this blow strikes a special effect of "weakness attack".

Moreover, this shot exploded a terrifying blood pit in the face of the Akatsuki Blood Wolf, and the flesh and blood rolled up, and half of his head was deflected. Obviously, this level of destructive power can only be achieved by a sniper in the gunner class.

"Depend! Aaron, this shot is accurate enough. Look at this beast still dare to stare at us no? ”

Above one of the off-road vehicles, a middle-aged man surrounded by several heavily armored warriors, wearing a gorgeous dark red energy robe and holding a flaming magic staff in his hand, with a wild laugh, was satisfied with a young man with yellow hair and a sniper rifle on a person in the car.

"Boss, I didn't hit it, I just shot it wrong."

The young man, who was dyed with yellow hair, wearing a combat suit, and a black AW sniper rifle on the roof of the car in front of him, shook his head and replied.

"It's not you, that's Ah Huo?"

The middle-aged man known as the boss also had a blank look on his face, and then turned his head to look at an energy off-road vehicle on the right, a short player who also held a sniper rifle, and there were only two snipers in their twenty or so people.

After all, the sniper gunner profession, the early stage is really some waste, the price of special armor-piercing bullets is expensive, and can only play single damage, there are not many people playing.

"I didn't shoot just now!"

The sniper, called Ah Huo, shook his head and replied through the team channel.

"I'm sorry, someone is robbing the monster!"

Everyone reacted at this time, since it was not their own people who fired the gun, it must be someone else.

In The Chronicles of War, a game with hundreds of millions of players, monster snatching is happening all the time.

It's just that usually these people rob other people's weirdness, this time someone dared to move their brains to their heads, this is simply too old to move the soil, TMD guts are too fat!



The 7.62MM armor-piercing bullet that flew from nowhere once again accurately hit the Akatsuki Blood Wolf's head, and another yellow weakness damage number brushed through.

The amount of blood of the Akatsuki Blood Wolf had dropped to a precarious level, and as long as it was shot a few more times, it was estimated that it would have to be confessed.

"Lean, get that guy out!"

"Don't worry, kill the monster first!"

"The monster wanted to escape, but the warrior stopped him!"

Because of the sudden appearance of sniper gunners, a group of people in the canyon reacted with some confusion for a while.

Some people picked up binoculars and looked around to find out where the other party was, some people panicked and used their skills to attack the elite Akatsuki Blood Wolf who was about to run out of blood, and some crispy professionals jumped from the off-road vehicle in a hurry, afraid of being used as a target by snipers.

In the midst of the chaos, in the middle of the off-road vehicle, the middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous mage robe who was originally tightly protected by several warriors was exposed.

On his head, at this time, a dark red font like blood was suspended: "ID: Ruling the Heavenly End, Level 44 Fire Master (Wanted Order Execution)".




Red Fatal Damage!

A gunshot rang out, and then the familiar sound of bullets hitting flesh and blood sounded again, but it was not the dying elite Akatsuki Blood Wolf who was shot.

Unexpectedly, a large stream of blood appeared on the temple of the middle-aged man's head without warning, and the head immediately exploded like a watermelon, and a white light symbolizing death appeared on his body.

After that, a cart of equipment, shining crystals, blood tonics and other items burst out of the blazing.

For the blood-thin energy master, the fatal damage caused by being hit by a sniper rifle without opening the shield is likely to cause a headshot.

The reason for the explosion of equipment supplies in a place is because of his dark red name and wanted status.

This is a situation that occurs after the number of malicious killers in "War Chronicles" has reached more than 10 people and has been listed on the system's wanted list.

"Lean, the boss is hanging!"

"TMD, a bounty hunter!"

"Get him out!"

A group of people were furious, because they knew that someone had taken on the red name wanted task of killing their boss, and they specially gathered to protect the boss and escalate the monster by the way.

But I didn't want to think that in this case, there was even someone who could take the first rank among the thousand armies and do the boss!

What a shame!

TMD is a sniper!

This is why the sniper, who is known as one of the most wasted classes in "War Chronicles", is still trained, because this class has a terrifying long-range killing ability, and in the hands of the master, it can play a terrifying effect!

A group of people shouted beneath the Gobi, and on a slope almost eight hundred meters away, a young man dressed in a yellow camouflage suit with bright eyes slowly removed the camouflage net that matched the color of the surrounding terrain.

Standing up on one knee and half kneeling, he skillfully removed the M110 sniper rifle with a length of more than one meter in his hand and quickly put it into a long box to install it.

Then, a little bit above the personal computer on his wrist, after a flash of white light, a rather sci-fi, metallic motocross bike with four silver streamlined heat pipes appeared in the open space in front of him.

【SCV1 Energy Motorcycle】

Price: 180,000 credits

Maximum capacity: 2

Fastest travel speed: 300 km/h

Nickname: Land Bullet


The white light generated by the summoning vehicle suddenly noticed the Scout pro players in the distant group who were looking around with binoculars.

Subsequently, the three energy off-road vehicles loaded with a full car of angry players roared and rushed to this side, even the level 52 elite Akatsuki Blood Wolf who did not have much blood left behind him could not take care of it.

The two sniper players in the team even stood on the roof of the off-road vehicle with the hard canopy open, and shot with a sniper rifle.

It's just that the effective range of their sniper rifles is within eight hundred meters, even if the bullet hits this side, it is only a few points of forced damage because it exceeds the attack distance.

What's more, with the technology of ordinary players, in the bumpy and jumping off-road vehicle driving in the Gobi Desert, unless the blind cat meets the dead rat, how can it hit the person!

"Lean, drive steadily, how do I shoot a gun like this!"

"Hurry up, that guy's going to run!"

"You must avenge the boss!"

A group of people quarreled and complained to each other, and when the convoy managed to find a position and rushed up the steep slope with full horsepower, they did not want a loud "bang" on the ground in front of them, and a scorching air current set off yellow sand several meters high, making the group all gray.

The most hateful thing is that this wave of air even overturned the front SUV, and even suppressed the next two!

The SCV1 energy motorcycle, which the player calls the "Land Bullet", has taken all the way out of their field of vision with a billowing yellow smoke.

"Hey, TMD also has mines!"

"How did he know we were coming up from here?"

"Idiot, only this place buggy can come up nearby, and the guy must have been looking at it early in the morning!"

Bombs, mines and other things, because the power is limited in the game, is not as high as the damage of the weapons used by the player himself, but when used just right, it can always have a miraculous effect.

The rational use of various equipment props and environmental factors that are almost 100% realistic is the biggest charm of the technology online game "Battle Chronicles"!

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