
$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

Recently, Harden's performance in the playoffs has attracted a lot of people's attention, from the Nets to the 76ers, Harden's goal is very direct, that is, to run to the championship, especially in the case of the first round of the old owner Nets was swept, many people feel that Harden's choice is correct. But what I didn't expect was that Harden did not perform well against the Heat in the East, and the current team is 0-2 behind, and there is also the possibility of being out or even directly swept. At the same time, there is also the issue of his contract around Harden, he will decide whether to execute the player option this summer, or to impact the big contract, from the current news to Harden will execute the player option.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

That's according to Brian Windhorst, who said Harden is highly likely to execute next season's player option with an annual salary of $47.4 million, and then negotiate a contract extension with the 76ers after the 2022-23 season.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

It is worth mentioning that if Harden does not implement the player option this summer, then he is eligible to sign a 5-year 270 million historical contract, but if the player option is implemented, and then discuss the renewal of the contract with the team, there is news that Harden is very likely to reduce salary, then the 5-year 270 million contract may not be out of the way.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

In fact, if Harden performs well in the playoffs this season and leads the 76ers to good results, then he has the capital not to implement the player option this summer, even if the annual salary is $47.4 million, but after all, if he performs well, he will hold the capital and impact the 5-year 270 million contract, so that the salary in the final year of the contract is as high as $61 million.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

But unfortunately, Harden has not performed well this season, he has been in the playoffs more than once in the second half of the dud, stealth at key moments, after coming to the 76ers for the team to play 29 games, the number of shots in a single game has never reached 20, which is a huge gap compared with his league scoring champion during the Rockets. At the same time, Harden scored less than 25 points in eight consecutive playoff games, or the Thunder period, such a performance wants to impact the big contract, I am afraid that Harden himself and the team are not confident.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

Although Harden is still very strong, such as Butler and others are still praising Harden as the top, but realistically speaking, Harden, who has always been known for his fighting spirit and key balls, has now a gap from his peak, which can be clearly seen through the performance on the field, he wants a championship, but the playoff key moments have almost never completely proved themselves, although there are many honors, but there is still a gap with the league façade of James, Curry.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

The quality of personal performance is the key to whether it can impact the big contract, so I also hope that the next Harden can have good luck and strive for hardening in the 76ers who are already in a critical moment, Harden can stand up to save the team and prove himself.

$47.4 million! Harden or executive player options peak no longer 5 years 270 million really hanging

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